I received only a few bids per item, and I sold them for less than they were worth. You can change your choices at any time by clicking on the 'Privacy dashboard' links on our sites and apps. You have two options as a seller before you actually give the refund. Although USPS states priority shipping insurance is included for $50, according to the Depop shipping section in the app it appears to be up to $100. can someone explain why I was charged $13? Depop Paypal Fee Calculator & Spreadsheet - Calculate Depop - FinalFees When you land on a style that works for your followers, stick with it. Whether its finding great products or discovering helpful advice, well help you get it right (the first time). Any post that does not adhere to them is subject to removal. Depop Shipping: The only shipping guide you'll ever need Why Etsy dropped $1.6 billion on Depop. Cookies help us customize the PayPal Community for you, and some are necessary to make our site work. That's so bad, the other person must know exactly what they have done. Figuring out what to get rid of is just the beginning. According to Depop, if a buyer paid with a credit or debit card and Paypal is treating this as a echeque. Also remember, PayPal fees! Depop Revenue and Usage Statistics (2023) - Business of Apps The person paid via goods as PayPal took a percentage. A year after that, my first job out of college happened to be a copywriter position for an online luxury-fashion retailer. The fraudster had been instructing shoppers to pay them directly through PayPal's "Friends and Family" option, which sidesteps Depop's fees and doesn't offer any protection for buyers. You will have to fill out customs forms clearly and concise and remember you are not responsible for any fees/charges that an individual country may impose. Listing an item on Depop is completely free. "While it's not a Depop-specific problem, I think [credential stuffing] is one we're going to see expand in the next five years.". I do occasionally sell on Etsy and Ebay, but honestly, Depops shipping to me is not expensive and has me majorly spoiled because its so simple, Depop does all the work for me and all I do is click and print. Depop limited fee - PayPal Community However, for the most part, I find USPS to be a dependable shipping entity and I have had zero misdeliveries or lost packages, etc after shipping thousands of packages. With an effective product description, you can convince the customer to click the Buy now button. This is not just Etsy's biggest acquisition to date by some margin it's made seven other . You keep hearing of how important Depop packaging is, but you may wonder how far, Are you trying to make a decision if eBay vs Depop is the right place, Selling on Depop and trying to get started in the reselling game can be a. When you sell an item, Depop will automatically charge the 10% fee on the total transaction amount (including shipping costs). When it comes to print-on-demand service providers, we recommend Printful and Printify. This is because they consider brand new accounts selling as a risky transaction. From launching their own brands to building vintage resale businesses. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when shipping with Depop Internationally with USPS, 1. I struggled to find things to do that would get me out of my tiny apartment without sucking my wallet dry. Then, I remembered that I had logged on to my partners phone on my account but it was somehow connected to his Paypal. ***UPDATE** SWIPE FOR ANSWER!! To connect your PayPal account to Depop, follow these steps: Step 1: Open the Depop app and tap on the 'Profile icon' located at the bottom right of your mobile screen. The firm confirmed that credential stuffing is a big part of the problem. Scammers have continued to plague many online services through the pandemic. I'm getting sent money later and I'm really not trying to get depop to take that if it'll just automatically take it from my account. Depop charges a 10% selling fee for sales on the platform. The way you optimize your listing pages can have a huge impact on your sales, so follow these best practices for adding listings to your Depop store. In case something goes wrong, youre protected by PayPal's Seller Protection. As long as you met the criteria for buyer protection ie sent the payment via goods/services or paid an invoice etc you should be ok. Paypal give the seller 10 days to provide a tracking number that proves delivery of the item to you and if not then you should get your refund, if the seller does not refund then paypal does under their buyer protection scheme. Youll also need to add a description, five hashtags, your location, a relevant category, shipping information, and the price of the product. How to Sell on Depop - A Beginner's Guide - shift4shop One of the key reasons I like shipping with Depop is the time I save. Want to Shop More Sustainably? Once the shopper has landed on your product page and looked at the photos/video of your product, the next thing they will look at is the description of your item. The USPS international shipping calculator can help you gauge your pricing. Etsy is acquiring UK-based social selling site Depop for $1.625B in a If you need tips with a step-by-step guide, check out our post below. Hone your style, and your audience will find you. | Depop Starting a business can often be expensive. I'm confused as to why it would be trying to charge my bank instead of just automatically taking it from the actual payment since I didn't have this problem with the other depop payments sells. A week later they have opened a dispute saying this was an unauthorised payment? 5. "The fact that this has been going on for monthsis unacceptable. However, PayPal eventually always releases the funds within a few days or a week once the item has been marked delivered. You can always consider changing vendors like Fed Ex and UPS, however, when I checked these rates in the past, there were not as economical for First Class USPS shipping. As always, be kind and communicate calmly before anything else. At the end of the day, people just want to know theres a decent human being on the other end of the transaction. I'd also like to mention that the Depop limited charge is an additional charge aka a separate charge that shows up on my Paypal. Then, edit photos online into square sizes with a free online designing tool like Canva or its premium version Canva Pro and upload them in your listing. Thanks to our tiny living spaces, hanging out with a girlfriend usually required sitting next to a pile of junk on the bed or quietly shifting a trash bag of unwanted clothes to the other side of the sofa. Incentivizing your potential customers with free shipping may seem like a simple and effective way to get them to buy, but shipping heavy (and costly) items like shoes could eat into your profit more than you anticipated. There are several times throughout the year that Depop has offered free shipping. Please make sure you've read the community rules, and that your post follows our posting guidelines. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. why did I get charged different payment fees? You can get the balance on your PayPal transferred to your bank account instantly with a small fee to cover that depop limited payment if you need to. I find that shipping with Depop is not too expensive and that their shipping tiers (extra-small, small, medium, large, extra-large) are reasonably priced. Popular accounts and groups include those for Lululemon, Louis Vuitton, and Noihsaf Bazaar, the last of which mostly lists clothes from independent designers. On one hand, people like to get a good deal and free shipping could be the enticement they need to close the deal, this article discusses the psychology of free shipping and it can be a very powerful tool to get the sale. However, sometimes even with free shipping people still want to negotiate the price further down and if you already offered free shipping you may not have much-negotiating room for more offers. Can someone explain to me what Depop limited is on PayPal and why im Congratulations! I listed an item on depop and some one messaged me saying what's your pay pal i will pay and for next day delivery and can I send it to 'their Mrs address' They did so I sent it next day delivery. Read about our approach to external linking. I had heard of Poshmark mainly due to its popularity, whichat least in theoryshould make it easier to draw eyeballs and make sales. Admittedly USPS rates have changed over the years and post-pandemic prices have gone up. "Weak passwords and the use of the same password across multiple accounts is the greatest source of account takeover, which is why we have initiated a campaign in the second half of 2020 to force some users to strengthen their passwords and to remind others of the importance of strong and unique passwords," says Depop's chief operating officer Dominic Rose. Like therapy or nosy relatives, a little objective feedback can help point out flaws you would otherwise never catch. Connect your Depop account to the Paypal account you will be using. The r/Depop subreddit is meant to create a safe spaceusing that term loosely because this is the internet were talking aboutfor Depop users to air out their concerns, celebrate their wins, and ask for advice. You can select shipping with Depop, meaning you dont have to configure shipping manually. Can Nigeria's election result be overturned? Follow these six shopping tips to become a savvier shopper, save yourself money, and limit your environmental impact. Depop vs Poshmark: Is Depop or Poshmark Better For eCommerce Youll also need to add a description, five hashtags, your location, a relevant category, shipping information, and the price of the product. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. I've since opened a dispute, which went straight to a claim as the 'seller was unavailable to respond'. Houston, United States. but I'm can't seem to upload them to the claim. Can you put videos on Depop? - VideoAnswers Why did USPS charge my recipient "Postage Due" to receive their package? Once youve created an account on Depop, the next step is to connect your PayPal account to start receiving payments of your sold items. We actually update the tracking information on both Paypal and Depop. NOTE: If you are wondering why I didnt mention using the $5.05 (4 oz label) label it is due to the following: Back in the day, Depop did not have an option for a $5.05 shipping label there was no extra small option. If you are a new seller to Depop, you may be wondering why the payment is not in your Paypal account. 1999-2023 PayPal, Inc. All rights reserved. Theyre either thrifted, fast fashion, or from independent designers. However, I can tell you that I have seen PLENTY of USPS employees use priority tape on priority boxes, just saying. This charge will be taken directly from your PayPal account or the card you are using for payments before the remainder of the money you have made is paid to you. However, you can create your account through the Depop app as well, as the process is the same. No letter misspelled, missing, or flipped. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. For each time a transaction is made, Depop collects 10% of the total sold price including shipping charges plus Paypal fees . You must personally design, source and purchase the items you intend to sell to determine quality and standards of your supplier. Once youve put it all together, your listing should look something like this. If you have done everything you can and followed all the steps and possibilities mentioned here but still have payment issues, you will need to get in touch with Depop. Then, tap on 'Set up your shop'. Unlike Etsy, Depop does not charge listing fees. This is a common tactic used by people selling second-hand items online, to prove that the photos were not stolen from another listing. Fiona Short, a UK-based owner of a popular Depop shop called Fifis Closet, told me she was drawn to the app for similar reasons. If you had met seller protection paypal would have reimbursed you. However, the flat 10% selling fee that we discussed is charged only when you sell an item. The company is headquartered in London, with offices in Manchester, New York, Los Angeles and Sydney. Unlike many other selling platforms, at Depop we only charge you when you make a sale, this means there are no fees for the length of time your item has been listed for or any initial costs to list the item. Press J to jump to the feed. E-commerce firm Etsy announced Wednesday that it is buying the secondhand fashion app Depop for $1.62 billion. What's the least amount of exercise we can get away with? If that is the case, Depop has a process and form that you can follow and fill out. It's obvious why Depop is popular among young people. You lost any seller protection by sending to another address than the paypal registered address of the buyer. BUT if i sell the same $10 shirt (free ship) and a buyer pays with Paypal, my take home ends up being around $7 because i get charged from the fees AND Depop Limited, The example above is not an actual transaction , i just wanted to simplify what has been going on with my purchases. These 6 Tips Will Help. Once your payment has been released by Paypal, you have the option to claim the balance or leave it with PayPal to use for purchases.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'fulfilledmerchant_com-box-4','ezslot_4',124,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fulfilledmerchant_com-box-4-0'); Keep in mind though that every once in a while, PayPal may still hold your funds, even if you have been selling with them for months or years. The phone did not arrive after 2 days even though the seller said they'd send it next day . FAQs will be removed. screenshot of the completed refund in your PayPal account) You can refund your buyer directly from your PayPal account (via . Depop offers free shipping at different times throughout the year. In their system, a carrier will sometimes switch the first and second address lines. Created 19 August 2016 Delivered 24 August 2016 4. If you want extra proof just take a quick video on your phone as your proof until tracking is updated in the app and/or the package is successfully delivered then delete the video. Solved: Scammed through Depop - PayPal Community Depop told the BBC that the safety and security of its community is its "number one priority", and that the service has never had a data breach or had its infrastructure compromised. As a part-time Depop seller, I have to streamline my activities and anything that cuts a step out or makes me more efficient is saving me money in the long run. Recently I got the first person that paid with the PayPal button. Test out different poses. Usually, there is a minimum amount that a buyer has to purchase in order to qualify for free shipping. The following is a sponsored link. This can help to alleviate some of the strain of shipping costs, as higher shipping costs can be a deterrent from purchasing and getting the sale for some people. Sky warns: Dont let your photo be more distracting than the product youre selling. Make sure your clothing is the focal point of the picture by keeping the background simple: Clean the space and keep pets out of the frame so they dont steal your limelight. One Depop user told the BBC they would feel "much more comfortable" if the app introduced two-factor authentication, where users enter a one-time code sent to them via email or text, for example, after attempting to sign in. Want a Great Deal on a Big-Ticket Kid Gift? Press J to jump to the feed. The fee will be taken from your connected PayPal account or the card you are using on your Depop account. Please search the subreddit before posting to see if the topic has already been discussed. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'fulfilledmerchant_com-leader-1','ezslot_8',127,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fulfilledmerchant_com-leader-1-0'); Make sure that you get a refund from both Depop and Paypal. Why Alex Murdaugh was spared the death penalty, Why Trudeau is facing calls for a public inquiry, The shocking legacy of the Dutch 'Hunger Winter', Why half of India's urban women stay at home. Terms of Service - Depop help GB That means if you click and purchase from this link I have and/or may receive a small commission. If you, as the seller, agree to the refund. It can sometimes take all the money in the bank just to get started, and you may not see any returns for a while. Step 4: Link to your social media account and tap on Next. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Verify your information with Paypal (banks, cards, email, etc). However, using Poshmark comes with high seller fees. Fee Breakdown: - 10% Depop fee For designer items, you can usually find brand-specific Instagram accounts and Facebook groups that offer a more focused, interactive way to sell your wardrobe. A collective of individuals who inspire and grow with their evolving style and values. Today, Depop is a place where millions of users come to celebrate their style and discover culture. Be creative, because there is no one formula to succeed, especially as the pool of prospective customers continues to grow. There are many things you should know before selling on any marketplace. Wow that sounds extra af for no reason. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'fulfilledmerchant_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_10',128,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fulfilledmerchant_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); Depop, unfortunately, does not have a phone number you can call. I sold 2 of the exact same things for the same price to different people. REMINDER: ALL DEPOP USERNAMES MUST BE HIDDEN. The free shipping for U.S. sellers is for domestic shipping only, no international shipping. However, with Depop it doesnt matter what the distance is, all that matters is that if the item is under 2 lbs you will get a priority label and then you can ship domestically within the United States. Well Damn lol. 1 charge registered 0 outstanding, 1 satisfied, 0 part satisfied Charge code 0831 6342 0001. Why do Depop charge 10%? I received a notification and email from Depop of a sale confirmation and the USPS shipping label. have an item that costs: $25, but you offer free shipping for a $4.75 label How do I get a Depop fee refund? - Depop help GB Sorry for the massive post but I'm panicking a lot, 300 is a lot for a student to get scammed out of!! Even as Depops rates have increased the same would be for me as an individual because I would be shipping as an individual from USPS and would not be privy to any commercial pricing that Depop has. They are entrepreneurs, pushing fashion forward in so many different ways. "The accounts are being compromised and that definitely is concerning," Ms Rowley says. Please search the subreddit before posting to see if the topic has already been discussed. I also received an email from Paypal a receipt of fees paid to Depop. I'm now waiting for the seller to respond but I highly doubt they will if they've gone ahead and deleted all their accounts. It doesnt necessarily just focus on clothing, or the selling of clothes. Is it likely that I'll win my money back without the screenshots attached? In June . Others have received a faster response from reaching out to Depops Twitter account as well. The depop limited charge just reoccurred the next day and it went through. link to Yes, USPS Regional Boxes Are Discontinued, link to How To Pack & Ship An Xbox (With Pictures). If your item weighs over 1b or 16 ozs then it moves into the priority category which means that you can use priority boxes that are free to use. Getting paid on Depop is very easy. For sales under $15, you pay a flat rate of nearly $3, but for sales above $15, the platform takes 20% of your total sale. However, if you intend to dropship your print-on-demand items, Depop does have restrictions on what is allowed on their platform. All purchases through Depop are covered by Buyer Protection. Lately, the minimum purchase has been a minimum purchase order of $25-$50 in order to qualify. This happens to me sporadically throughout the year. Try modeling the clothes you want to sell. But I dont own any designer clothes, so these options werent a fit for me. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Instead of thinking about how I would look wearing a new outfit, Im wondering what I could resell it for. Step 6: Now tap on List your first item. All you have to do is to create a free Depop account, list your items, deliver your products, and get paid. Even when your product doesn't get sold, you wouldn't have to pay for anything. Find out more about how we use your personal data in our privacy policy and cookie policy. Taking quality photos of your items from every angle is crucial because the first thing that buyers are going to see in your listing are its photos and videos. I contacted the buyer and she told me the email address that the payment went to. guccidurags. If you are shipping with Depop, tracking is automatically updated once you dropped your package at the post office. Consider Shopping Secondhand. She recommends following the same format for each listing: Write your description first and include as many keywords as possible. Ms Strike counted at least three Depop users who made unauthorised payments of 50 to the scammer. For example: if i have a shirt that i sell for $10 (free ship) and a buyer pays with Depop Payments, my take home would be $9 because of the fees. While it may blow your mind why anyone would want to take advantage of a small business or an individual, sleazy people exist out there. If you contact Paypal first and everything looks fine on their end, they will tell you to contact Depop anyways. The cost savings to the customer can help to boost your sales. Good to know it's normal doe. Read about our approach to external linking. What You Need to Know Before Selling on Depop. Depop, Poshmark, eBay, etc) are not supposed to be refused and that they are to accept as is. Heres the step-by-step process to start selling on Depop: The first step is going to create an account on Depop. Follow these steps when you want to create a Depop listing.
why did depop limited charge me