For a knee replacement, the average cost can range from $17,00 to $30,000, whilst a knee cruciate ligament repair can cost between $5,000 and $14,000 so it's worth shopping around for the most affordable option. Check with your health insurance provider to ensure that a procedure such as this is covered. A standard knee replacement prosthesis can cost $7,000 to $10,000. However, as it is common to not know you have a meniscus tear right away, you may have a delay in getting treatment. How much does torn meniscus surgery cost in the US? Is it worth having meniscus surgery? When surgery was a definite and a date set, I asked several times for an "estimate", which no one could give me. See what each one can do for you in regards to prices. These include: Just be careful not to injure your knees again after the surgery. Prospects for this kind of surgical treatment are frequently going to have discomfort when aligning the leg as well as swelling around the knee area. A torn meniscus can mean a lifetime of pain and suffering that goes well beyond just the initial recovery period. But rehab varies depending on the injury, the type of surgery, and your doctor's preference. This is because Mr Pai will need to determine the need for surgery, the type of surgery and its complexity before providing you with an accurate quote. A torn meniscus needs surgery if the nature of the injury leaves no prospect of the meniscus healing with physiotherapy alone. Their excess level is excluded from this analysis. Using this line of argument, many insurance companies will offer you a low settlement value and tell you it is the best you can get to pressure you to settle for a low offer. In fact, you can find some of the best surgeons and world-class healthcare systems in the said countries. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy,19(2), 158-164. Brought own crutches (would have been same amount). you may need arthroscopy surgery to repair or remove the damaged cartilage. Geographical location can influence the total cost of the surgical procedure. Torn Meniscus Sample Verdicts & Settlements, Supporting Citations, Literature & Resources. In most cases, the person will have to undergo surgery of their torn ACL. Anesthesiologists also have different rates. In the edge of the cliff, athletes are even more prone to physical damages that can harm them persistently and can affect their sporty life. It is best to consult a doctor or pharmacist for the right dosage regimen for you. through arthroscopy is approximately $9,677 up to $11,675 or higher. But realistically, pushing yourself too hard can cause pain and other physical complications. The exact meniscus tear surgery price will depend on the following factors: As said earlier, the meniscus tear surgery price dramatically changes depending on your location. To know how much youll spend on out-of-pocket costs, contact your insurance company. Required fields are marked *. The majority of owners can expect to pay between $1,000 and $1,500 for surgery to release the meniscus in a single knee. I had a 25% co-pay of approved charges, $2800. ). Rosenberger, P. H., Dhabhar, F. S., Epel, E., Jokl, P., & Ickovics, J. R. (2010). Surgery to repair a torn meniscus involves rehabilitation. How Much Does Torn Meniscus Surgery Cost In 2023? - Cost Aide If not treated, part of the meniscus may come loose and slip into the joint. : value of the physical examination. The average cost of torn meniscus surgery through arthroscopy is approximately $9,677 up to $11,675 or higher. An adult female was rear ended on a public roadway with enough impact to cause multiple injuries, including a lateral meniscus injury to her left knee. This is according to the surgery price estimator of St. Elizabeth CHI Health. They will check the tenderness around the meniscus and will also bend, straighten and rotate the knee to listen for any clicking noises. Healthcare costs in private can be expensive. Meniscectomy in Dogs - Conditions Treated, Procedure, Efficacy This led to a torn meniscus and a knee contusion but the defendant denied liability and stated that the plaintiff lost control of his car for an unrelated reason. In addition to the financial consideration of surgery, there is also the time and supervision required for post-op recovery and rehabilitation. The goal of meniscus surgery is to ensure that the knee joint remains pain-free, resilient and functional in the long term. That said, the prices for the procedure is potentially lower outside the country. This recovery period will depend on how extensive the surgery was. Physical examination tests for assessing a torn meniscus in the knee: a systematic review with meta-analysis. The orthopedic will make a small incision on the lateral part of the knee after administering general anesthesia. Meniscus . The American journal of sports medicine,32(6), 1479-1483. This fee varies between anaesthetists, and the figure provided is just an example. Meniscus Tear: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment | Bupa UK This is, of course, assuming that you have no insurance. Recovery time is usually about a month. One of the common physical injuries they encounter is the tearing of meniscus. But the surgery usually takes only 20 minutes to 1 hour, but in severe cases that require extensive invasive operation like blood transfusion, the patient may stay on the hospital of up to 3 days. . The most common knee surgery performed on people over 65 is repair of torn meniscus cartilage. Press Release. Some doctors may charge higher fees than others. Fortunately, insurance companies may help you cover the expenses. The hospital where the surgical treatment is carried out has a significant impact on the general cost of the surgery. SAMPLE SETTLEMENT (New York): $25,000. A jury awarded in addition to the $91,000 settlement, a verdict giving the additional amounts for lost wages and medical expenses. The most common scans and physical tests for a torn meniscus are: Once it has been determined that you have a torn meniscus, the key is to understand fully how bad the tear is and what kind of tear you have. Theres no doubt that a meniscus tear surgery is expensive. The injury caused the plaintiff to suffer knee pain that was later found to be caused by a torn meniscus. They will inspect the inflammation around the meniscus and will also flex, move, and turn the knee to listen for any clicking sounds. This allows the surgeon to see the inside of the knee joint and make repairs. The Dr. charges were $2,285 and the "facility" charges were $13,000+. Eventually, it may cause arthritis. In general, meniscus surgery is followed by a period of rest, walking, and selected exercises. The cost of consultation is typically $100 to $300 but may be lesser if covered by insurance. He said it was the largest repair he had ever performed and my timeline given by my surgeon is 6 to 7 months. With Health Insurance: Copay + 10-50% Coinsurance Without Health Insurance: $7,400-$9,000+ The menisci are pieces of cartilage in the knee that, among other things, prevent the shinbone and thighbone from rubbing together and help absorb pressure put on the knee joint. KANTOR ORTHOPEDICS - 17 Photos & 136 Reviews - Yelp After suffering for 6 months, decided to visit my doctor who then recommended an orthopedic surgeon. This fee varies between surgeons, and the figure provided is just an example. All Rights Reserved. says that your company may offerat least 60% coverage of the total cost. An MRI, typically carried out before the treatment is even considered, can cost approximately $1,000, while a physician can charge up to $349 for the office consultation and checking of the MRI results.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'thepricer_org-banner-1','ezslot_5',140,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thepricer_org-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'thepricer_org-banner-1','ezslot_6',140,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thepricer_org-banner-1-0_1');.banner-1-multi-140{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy | Disclaimers | Sitemap | Areas We Service, ACL Reconstruction Knee Replacement Knee Arthroscopy Meniscal Repair. If you are uninsured, it is still possible to have your surgery performed privately., Mr. Benyamin has helped his clients recover millions of in car accident claims in the State of California. Repair of torn meniscus is the most popular type of surgical treatment. How much does it cost to repair an ACL? | RBHS Her car was cut off by another vehicle which caused her to lose control and strike into a tree. With the right surgeon, even a long and painful tear will be treated easily without many difficulties. The following are examples of how much surgery in the private setting could cost. Total amount that I paid was around 300000 rupees which is approximately 4000 dollars . Ice. This fee covers food, nursing care and allied health services provided to you during your stay. Aggressive activities that require extreme lower-extremity movements trigger our meniscus of getting torn. Depending on all of this, a torn meniscus can mean anywhere from 1 month to 6 months of recovery time which requires a considerable amount of time off the leg as well as rehabilitation to allow for the knee to get stronger. The menisci in the knee act as shock absorbers and can be torn or damaged, causing pain and some mobility issues. Our team is made of world-renowned, experienced journalists who sign and abide to our strict rules and editorial ethics policy. The injury is not always obvious which means that it is possible to have a meniscus tear from even a minor accident. Outpatient or ambulatory surgery centers are often more affordable options for having surgery. If the damage is severe enough, your surgeon may need to remove your meniscus. When a tear is suspected, imaging tests will be ordered to confirm the extent of the damage. . Ultimately, if it can help you return to your normal activities, a meniscus tear surgery is worth a try. If this is the case, you may incur additional costs if you need an ICU admission, more surgery, or an extended hospital stay. Make sure your orthopedic surgeon and the hospital they are associated with accept your health insurance for meniscus tear surgery. But this is often treated by conservative. Pathologic characteristics of the torn human meniscus. How Much Compensation Do You Get from a Torn Meniscus? A sudden stop or barbaric pivoting can tear the meniscus. The cost of private knee surgery as an uninsured patient - Vishal Pai Causes of torn menisci also include twisting and turning, lifting something heavy, or playing sports. Need a new charcoal grill? : value of the physical examination. Plaintiff lost wages as he was forced to go under surgery and also have a year of physical therapy. Predictors of short-term recovery differ from those of long-term outcome after arthroscopic partial meniscectomy. His law license number is #277263. SAMPLE VERDICT (Michigan): $15,195. Depending upon the severity of the injury, arthroscopic surgical treatment might be the only way to fix a torn MCL. Symptomatic torn discoid lateral meniscus in adults. Mr Vishal Pai | Consulting LocationsSandringham Orthopaedic SpecialistsHarcourt Specialist CentreKnox Private HospitalWattletree Consulting Suites, Phone: (03) 8657 0595Fax: (03) 8657 0596Email:, 2023 Mr Vishal Pai. Question: How Much Is Acl And Meniscus Surgery - BikeHike Worsening pain. On average, the surgery can cost anywhere from $5,000 to as much as $30,000 without health insurance. It is designed to recover resilience in everyday life and during sports. Physical therapy will be needed after the surgery for the patient to regain balance, posture and knee strength after the surgery. Meniscus Surgery: Who Needs It, What to Expect Before & After I recently had surgery on my right knee, torn meniscus on my inner knee. . Some other reasons for undergoing the surgery include: You might want to consider how old you are if you are planning to undergo a meniscus tear surgery. You can call,email, or message us using the contact form below for a free consultation at anytime. Without medical insurance, the expense of surgery could vary from around $6,000 to $35,000. An MRI, often performed before the procedure is even considered, can cost up to $1,000, while a doctor can charge up to $349 for the office visit and viewing the results. Recovery times for your injury will depend on how severe the tear was, whether or not surgery was needed, which surgical treatment option was taken, any other surgeries and damage that may have been treated at the same time, your age and preexisting health concerns. MOR Package Price: $10,800. The surgery is medically necessary making it mandatory for insurance companies to cover the expenses. This may involve renting crutches, a walking frame or shower aids. Package Pricing | Midwest Orthopaedics at Rush There are alternative treatments you can try that are drastically way cheaper than the meniscus tear surgery price. If this is the case, contact your doctor. The recovery process for your torn meniscus starts with a diagnosis. Depending on the hospital or surgical center, youll also have to consider the following expenses: To avoid getting surprised by your bill, confirm the additional costs with the hospital or center. Fixing the meniscus will also help restore the knee. An adult female driver suffered a torn meniscus that required surgery as she was driving southbound on a public road. Looking for help to take care of your garden? As you can see from the above, the value of Access Gap is, on average, a saving of $3,820 in out-of-pocket costs. The time of recovery varies depending on: the type. The typical cost of arthroscopic meniscectomy might range between Rs.60,000 and Rs. Arthroscopic Meniscus Repair - UW Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine However, according to our research, the average surgery with no complications will cost anywhere from $3,000 to $11,000. To put that in a brighter sentence, the price will depend on the length of time spent for the surgery, the number of days the patient had stayed in the facility, supplies and medication, additional examinations, and other special care services. Alternative treatment methods, meanwhile, are far less expensive. Some patients require assistance from physical therapists postoperatively. In this article, we will discuss frequently asked questions about torn meniscus and how much does torn meniscus surgery cost. Can You Treat a Meniscus Tear Without Surgery? - Bioxcellerator What is the meniscus? Average settlements therefore can vary a great deal and will be affected by many different variables including your age, your injury level and the treatment that you end up needing. On the higher end, those injuries that require surgery and have the potential for future surgery, can go as high as $150,000 on average, particularly if there was damage to additional parts of the knee. When preparing for surgery, you should consider the cost of post-operative physiotherapy and rehabilitation. To make things clear, no, surgery is not always applicable for torn meniscus unless the case is worse or merely severe. Arthroscopic surgery for knee pain | The BMJ Sometimes, a twisting injury may severely damage your meniscus. MRIs are frequently performed before the procedure is even considered, costing up to $1,000. How Much Does a Torn Meniscus Surgery Cost? (2022) - Spend On Health Younger people, on the other hand, may get well with just a repair. A stainless steel metal plate secures the bone in place. Are you planning a Labor Day picnic? If you are wondering if atorn meniscus is a permanent injury and whether this can affect your final settlement amount read below to learn more about average settlements for this injury. Arthroscopy is a method performed when fixing knee problems such as meniscal tears. Patients get assigned into three categories: Category 1 patients having the most urgent problems, e.g. The two sides ultimately settled for $25,000. Meniscal transplant, a specialty knee surgery now available at UHS, has been a game-changer for 16-year-old student athlete Danielle Hartford of Whitney Point. The procedure is costly, at up to $10,000 a patient and it's also usually a waste, if not outright harmful. That said, when do you need a surgery? Meniscal Tears FAQ: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, more No complications. The vehicle that swerved out of his own lane unsafely slammed into the plaintiffs car, forcing him into another car. The Hospital charged $ 26K to use their facility for two hours, the doctors charged another $ 12K for their valuable time and the MRI was $ 2K so total cost for this little clean up job was $ 40K.
torn meniscus surgery cost without insurance