jim spanfeller political affiliation

1. The tech team managed to execute the move in about a month, but before they had finished, Spanfeller changed course and decided that the developers should build an entirely new video platform and player from scratch, explaining the decision by saying that that was what he did at Forbes, according to employees involved. Sign up for notifications from Insider! One theory was that Spanfeller thought implementing analytics would take developer resources away from building the new video platform and player, though employees said implementing analytics is a relatively easy fix. [9], In 1996, Spanfeller left his job at Inc., where he had become publisher, to become publisher of Yahoo! On July 25, a pop-up survey appeared on Deadspin asking three questions: How satisfied are you with Deadspin? Who doesnt like uncompromising commentary or sports stories you couldnt find anywhere else? John Taggart for The Washington Post via Getty Images, NOW WATCH: WATCH: How advertisers can navigate the death of third-party cookies, according to execs from Mars Petcare, R/GA, The Washington Post, and The Trade Desk, Clashes between the Gawker Media editorial culture. Shortly after the sale in April, she said, she met briefly with Spanfeller and explained to him her role and responsibilities in the company, which was primarily to work directly with clients to secure partnerships, instead of going through media ad agencies. A voter's representatives in government. It became clear that she was not a good fit for this position and we both agreed on this. Vice president for west coast sales Steve Thompson, who worked with Spanfeller at, Vice president for east coast sales Sean Flanagan, who worked with Spanfeller at. Spanfeller, a man who is regularly and perhaps euphemistically referred to in press accounts as a digital media veteran, has so far hired a slew of his former colleagues at Forbes.comwhere he was CEO from 2001 to 2009and Playboywhere he was a senior vice president from 1989 to 1993. (Pontius declined to comment. Never mind the recent exodus of company leadership under his tenure, including the editorial director, chief financial officer, and chief revenue officer. These include a senior vice president of marketing who last week wrote a baffling reader satisfaction survey for Deadspin at Spanfellers behest; a sales executive who, sources say, appears unable to give an effective sales pitch; and an editorial director who repeatedly attempted to kill the reporting process for this story. They requested anonymity to speak candidly but their identities are known to Insider. At an all-staff meeting this week, Knight told Spanfeller that August 15 is the target completion date, which Spanfeller told Deadspin he believes is achievable. . [5], In 1984, Spanfeller was named publisher of Newsweek On Campus magazine. Both lawsuits detail discrimination personally faced or witnessed by the plaintiffs from Jim Spanfeller, who became CEO of G/O Media in April after private equity firm Great Hill acquired Gizmodo . And I didnt know what Sean was doing. You wrote a 'story,'" Spanfeller recalled telling staff. Political affiliation Definition | Law Insider According to Dave Reibstein, past chairman of the Board of Directors of the American Marketing Association and a professor of marketing at University of Pennsylvanias Wharton School of Business (where he teaches a course on market research), there are several problems with the survey. Everything theyve done in reaction to it is the herbiest shit I could possibly imagine. In a follow-up meeting with Spanfeller about the story, she suggested that hard financial data might not be their audiences central interest. That evening, the woman received an email from McAvoy telling her that the SVP of marketing job had been filled with someone who worked with Spanfeller at Forbes. Mr. Spanfeller has a BA in English Literature from Union College, Schenectady, New York. Multiple sources say that Spanfeller reached out to VP of media operations Brad Klancnik to tell him he was a valuable employee and that the new owners would like him to stay at the company, but female VPs say he did not relay such messages to them. All contents 2023 The Slate Group LLC. I realized that I wasnt communicating my advocacy for the department or our initiatives to upper management and other departments back to the team clearly enough. His skin got bright red, she said. These men, and others who now hold C-suite positions at the company, were each hired without a public recruitment process, and several were installed over high-ranking women who had been successfully performing those jobs at the company for years. "We remain optimistic that our labor will be taken into consideration as this period of financial promise collides with a time that has been particularly rough on morale," the Onion Union statement said. Spanfeller Media Group - Wikipedia (Deadspin reached out to 10 former Spanfeller employees at The Daily Meal; four consented to be interviewed, though all declined to be named because they fear retribution from Spanfeller or their current companies.) I am and will continue to be a very strong advocate for my team.. Jim Spanfeller, G/O Media CEO Jim Spanfeller Tells Employees to 'Brace for Impact' of As for why that move was never announced, Spanfeller told Deadspin he believed Mike McAvoy would announce Rogers arrival, even though Spanfeller hired Rogers and he has announced other hires across the company since taking over. Justice announced he was switching his party affiliation . Great Hill Partners and current CEO Jim Spanfeller, formerly of Forbes, bought these sites and the Onion from Univision Communications Inc. in April. Now that we are closer to stabilizing the company, there can be a more deliberate recruitment and hiring process. Its something that Im working to improve. Political affiliation. According to Great Hill Partners' website, Spanfeller "has led comparable media platforms and positioned them for successful strategic exit," which probably means something to someone, somewhere,. In his email to the staff, Spanfeller described this story as one that had been commissioned by the site, and attempted to paint the reporting process behind it as haphazard and unfair. The post, published Tuesday evening, proved wildly popular on Twitter. Editorial director Paul Maidment, who worked with Spanfeller at Forbes and The Daily Meal. That is clearly evident when you note the poor syntax and galling bias of the questions. From a womans perspective, I did feel very belittled. Another former Daily Meal staffer said that management was straight-up scared of Spanfeller, adding, I can see why. Lastly, I firmly believe, personally, that Jim Spanfeller is a herb. I never changed my mind. My territory has been cut in half. Mad Money Twitter - Jim . Neither Sean nor Jim ever reached out to ask, Hey, what are you doing, how are you doing it, how is it working? There was never a conversation about my role, she told Deadspin. James J. Spanfeller serves as President & Chief Executive Officer of Forbes.com, a leading media Internet company, and as Executive Vice President of Electronic Publishing for . Endnotes [1] Statement from G/O Media: "Some reports have miscast Jim Spanfeller as a private equity businessman when, in fact, he has spent his entire career in editorial-driven businesses. Spanfeller declined to answer a question about whether he expressed these sentiments to Klancnik. During an internal sales summit meeting in New York on June 19, sales execs practiced pitching G/O Medias general presentation, a deck of about 15 slides that tells clients why they should do business with the company. He credited The Root for its journalism on the Black Lives Matter movement. "We closed Splinter because it was a liberal political site that was losing audience in the middle of a liberal moment," he said. Hes trying to micromanage, the tech employee said last week. When asked if it was inaccurate, then, to say she had accepted the job, Spanfeller did not respond. Having done it at Forbes, I simply knew it could be done quickly and with incremental value to the company.. I intend to continue supervising the reporting process, including legal review, and then publish a thorough and fair story, which of course would include responses from people we spoke to. When one reviews the actual questions one might feel even more uneasy. I have stood up for and advocated for my team since the day I started at G/O. She asked McAvoy, then her immediate supervisor, for the opportunity to interview for the position, citing her leadership of the revenue division, her construction of a diverse team, and her renown in the industry. That the story has been submitted for legal review without the benefit of our responses leads me to the conclusion that the piece is already fully written and that our responses to questions are mere window dressing. Have a tip we should know? The detection of possible errors in a person's voter record as well as instructions on how to update it. View details on more than 95 Million registered voters across the United States. G/O Media workers went on strike today in part to protect remote work. ), Spanfeller described the situation differently. Spanfellers cronies now fill the G/O Media positions of chief financial officer, editorial director, senior VP of marketing, VP of west coast sales, VP of east coast sales, and VP of southern sales. Jim Spanfeller Biography. At the same time, working with the EICs to set a general editorial direction is clearly in the purview of any owner.). Emma Carmichael is a friend of mine, and we both worked at Gawker Media and, as it was later named after being purchased by Univision, Gizmodo Media Group, or GMG. Jim Spanfeller . Below are some of the biggest revelations outlined in Deadspins roughly 7,000 word report on their parent company and its new management, which they spoke to nearly two dozen G/O Media employees for. The role was not posted nor was it communicated to me in time where I would have even been given equal opportunity to be considered, she said. In one case, sources say Spanfeller did offer to promote a woman to run human resources, but on the condition she fire another woman at the company as her first order of business. The sales employee (who is not an SVP) wasnt surprised to hear that Spanfeller didnt know what she did. This guy just seems like he doesnt like women, another added. Now that we are closer to stabilizing the companys finances, we can take even more time and be more deliberate in our hiring, which the SVP Talent is already doing.. G/O Media CEO Jim Spanfeller says the company is profitable and ready When she tried to edit the post, she was greeted by the following image: Attempts to create a new post were similarly thwarted. Who even told you you were allowed to think about audience?, My management was straight-up scared of him, said a staffer who worked at the site for two years and had responsibilities on both the editorial and marketing sides of the company. Asked about the meeting, Knight initially didnt answer. That is absurd. He would stop into peoples offices with the doors open and scream at them, so everyone knew what was going on., A fourth source, a former senior staff member at The Daily Meal who worked with Spanfeller, confirmed his temper issues and the dysfunctional nature of the workplace. Think Youre Smarter Than a What Next Producer? Multiple employees on the tech team say the chief technology officer, Jesse Knight, has repeatedly shown himself unable or unwilling to stand up to Spanfeller and advocate for his team and best practice standards.

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jim spanfeller political affiliation

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