Venus in 8th House Personality Traits | Ryan Hart The native enjoys sexual pleasures and gets some cooperation of wife in business. Think of a femme fatale type of women or its male equivalent in case of men. Composite Chart: Composite Ascendant Signs | Cafe Astrology .com Venus here can make you self-indulgent if it is afflicted. Mars and Venus, the planets of masculinity and femininity respectively, are polar opposites. you are so welcome for all the info xx , Love it iv got North Node & Venus in Aquarius in 8th aspecting my mars & pluto & lillith in Scorpio in 5th and 5 planet sag stellium next door in 7th good fun indeed. In-laws promise a plethora of riches. The native with Venus in 9th House for Scorpio Ascendant faces too many problems to be lucky and religious. Venus in Scorpio in Love This placement suggests a ride or die person. The native follows the family traditions and feels pleasure. Venus in the 8th House of Libra Ascendant may make natives easily influenced and captivated by the opposite sex. Taurus in the 8th House: Your 8th house belongs to the Taurus Sign. The native faces many difficulties in getting the power of longevity and benefit of inheritance. Any questions related to Venus in 8th House for Scorpio Ascendant in Vedic Astrology? The native with Venus in 8th House for Cancer Ascendant is weak but industrious and laborious. There is an aura of mystery around you, what makes you irresistible. Its the ruling planet of both Taurus and Libra. They will be devoted to both their romantic partner as well as devoted to their career and friends. When you are working in the 8th house you are often working through some kind of emotional trauma. Its awkward when I attract the opposite sex especially when I dont intend to. Sun and Rising Sign Horoscopes for March 2023 These individuals are extremely devoted. Venus is seen here to have a strong affinity for mystic philosophy. The eighth house is one of the most fascinating houses in the chart wheel. And when I cant give someone what they want, instantly they become an enemy and try and slander me ugh this battle in life is hard should anyone have any ideas.. His family life is unhappy and restless. Respected and learned. The native is a good speaker and speaks on religious subjects. Libra wants harmony and balance around it, both in relationships and in art. 8th House Synastry - This fascination with the taboo can be an individual is studying magic and the occult, or it can be a kinky sexual relationship with their romantic partner. The native improves his position and gets respect and honour in the government and society. Many love affairs, partnership and gain from opposite sex, public enemies, unions, connection with the process of law. The native with Venus in 5th House for Scorpio Ascendant gets the best education. The native with Venus in 3rd House for Scorpio Ascendant works hard and puts all his energies to succeed in business. The native earns enough wealth through foreign sources. Answer (1 of 4): Effect of Jupiter in the eight house Jupiter put in the eighth house of a horoscope can favor the local with a wide assortment of good outcomes identified with the circles of his marriage, calling, generally wellbeing, mysticism and numerous different circles of his life. But, it also signifies a challenging and toxic relationship that can break your heart. Troubles generally through women. Scorpio is charismatic, secretive, resilient. We obviously come from the same generation, as I also have Pluto conjunct my Leo Asc (and I share your Aries Moon in the 9th!). Ive had my fair share of tumult and deep themes in my life with hard lessons. Venus In 8th House Love, Sex, Marriage, Career, Finance - AstroSanhita The native with Venus in 12th House for Scorpio Ascendant earns wealth from overseas connections and accumulates it. Journey in foreign lands. One of the big challenges individuals with Venus in the 8th house placement face is a difficulty in getting satisfaction. Copyright 2015-2023. Venus in Capricorn, Venus in the 8th House - Astrology Owl The eighth house is the house of joint resources. 7th Lord In 8th House - Chitra Vedic Astrology Most Venus in Scorpio people want to experience intimacy on every level, not just physical. Which Venus signs are the best for Venus in Scorpio compatibility? is in detriment. The eighth house is the house of secrets. Venus in the house of Scorpio makes you popular with the opposite sex. If you want to learn what a natal Venus in the eighth house means in astrology, youll love thus article! A beautiful but licentious wife. When Venus transits to the 8th house plenty of interesting things happen in terms of our romance, our personal lives, and even our financial outlook. They value self-reliance and will expect this of the people in their lives. Web The native with Jupiter in 7th House for Libra Ascendant is good looking healthy and passionate. However, not to trying to own people either is by far not as evident for you. These cookies do not store any personal information. After all, its bad to make a habit of relying on these unpredictable, yet sudden, bouts of good fortune. Unfortunate undertakings, peculiar hopes, great disappointment and obstacles. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. There can be a tendency to not give enough space to your partner. We take a circle divided into 360 degrees, use 12 signs and 12 houses (unless we are disciples of 11 sign/house Chelae astrology) and measure away. Stalking your ex is a very Venus in Scorpio thing to do.Scorpio is not an easy sign. Ascendant Lord in Eighth House: Lord of Lagna Effect In the 8th House The native is energetic, courageous, and industrious. Scorpio Monthly Horoscope March 2023 | Cafe Astrology .com Venus in Scorpio individuals often like spending money, investigating mysteries, and escapist activities. Venus in Scorpio is one of the most intense, passionate placements one can have in the birth chart. Also, you very well know the right portfolio to invest, giving you good returns. Web Venus in Libra in the Natal Chart. These two combined to help even the most shy individuals have a little bit more luck and love than usual. You can be afraid of loosing them if you dont hold on to them tightly. Liability to disgrace and discredit through superiors. However, theyre going to have some challenges when it comes to trust and finding the right partner. The eighth house is a mysterious place, and this mystery sticks to your Venus, too. A man of authority and power. There are always trade-offs to make when starting a new relationship. He feels impatient to put up with difficulties in accumulating wealth. Venus In 8th House: Its Meaning In Natal, Transit & More Scorpio is traditionally ruled by Mars (in modern astrology, by Pluto). Im a Libra rising gemini sun sag moon I have Venus in the 8th house in Taurus At 29 degrees. Venus in 8th House - - Donuts He wants to be the only one his partner pays attention to. The native with Venus in 4th House for Scorpio Ascendant also gets happiness from brothers and sisters. It is the eighth zodiac sign. Venus in 8th house in Birth chart/ Kundli and Love Life in Vedic Astrology:- Love life of native will be exciting and full of thrill. Earth signs are also a good match. We are going to see a conjunction between Venus and Neptune in Pisces. The native with Venus in 6th House for Scorpio Ascendant is careful but loses the favour of the government and society. Success in lawsuits. So, Venus is the lord of the 8th house in your Kundli. This website doesn't provide any financial, legal, medical, psychological, or any other kind of professional advice. The native is not healthy and attractive in appearance. When Venus transits through the 8th house, you can expect that you might be opening up to romantic encounters you might not have otherwise considered. This indicates that the person has friends who work in the fields of occultism and mysticism. The native may lose his wife or enjoy sex on expenses outside the house. Venus in the eighth house indicates that you can benefit from your spouse, inheritance or insurance. Its worth keeping in mind that these relationships are more than just with romantic partners, but can also be the relationships we have with friends or the relationship we have with our finances. You find drama appealing. Relations with other women. Today we're going to take a look at your horoscopes for February. Scorpio is the fixed water sign ruling the 8th house. The native with Venus in 4th House for Scorpio Ascendant loses the power of land and buildings property. A well-aspected Venus here might signal helpful people on your journey. This stage is a junction point of past and future, and the 8th House in Astrology indicates Astrology for that reason. The natives will make a strong family and friends. The perspective of the 8th house is broad and psychologically based in most modern astrological interpretations. In a relationship, you want to share yourself on a very deep level. In private, I embrace my inner goddess and give my all in order to consume the soul of my lover. Scorpio is the fixed water sign ruling the 8th house. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Venus in Scorpio, Venus in the 8th House - Astrology Owl So the Scorpio ascendant borns gain with assistance from others and social relationships, life or business partners, gain through banks or government and by evading taxes or from subsidies or recognitions from government. Venus, named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty, is the most feminine planet in astrology. In a certain sense, their eyes are bigger than their stomachs which means that they desire far more than they can ever take. You might also like. However, a relationship with an immature person with this placement can feel rather suffocating. The native travels from place to place to pursue the business and earns wealth. What a mystical/ evolutionary chart thats a lot of Pisces!!! The native will be intelligent and well respected. My inner voice has been my best friend and protector. Later on he gets some progress and success in his occupation profession. If you have weak Venus in the horoscope, it suggests that you dont feel worthy of love. From March 8th forward: Venus transits your solar second house and, as the natural ruler of the second house, Venus feels right "at home" here. Your House System in Astrology Jessica Adams: Psychic Astrologer Both its sign and house are significant. The native uses power of land and buildings. Venus is the planet of Service and Devotion, and it represents someone who is in service to those who are going through difficult times of life, such as battered women or children. You want depth, superficial connections dont really satisfy you. There is a tendency to be possessive of your lovers. The native gets the advantage of a long span of life and the benefit of inheritance. Financial gain often comes into your life through other peoples finances. Mars in 10th House for Libra Ascendant in Vedic Astrology, Venus in 4th House for Sagittarius Ascendant in Vedic Astrology, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Moon in 9th House for Scorpio Ascendant in Astrology, Moon in 1st House for Pisces Ascendant in Astrology, Moon in 4th House for Cancer Ascendant in Astrology, Moon in 2nd House for Sagittarius Ascendant in Astrology. Scorpio Ascendant House Lords: Find Out Which Planets are - EAstroHelp A person's share of the pie may be passed on over the generations. To you, sex is a spiritual act. This eighth house alignment allows me to understand and perceive things that most people are unaware of, I state this with humility. Venus is the lord of seventh and twelfth houses for Scorpio. Forensics, detective novels, horror movies, all these things are welcome. Web At the current moment today 2nd Mar 2023 we can see the exact conjunction of Jupiter and Venus on the western horizon. Fixed, but ruled by the forceful Mars, add the signification of sudden calamities to the 8th house. Your Higher Journey is bursting with free guides and articles on Astrology, Numerology and more to help you decode your destiny, discover what was written in the stars at your birth and how it affects your personality and your life. Therefore, you want to feel like a king or a blossomed flower through their help and transformation. Venus is one of the essential planets in astrology. However, this doesnt mean that there are no strengths or good things to Venus in Scorpio. Property by marriage, a chaste partner and happy ending to wedded life. You want to be in control of your emotions and of your love life. Venus in 9th House for Scorpio Ascendant The native is wise and gentle but not a lucky one. The native with Venus in 5th House for Scorpio Ascendant feels perplexed due to heavy expenditure, but he strives for success in occupation/profession. Jolly nature and will lead a pleasurable life. The native with Venus in 8th House for Scorpio Ascendant is quite deficient in the sexual pleasures. In love you are very generous giving everything you have over to the relationship. They will inherit a large sum of money from their in-laws after marriage, and they will have a wonderful relationship with them. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Around the same moment, they have a strong need for dominance and authority. This placement can make you interested in psychology, toothe eighth house is the house of the subconscious. But Venus simply doesnt like to be alone. You will have natural tendency towards horror, gothic, and darker tastes. If you didnt learn to integrate your Venus in Scorpio properly, you can be possessive of people you are interested in. This is one of the biggest challenges that an individual with their Venus and the 8th house is going to have to face. This individuals partner could come from a wealthy family, have a great eye for business, or just be able to encourage success in your chosen career. The native acquires higher education and gets some happiness from children. In the natal chart of a woman, Venus describes her as a young girl (even at an old age) and her femininity. Sometimes they wont even mention me, for example, often people will say things like I really miss your energy, or it would feel nice to be in your presence.. and people cannot seem to leave me alone, I literally find myself hiding to get moments alone to catch my breath/thoughts used to I was so flattered by this, now Im simply exhausted.. a girl recently told me it sounds like Ive learned how to transmute that pain into healing energy and thats why they swamp me but Im just exhausted. Old age will be troublesome. It is a good placement for a happy married life. Likes: As a Venus in Scorpio individual you will have a tendency to get into activities such as tarot, astrology, witchcraft, and spirit communication. Popular and generous. I love to research for the truth and am a good judge of character. However, an afflicted Venus in 8th House could make the native lazy and irresponsible. The native with Venus in 8th House for Scorpio Ascendant has some weakness in the body. Or perhaps you manage to move on, but you expect them not to be with anyone else even after you are no longer with them. The native is happy with his father. If you have your Venus in the 8th house, youve got some interesting things in store for you. If Venus in ninth house is in watery signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces), the person's life partner is of beautiful and true nature. The native with Venus in 8th House for Scorpio Ascendant has some weakness in the body. The native faces many difficulties in getting the power of longevity and benefit of inheritance. Occult learnings. In particular, we will look at some of the astrology happening in the middle of February from about the 15th to the 20th. Some would call it dark, because its matters are not your everyday fun activities. Many friends, ambitions to lead a pleasurable life. It is about the softer and cheerful side of life. The native with Venus in 8th House for Scorpio Ascendant has some weakness in the body. The native with Venus in 8th House for Scorpio Ascendant is unlucky and faces several hindrances in the occupation/profession. Want to learn more about Venus? Venus is a symbol of deep love. The native with Venus in 2nd House for Scorpio Ascendant gains enough wealth but loses the happiness of his family. Marriage with a stranger from a far and gain through that, also gain through partners relatives. Theres a tendency for wealth and good fortune to just fall into the laps of individuals that have their Venus in the 8th house. Danger of fall or drowning. The eighth house is the house of death, sex, rebirth, deep and intense transformations in astrology. Blend of Moon with Venus in the eighth house is adept at causing mental misery, mental turmoil, and critical disposition. It is almost impossible to hide it if you have your Venus in Scorpio. Venus in eighth house | Effect of Venus eighth in house | Significance of Venus in eighth | Venus in eighth house - horoscope, astrology property predictions property property. More journeys, and may be voyage. Venus is the planet of aesthetic too. Venus in 8th House for Cancer Ascendant in Vedic Astrology This stage is a junction point of past and future, and the 8th house indicates Astrology for that reason. Difficulty, trouble and loss through small animals and employees. The 7th and 12th houses are neutral in nature. Appro. It is blasphemous, bitter in nature, and one who does service. The eighth house is traditionally associated with Scorpio and Pluto. Venus is one of the celestial bodies known to ancient civilizations. An unsatisfactory end, many misfortunates, death of secret enemies. The 8th House is where you do not have complete control, so when . An honourable partner beneficial to the professional career. The natives brothers and sisters do not help him. If your Venus happens to be in Scorpio, than multiply this attractiveness by two! There are a lot of contradictions here, it is not the most harmonious placement of Venus. Romance: When in love a Venus in Scorpio individual is very committed and loyal. Meaning of a Natal Venus in the Eighth House in Astrology. Such a native leads a majestic family life and enjoys all comforts and pleasures. Keep reading to learn more about what Venus in the eighth house means in astrology! Sometimes you enter a relationship with the wrong partner. Transits depend only on where you are born (because this influences your Ascendant and . Sorrows through parents. The native is intelligent and knowledgeable. Likes: As a Venus in Scorpio individual you will have a tendency to get into activities such as tarot, astrology, witchcraft, and spirit communication. Venus in eighth house. Licentious, disrespected and extravagant. Venus governs the 9th and 2nd houses in Virgo and stays in the 8th house in Aries if the ascendant is Virgo. For entertainment purposes only We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Scorpio is a water sign, mysterious, passionate, emotional. Gain by marriage and inlaws, also secret and occult ways. If you have your Venus in this house, you are charismatic, secretive and have a magnetic power. Venus in the eighth house indicates that youll have a long life, and youll die peace. & sex is super important to me. They are often familiar with the darker side of life, what makes them resilient and they are aware of their own power. May come under debts. Secret sorrows through love, children, and gambling. The native is intelligent and wise. It also shows how you can attract love into your life,and how you give and receive it. Modern astrology considers Pluto the ruling planet of Scorpio. The native with Venus in 1st House for Scorpio Ascendant gets deficiency in wealth but is farsighted and tactful. The presence of the mystic and the occult will have itself known in this individuals life even if it appears in an unexpected area. Its all about Venus in the eighth house. Great article! You see relationships as a great test of your character. Scorpio is a water sign which (by default) rules the 8th house in Vedic Astrology. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Natives may suffer from delays, obstacles, and hindrances in their careers. The native encounters some domestic problems. The native is not healthy and attractive in appearance. You love silently staring at people (although you dont like when someone stares at you). What is the effect of the Jupiter Venus conjunction in the 8th house This transit can also inspire individuals to get a better handle on even the most difficult circumstances. The native is very fortunate and skilful. If Venus is close to the exact degree of debilitation, it indicates that the person has been in physically violent relationships. Venus is the lagna lord and . Learned and intelligent. Friends will become public opponents or enemies. Some famous people who have this natal placement of Venus: If you found this article helpful, maybe you want to save it for later. The best Venus signs for Venus in Scorpio compatibility: Venus in Scorpio men are very charismatic. Your spouse will also help you gain assets or even fame. People with this placement often have low self-esteem. The native with Venus in 6th House for Scorpio Ascendant wins over enemies through his understanding and wisdom. One thing you should watch out for is getting too much of good things. It is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty (the equivalent of the Greek Aphrodite). The native ears huge wealth and hoards it. The native is lucky and clever. The 8th house is often associated with secrecy in the occult and Venus, of course, is the goddess of love. This demonstrates that with the aid of your spouse, you can overcome career ups and downs. They can rise like a phoenix and become stronger after traumatic experiences. As a water sign, Scorpio is not easy to figure out. The native spends a lot of money for family happiness. The Venus in Scorpio man is attracted to broken hearts for some reason. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. It might be a bit of a struggle to find the person youre meant to be with, but once you find them things are going to look up. Venus is the planet of femininity in astrology. The native manages his daily business peacefully. There are a lot of contradictions here, it is not the most harmonious placement of Venus. The native with Venus in 11th House for Scorpio Ascendant spends much for family welfare and happiness. It shows his specific personality. 10th Lord In 8th House - Chitra Vedic Astrology This is also time to be on the lookout for unexpected financial gain. The native spends much tactfully and works very carefully and faces difficulties for success. What does Venus in Scorpio mean in the birth chart? Despite being married, these people can have hidden love affairs. The native gets a good-looking partner and feels happy in their company. He is slanderous, merciless, astrologer, and a beggar to brothers.
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venus in 8th house scorpio ascendant