the night diary quiz

if they move, he would leave their story behind. like she's not alone; someone is watching over her. In the book Night Diary, what day does Amil refer to as the longest day in his life? no one trying to kill them, many houses painted a beautiful blur. What's included:Open-ended QuestionsVocabulary List and, 1. When Papa decides its too dangerous to stay in what is now Pakistan, Nisha and her family become refugees and embark first by train but later on foot to reach her new home. Order in or make your own with help from recipes like these. A. The Night Diary Novel StudyJournal promptsOne-pager theme projectEssay: prompt, outline, self-edit-rubricRead, This is a novel study for A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. United States. In fact, I think this would have worked better as a 3rd person narrative. In the book The Night Diary, what did Nisha enjoy doing the most? You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at I really was delighted by this book and would totally recommend. 10 Questions Show answers Question 1 30 seconds Q. Nisha braided Hafa's hair after Hafa answer choices climbed up the tree entered the cellar room crawled in the window went up to the attic Question 2 30 seconds Q. Anime & Manga Video Games Deadman Wonderland Future Diary Mirai Nikki Elfen Lied Death Note . Your students will enjoy the rigor and creativity of this lesson built on best teaching practices. Featured:105 pages of solid curriculumJournal responsesVocabulary worksheetReading comprehension worksheetsChapter by chapter questions with keyCosta's question cues wor, The Night Diary is a complete 91 page novel study guide based on the popular novel by Veera Hiranandani. read more. But even if her country has been ripped apart, Nisha still believes in the possibility of putting herself back together.Told through Nishas letters to her mother, The Night Diary is a heartfelt story of one girls search for home, for her own identityand for a hopeful future. In The Diary of Anne Frank, Act I, why must the Franks and the others in the attic remain quiet all day? Does their relationship change during the story. Create and assign quizzes to your students to test their vocabulary. Quizzes with auto-grading, and real-time student data. It also uses many of the vocabulary and HFW words from the stories. Nisha is the 12-year-old narrator and protagonist of The Night Diary. #2: Always put last night's panties in the laundry basket. It was becoming unsafe for them. Would an irrepressible horse be the appropriate mount for an inexperienced rider? In the book The Night Diary, what did papa do when he found out about Amil skipping school? The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank Questions and Answers. She and her family must make a treacherous journey to try to find a safe haven in a . Maybe Ill blame everyone.". "I want to know who I can blame, Mama, for the nightmares that wake me up every night now. The book is formatted as letters Nisha writes to her mother; that lets the reader into her mindset so well, including her pain, her successes, and all the mental struggles she went through. There wil, The Night Diary by Veera Hiranandani Novel Guide | World History | Novel-In-Verse2019 Newbery Honor Book Realistic Fiction Grades 6 to 10 This pack includes: Learning objectivesBackground informationPre-reading, during reading, and post reading activitiesEntry by entry reading comprehension questionsCharacter analysis activitiesCharacter traits analysis Answer key included/ teacher section and student sectionThis resource is great for:Teaching about world historyTeaching social studies - world p, This historical fiction novel is about the division of India into two separate countries (Pakistan and India) due to religious differences. on the path to systematic vocabulary improvement. Why is Nisha upset when she learns that she has an aunt and uncle on her mothers side of the family that she never knew about? The religious tension surrounding these events provides a perfect setup for further studying world religio. Nicole, sixth grade Bookopolis reader, Believable and heartbreaking A gripping, nuanced story of the human cost of conflict appropriate for both children and adults. Describe the relationship that Nisha and Amil have with Papa and how he reacts to each of them before, during, and after their journey. What was the three men's purpose of coming to Nisha and her family's house? they start to believe one group is better than another. This assignment let's kids show their understanding of the book and their creative side.Assignment:Story BrochureAbrochureis aninformational pamphletor leaflet with a picture and information on a subject. By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from SparkNotes and verify that you are over the age of 13. While I wouldnt say that middle grade is my favourite genre, I do like to read it from time to time. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. The Night Diary by Veera Hiranandani novel study includes all lessons necessary to have a successful unit plan. In the book Night Diary what makes it easier for Nisha to fall asleep at night? myPerspectives: English Language Arts, Grade 7, Vocabulary for Achievement: Second Course, myPerspectives, English Language Arts, Grade 8. Some tests cover several reading selections. As public library staff, please login to Book Connections, our public library interface for you to explore and enjoy. Is it the brain that makes people love and hate? By submitting my email, I acknowledge that I have read and agree to Penguin Random House's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use and understand that Penguin Random House collects certain categories of personal information for the purposes listed in that policy, discloses, sells, or shares certain personal information and retains personal information in accordance with the policy. Here is the chapter-by-chapter breakdown: Quiz 1 - Chapters 1-5 Quiz 2 - Chapters 6-10 Quiz 3 - Chapters 11-15 Quiz 4 - Chapters 16-20 Quiz 5 - Chapters 21-25 Quiz 6 - Chapters 26-30 These quizzes test student's literal comprehension of the chapters. It's loosely based on the experiences of author Hiranandani's family members in the 1940s. Images courtesy of publishers, organizations, and sometimes their Twitter handles. For ready-to-use classroom materials, please consid, Students create an informational foldable brochure on this story. The same login credentials work on both TeachingBooks and the Harry Potter books. he wants a united India, they are all Indians no matter what faith they are. it won't look like more people are staying there. Her father is Hindu and her mother was Muslim. In the novel Night Diary, what answer did Rashid Uncle write down that Nisha had always wanted to hear? Nisha asks, Is it the brain that makes me quiet sometimes, that makes Amil see letters every which way? The most intriguing takeaway for me while reading this book is that you dont need an adult narrator or a very intelligent sounding narrative to make a point and garner empathy towards people who have suffered atrocities. in a structured discussion. To confuse Mr. Frank's creditors. To make the Nazis think they were in Switzerland. Put yourselves in Nishas shoes and consider how you would act on this journey. In the book The Night Diary why didn't Nish get punished for skipping school on her 12th birthday? It details one family's experiences while escaping the turmoil in their country. This is a riveting novel that details the struggles of people becoming refugees in their own country. Pre-made digital activities. Told from the point of view of a 11-year old Nisha through her diary entries, which are addressed to her dead mother, this is a really interesting way to relate a little of the confusion, frustration, fear and sadness experienced during of Indias Partition in 1947. In the book The Night Diary, when Nisha and Amil were little what would Amil do when Dadi sing to them before they went to bed? Are you getting the free resources, updates, and special offers we send out every week in our teacher newsletter? he's the only one who looks at her with happy, loving eyes. In the book The Night Diary what does the narrator get every year for her birthday? Gather some neighborhood friends and play a round of cricket. The main character, Nisha, is so wise and kind-hearted. Describe Nisha and Amils life in Mirpur Khas. In the book The Night Diary , What did Nisha say it felt like while she drank the water from the jug? In the book The Night Diary,when Nisha looked out the window of Rashid uncle's house what did she see? The reading level of the book was adapted to make the novel easier to read and understand (easy reading level). #DistanceLearningTpT Resource Details/What You Will Receive Stories included: The Fall of the House of Usher, The Oval Portrait, The Masque of the Red Death, The Tell-Tale HeartList (with descriptions) of main charactersAdapted novel (text)- approximately 26 pages- in Microsoft Word format (e, This is a novel study for The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. The questions you will receive require students to answer "right there" questions, make inferences, text-dependent questions, and use evidence from the text to support their thinking. The details and heart are there, but the "story" just fell flat for me. In the book Night Diary, what did Papa make Amil and Nisha do with their things every morning while they were still at Rashid Uncle's? Review and plan more easily with plot and character or key figures and events analyses, important quotes, essay topics, and more.Note: This rich text-study resource for teacher and student support does not contain activities, quizzes, or discussion questions. I was super excited about this book but it wasn't as amazing as I had hoped it would be. Some filters moved to Formats filters, which is at the top of the page. Amil. 20% In the book Night Diary as Nisha's family begins packing she remains silent. In the novel Night Diary, who treated Nisha ore kindly than any other girl at school? Stories inc, This is a novel study for Animal Farm by George Orwell. The more your students read, the more rewards they earn. In the book Night Diary why did the three men come to their home? La Cenicienta____________ (ser) todava muy joven cuando (perder) tambin a su pap. wonder quiz. In the book Night Diary Nisha asks Kazi if he would have to leave soon. Why do the boys chase them when Amil is with her? HI! (be specific). Food and cooking play a critical role in this story. In the book The Night Diary, what does Nisha do every night? The Night Diary offers a unique perspective on the circumstances surrounding the independence and division of the country of India in 1947. The Night Diary by Veera Hiranandani novel study includes all lessons necessary for a successful novel study unit including test, questions, activities, essay, worksheets, journal responses, etc. l Distance Learning, The Great Gatsby - Adapted Novel l Questions & Test l ELA l Distance Learning, Night Lesson Plans & Materials for Full Entire Unit (One Marking Period), Night by Elie Wiesel Lesson Plans, Slides, & Materials BUNDLE for FULL Unit, 1984- Adapted Novel l Questions & Test l ELA/Lit. The author uses beautiful figurative language like similes and metaphors to tell this story. My friend and teacher _____ me on the piano. $24.99 Boost engagement and get students hooked on books with our virtual reading pet Pookie. In the book The Night Diary, what happened to the mother? Answer the question "yes" or "no". How does food bring people together? #DistanceLearningTpT Resource Details/What You Will Receive List (with descriptions) of main charactersBackground information Adapted novel (text)- approximately 41 pages- in Microsoft Word format (editable file)Comprehension questions- 9 pages-in Microsoft Word format (editable file)Test to go along with each chapter of the book-, This bundle of 79 tests on 94 reading selections from the textbook PRENTICE HALL LITERATURE, 8e GRADE 8 ISBN-10: 0131317164 Units 1-6 (Fiction & Nonfiction, Short Stories, Types of Nonfiction, Poetry, Drama, and Themes in American Stories) includes multiple-choice questions (number varies depending on length of reading selection) from different levels of Blooms Taxonomy (revised). Complete each sentence by writing the correct present-tense form of the verb indicated. with Veera Hiranandani, Author Fan Face-off with Veera Hiranandani, Support Materials Check out my book blog for more book reviews and other bookish posts. Determine which chapters, themes and styles you already know and what you need to study for your upcoming essay, midterm, or final exam. For the next 7 days, you'll have access to awesome PLUS stuff like AP English test prep, No Fear Shakespeare translations and audio, a note-taking tool, personalized dashboard, & much more! School Library Journalstarred review. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! In the Night Diary why does Amil think his fther will always be mad at him? After reading The Night Diary, explore these other middle grade books featuring beautifully written, empathetic stories steeped in historical context. In the novel Night Diary, while on the train, the train was forced to stop. Veera Hiranandani is the author of THE NIGHT DIARY, THE WHOLE STORY OF HALF A GIRL, and the chapter book series, PHOEBE G. GREEN. The cover is beautiful. Maximum Ride Quiz. Book Taco has over 46,000 book quizzes. Why does Amil think he did it? Your students will enjoy the rigor and creativity of this lesson built on best teaching practices.Featured:Digital table of contentsVocabulary worksheetReading comprehension worksheetChapter questions with keyPurpose of reading questionsClose reading questions6-panel storyboardOne-pager theme projectEssay: prompt, o, Look like a pro with these 105 professional looking slides! You may not need to change the form that is given. Free trial is available to new customers only. It's no longer safe for them to stay in Pakistan. to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. "Resolution #1: Uggg - will obviously lose 20 lbs. By the end of the book I felt connected to Nisha and I understood what she was going through. The reading level of the book was adapted to make the novel easier to read and understand (easy reading level). How do they support one another? The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. Questions 1-5 of 25: 1. In the book Night Diary, when Papa went alone to find water, what directions did he give to Nisha and Dadi concerning Amil? Analyze an Interview: Pick-Goslar has a unique view of Anne. In the book The Night Diary why is night the best time for Nisha to write in her diary? Included in this novel study :Comprehension QuestionsVocabularyAbout the Author Research ActivityDiscussion QuestionsStory Summary: Characters/Plot/Setting: Graphic OrganizerCharacter Traits of S, The Night Diary by Veera Hiranandani is a fantastic book. by John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell, 216-573-6886 (Press 2) This novel study unit includes test, questions, activities, essay, worksheets, journal responses, etc. he loves watching him do his doctor stuff. her mother loved them both before they were born. In the book The Night Diary, what order did Nisha think her and her family were gonna die in? Searching for books with a corresponding Renaissance Accelerated Reader 360 quiz is easy with Accelerated Reader Bookfinder .Students, teachers, parents, and librarians can search in English or Spanish using criteria such as ATOS book level or a Lexile measure, interest level, title, author, fiction/nonfiction, subject, award-winners, state lists, CCSS Exemplars, and more. What Its About:Set in 1947 when India gained independence from British rule and was partitioned into India and Pakistan, this book is a compilation of diary entries from 12-year-old Nisha to her mother who died during childbirth. $20.68. The Night Diary Important Quotes. In the book Night Diary, why does Kazi say Nisha is probably so wise? Discuss what this quote means to you. In the book The Night Diary,what did Amil love watching papa do? Want 100 or more? The journey is long, difficult, and dangerous, and after losing her mother as a baby, Nisha cant imagine losing her homeland, too. She is also the twin sister of Amil. Use online resources like Newsela. The Night Diary. The Night Diary Novel StudyJournal promptsOne-pager theme projectEssay: prompt, outline, self-edit-rubricRead, Worksheets intended to enhance and supplement your coverage of this StoryPacket Includes:Book Mosaic "Stained Glass" WorksheetBook Cover w/Summary WorksheetDesign your own Cell phone case with written explanationStory Chain of Events WorksheetChapter Prediction Reading LogChoice Board AssignmentCreate your Own Graphic Novel WorksheetFirst-Person Creative Writing WorksheetEpilogue Writing WorksheetStory Event Illustration and Writing WorksheetMovie Poster with Hook WorksheetPrologue to the sequ, If you need a test for The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, you have come to the right place! As we read those entries we learn more about her and the historical circumstances she becomes a part of. Read about it in her diary and see tribalism taken to the lowest of lows. Will Nisha and her family safely immigrate over to the new India where their faith is welcome? In the vein of Inside Out and Back Again and The War That Saved My Life comes a poignant, personal, and hopeful tale of Indias partition, and of one girls journey to find a new home in a divided countryIts 1947, and India, newly independent of British rule, has been separated into two countries: Pakistan and India. Copyright 2023, Inc., a division of IXL Learning #DistanceLearningTpT Resource Details/What You Will Receive List (with descriptions) of main charactersBackground information Adapted novel (text)- approximately 36 pages (18 chapters)- in Microsoft Word format (editable file)Comprehension questions- 17 pages-in Microsoft Word format (editable file)Answers to the, This is a novel study for Tales of Edgar Allan Poe by Edgar Allan Poe.

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