Daily Temperature and Rainfall Records (updated thru 10/12/2022): Highest - Lowest - Highest Mins - Lowest Maxs - Rainfall Normals, Means and Extremes (by day) 30-Year Normals (1981-2010) Monthly Temperature and Rainfall Summary (2000 to present) Top 10 Extremes (by month) Holiday Climatology -Evacuation Planning -more, ADDITIONAL INFO Joe', A Conversation Between ACSH and Great.com. Should You Worry About Artificial Flavors Or Colors? Snowfall Months with snowfall are January and December. -Our Office Area flooding was catastrophic and widespread. Multiple locations were found. Total rainfall in 2017, the year of Hurricane Harvey at IAH in northern Houston, was 79.69; rainfall the month of the storm, August 2017, at IAH totaled 39.11. -Preparedness Meetings In 1837, the Racer's Storm passed just to the south of the town, raising water levels four feet. -Wind Roses, Education/Careers -Historical Tracks The rainfall rates shown in the appendix are derived from Figure 1106.1. CERTIFIED (official) climate data is available from the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). [18] The all-time record low at Houston's Hobby Airport, closer to the city, is 9F (13C). The last hurricane to hit was Hurricane Nicholas in 2021. Mean Temp: 57 F. -NOAA -Major Events, RADAR -Old Climate Page More information & alert signup. How is it possible that Seattle has such a rainy reputation if it's not even remotely one of the wettest cities in the country? There are 90.0 rainy days annually in Houston, which is rainier than most places in Texas. Please select one of the following: -Galveston Beach Patrol (Flag Warning System), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Cotton Station (July 1881 - September 1909), Stewart Building at Preston and Fannin (September 1909 - February 1926), Shell Building at Texas and Fannin (March 1926 - August 1938), Federal Building at Franklin and Fannin (August 1938 - May 1969), Intercontinental Airport (June 1969 - Present). -Preparedness Meetings The table below displays max and min temperature and rain data for the whole year as an average taken from last 12+ years of historical data for Houston. -Galveston Tornadoes in Houston usually measure a weak EF1 on the Enhanced Fujita scale and cause light to moderate damage to well-constructed buildings. -Hurricane Harvey This might flood certain low-lying intersections, but doesn't generally affect citizens or the business of the city. -Beach George Bush Intercontinental Airport sees an average of 9.6 days per year of freezing temperatures. Annual Weather Averages Near Austin. Monday - Friday: 6 am - 8 pm Saturday: 7 am - 5 pm Houston normally receives 49.77 inches (1,264mm) of precipitation on 104.0 days annually. -Observations Areas south of Interstate 10 can have entire winters without a freeze. (I bought two of them and thought they were pretty cool until the water turned yellow.). -Careers November 13, 2018 Broke Earliest Snowfall Record, This page was last edited on 1 March 2023, at 04:35. -Evacuation Planning -Palacios Devastated Galveston Island much resembled a war zone. Which is the driest month in Houston? -Air Now US Dept of Commerce The list contains numerous companies, streets and waterways that have been considered hazardous to humans in various ways. Generally we expect the highest totals south and east of Houston, but. 1 Map of Texas Counties By Mean Annual Precipitation Dec 4.38. Harris County, where the bulk of the city has been historically located, is home to 15 Environmental Protection Agency Superfund sites, more than any other area in Texas. -Tropical -Forecast Discussion -Brazos River Authority, CLIMATE -FAQ, Rivers/Lakes/Bayous What Are Some Geographical Locations of Deserts? In descending order of frequency, the most snow has fallen in January, followed by February, December, November, and finally a single occurrence on March 10, 1932,[39] which was also the lowest recorded temperature for that month, 22F (6C).[40]. 2-year frequency - a rainfall intensity having a 50 percent probability of occurrence in any given year, that occurs on the average every 2 years over a long period of time. It rains enough that a company (based in Seattle, of course) developed a product called a RainGlobe, which is like a snow globe, except it rains inside. The month with the most wet days at George Bush Intercontinental Airport is June, with . And rainfall was substantially lower. -Publications/Brochures Houston has occasional severe weather, mostly flooding. Houston sometimes experiences tropical cyclones during the Atlantic hurricane season, which can bring heavy rain and significant damage to the city. Current Conditions Radar Forecasts Rivers and Lakes Climate and Past Weather Local Programs < < Go Back Rainfall Scorecard This table compares rainfall amounts from previous years with the current year. Precipitation: 0.72" Humidity: 64%. -Education -SKYWARN Schedule Although the downtown office was the official observation site for almost eighty years, the office moved quite a few times around downtown Houston. California town representative of unrelenting drought s travails. [45] The ice storm that occurred on January 16, 2018 started as cold rain for several hours, before changing to a wintry mix and then eventually sleet and snow. Mean monthly maxima and minima (i.e. ". HOUSTON, Feb. 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, John F. Kerry, will address delegates at the 41st annual CERAWeek by S&P Global, March 6-10 in Houston. What can I say? Hurricanes that have the potential to landfall bring severe damage to the area. How many days does it rain in Houston? Preliminary maximum 24-hour Average Recurrence Interval (ARI) of the rainfall from August 24, 2017 through 12Z August 28, 2017. . -Evacuation Routes However, most years see little or no significant hurricane activity. -HGX Teacher Resources Would biotech have helped? -Observations -Satellite NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. He is also a member of the USA Today Board of Contributors and a featured speaker for The Insight Bureau. -StormReady Rainfall The month with the least rainfall is February, when the rain falls for 13.1 days and typically collects 1.77" (45mm) of precipitation. -Graphs Pollution rankings from the EPA and ALA are administered in terms of peak-based standards, focusing strictly on the worst days of the year; on average, ozone levels in Houston are lower than those seen in many other cities of the country, due to dominant winds off the Gulf that ensure clean, marine air.[53]. -Find It Quick, Tropical The average high in January, the coldest month, is 62.9F (17.2C) and the low 43.2F (6.2C). Kentucky was the wettest state with 9.97 inches (253 mm) above normal which ranked as the 8th wettest in . Precipitation: 0.85" Humidity: 63%. -Weather History Compared to other major cities in the United States, Houstons average rainfall is near the top. -Beach August is the hottest month in Houston with an average temperature of 29C (84F) and the coldest is January at 12C (54F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 11 in July. Monthly averages Olympia Longitude: -122.901, Latitude: 47.0379 Average weather Olympia, WA - 98501. -Center Weather Service Units The industries located along the ship channel,[48] coupled with a growing population, have caused a considerable increase in air pollution for the city each year. -Marine Multiple locations were found. Teflon and Human Health: Do the Charges Stick? -Houston/Galveston Four have done significant damage to Houston. All weather data collected at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Overton may not reflect temperatures or rainfall amounts for other areas of east Texas. -Activity Planner Really? -Marine [54] The Port of Houston has not seen any major cleaning attempts. Monthly: 1981-2010 normals 2016. [1] The city (and much of South and Southeast Texas) has its own irregular monsoon season, which usually lasts from May to October, but sometimes April to September. [12] The 2014 summer season did not yield 100+ degree weather in response to the monsoon-esque rainfall during late June to August, during a period where the Pacific Coast off Central America was heating up, which evolved into the 201416 El Nino event - this cycle was also observed between 197176, during post-El Nino intervals. -Houston Hobby Cataclysmic Drought: When The Dead Sea Was Deader, Building Trust: How the Church Can Encourage COVID Vaccines, Journalists Regurgitate 'The Monsanto Papers', No, COVID mRNA Vaccine Won't Cause Alzheimer's or Prion Disease, Putting the East Palestine Train Accident in Perspective, The Newest, Best COVID Treatment Could Be the One You Cant Get, Every Picture Tells a Story: Surgical Attire Edition, Podcast: 'Peer-Reviewed' Science Ain't So Scientific; Alcohol and Cancer Risk In Context, No, Homeopathic 'Remedies' and OTC Drugs Don't Belong on the Same Shelf, Podcast: Solving America's Drug Shortage; Biden's Bioeconomy Plan A Bureaucratic Mess. Dew Point: 39 F. -Web Weather for Kids [27] Never before had the city experienced such widespread or long-term power outage: no air conditioning, no refrigeration, no lights, and no phones. -Austin/San Antonio [20] This rainfall prompts Houston's 10-month-long "growing season" to begin. Four deaths in the city were attributed to the storm. -Storm Data -Old Climate Page -Worldwide -Air Now -Rainfall Reports -FAQ, Rivers/Lakes/Bayous -National Which is the wettest month in Houston? Wind: 7 mph. Early January is the coldest time of the year, with temperatures moderating slightly by February. Home | Privacy & Cookies | Contact | About. -Twitter New Orleans, on the other hand, where it usually rains over five feet a . NPR Frets About 'Weight Stigma' As Doctors Fight Childhood Obesity, Ignore the News: Earth Is Getting Cleaner and Healthier, Another Lousy Anti-Vaping Study, Debunked, Insanity: Doctor Gives Teenage Son Cigarettes to Break Vaping Habit, Underwater Suicide? -more, SocialMedia [47], Houston is well known for its oil and petrochemical industries, which are leading contributors to the city's economy. Occurrences of freezing rain, also known as ice storms, are more common than snow in Houston. Sea breeze showers which are monsoon-like (especially during the summer months, originating from the mesoscale convective cycle, where the polar jet stream usually forms an omega block) are common throughout the Texas Gulf Coast area (from Brownsville to the Florida Peninsula), which has a similar climate to areas like Mumbai and Kolkata locals refer to the sea breeze showers as the Gulf Coast Monsoon (also called the Gulf of Mexico or the Texas Monsoon), despite Houston being 50 feet above sea level. -Harris County Flood Warning System Please Contact Us. -Feed The count of days includes those when precipitation amounts to 0.01 inches (0.25 millimetres) or more. On average, rain rates will be 1-2 per hour, which could lead to standing water on roads where the heaviest rain hits. This makes 2018 the third-wettest year on record for the U.S. and sixth consecutive year of above-average precipitation. Houston/Galveston, TX1353 FM 646 Suite 202Dickinson, TX 77539281-337-5074Comments? -NCDC/NCEI 7-hour rain and snow forecast for Houston, TX with 24-hour rain accumulation, radar and satellite maps of precipitation by Weather Underground. "[44] Typically, such ice storms affect mainly the northern/western areas of the metro, while the southern/eastern areas are left with just cold rain. Houston has had a troubled past with pollution of many types. In Houston, during the entire year, the rain falls for 180.5 days and collects up to 35.35" (898mm) of precipitation. -NOAA -Evacuation ZipZone -more, SocialMedia -Spaceflight Meteorology Group [21], Houston has received less than 20 inches (510mm) of rain only once: 17.66inches in 1917. How Toxic Terrorists Scare You With Science Terms, Adult Immunization: The Need for Enhanced Utilization, IARC Diesel Exhaust & Lung Cancer: An Analysis. They are most likely to be found along frontal boundaries of an air mass during the spring months. Regrettably, weather records prior to 1889 are not available. -Publications/Brochures Copyright 2023 Current Results Publishing Ltd. Hard freezes are not uncommon in North Houston; George Bush Intercontinental Airport has recorded at least one freeze every winter since it opened in 1969. It is especially severe in low-lying areas on the far east end of town along the San Jacinto River. May is the wettest month in Dallas with 5.0 inches of rain, and the driest month is August with 2.2 inches. On the first day of February, sunrise is at 7:11 am and sunset at 5:58 pm. Seattle gets about 37.4-38 inches of precipitation a year. 25 km. Flooding is a recurring problem in Houston, this is on par with the fact that the city is on a flood plain and has a rainy season. -Austin/San Antonio -Houston Intercontinental Rain This table gives the total precipitation that fell on Houston during each year from 2010. Snowfall average snowfall in inches Houston Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 0 in BestPlaces.Net The temperatures in Houston in November are comfortable with low of 14 C and and high up to 21 C.. You can expect about 3 to 8 days of rain in Houston during the month of November. -Granger (Central Texas) COPYRIGHT 1978-2022 BY THE AMERICAN COUNCIL ON SCIENCE AND HEALTH. Unlike Dallas, Houston is not in Tornado Alley; however, smaller tornadoes can occur during severe weather. Even the Astrodome was air-conditioned, making baseball players and fans comfortable for decades. But Houston doesn't get as cold as 20 F (-8 C). Low Temp: 45 F. -Education However, it dropped to -6 C (21.2 F) in December 1996. -Houston/Galveston Houston, Texas, is considered to have a tropical climate, and its average annual rainfall reflects that. Hurricane Ike left ninety percent of people in the Houston Area without power. Disclaimer: Please note that the data provided here is considered "unofficial". [22] In 2011, a drought resulted in a total of 24.57 inches with less than 1 inch recorded at IAH in six of the year's 12 months; only 0.09 inch was recorded that August and 0.11 inch that April.[21]. However, a relatively complete set of daily temperature and rainfall data is available dating back to 1892 with some temperature and rainfall records dating back to 1889. The climate data come from weather measurements made at the William P. Hobby Airport near downtown Houston. In Houston, the average yearly rainfall increased by about 2 inches. Since the 1930s, air-conditioning was built into all commercial buildings like theaters, malls, and corporations. -Galveston Beach Patrol (Flag Warning System), FORECASTS One of these was a. Houston, United States of America Weather Averages. Podcast: Sweden's COVID Response; Eco-Doomsday is Cancelled, Why Do Books Smell? -Major Events, RADAR Which Drugs Really Help with Motion Sickness? Hurricane Harvey made landfall in Rockport, Texas, very early on August 26, 2017. -Weather Safety Though rainfall comes fairly evenly throughout the months of the year, June is Houstons rainiest month, with an average of 6.25 inches. 10 miles. A wet day is one with at least 0.04 inches of liquid or liquid-equivalent precipitation. -Granger (Central Texas) -Weather Ready Nation [41] When ice occurs, roads and schools are usually closed. Daylight -Severe Stats June through August in Houston is very hot and humid, often with scattered afternoon showers and thunderstorms. [52] Houston's air quality has often been compared to Los Angeles and Beijing.[48]. -Palacios -FloodAware -Historical Tracks Houston bests many major cities like Albuquerque, El Paso, Las Vegas, Phoenix and Reno, which all average under 10 inches per year. -Preparedness Meetings Snowfall In Houston, snow does not fall in February through November. Yet Buffalo ranks 30th in the total precipitation it receives annually, with 40.7 inches (1033 millimetres). In addition to several websites, Reinhard's writing appears in "The Rapscallion Report." -Miscellaneous Info All NOAA, You are at NWS Houston/Galveston SE TX Climate Houston Intercontinental Climate Climate Graphs - IAH, CURRENT HAZARDS There are 90.0 rainy days annually in Houston, which is rainier than most places in Texas. This means that Seattle has more frequent rain, but the light rain results in low totals. -Education The number of days with precipitation counts the days when rainfall amounted to 0.01 inches (0.3 millimeters) or more. The temperature hovers around 19c. Another similar storm in April 2016 resulted in widespread, severe flooding across Houston and surrounding suburbs in an event later known as the "Tax Day Floods". June is the wettest month in Houston with 6.2 inches of rain, and the driest month is February with 3.2 inches. Average monthly snow and rainfall in Houston (Texas) in millimeter This is the mean monthly precipitation over the year, including rain, snow, hail etc. February 12, 1960: 4.4 inches (11cm) of snow. -Weather Ready Nation Miami records. That's followed by how many really hot and cold days occurred each year. In the Know with 'Dr. -Fire [13] Because of the high temperatures that persist in the months of April through October, most indoor workers in Houston spend the hottest part of the day in an air-conditioned environment. -National Weather Service Helping Smokers Quit: The Science Behind Tobacco Harm Reduction, Foods Are Not Cigarettes: Why Tobacco Lawsuits Are Not a Model for Obesity Lawsuits, The Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis: A Review. "Heat watch: Houston ties all-time record high". Not even close. [49] Ground-level ozone, or smog, is Houston's predominant air pollution problem. -CoCoRaHS NWS -YouTube In late April 2016, record rainfall fell in the Houston area, and some areas received nearly a season's worth of rain in one night. Jay Lawrimore. -more, ADDITIONAL INFO -Climatology for SE TX -Forecast Discussion This was the eighth straight year above the 1981-2010 normal for the region. The previous record was 48 inches, also set in Texas . Climate information about yearly temperature, precipitation, sun, humidity, wind and storms. In late August 2017, Hurricane Harvey flooded Houston, causing severe widespread damage and at least 14 deaths. In October, the average high-temperature slightly decreases from a tropical 88.3F (31.3C) in September to a warm 81F (27.2C). The annual precipitation totals are averages based on weather data collected from 1991 to 2020 for the US National Centers for Environmental Information. -Weather History The wettest month is June, with an average of 5.93 inches (151mm) of rain. ACSH does not have an endowment. The wettest season is Summer with 30% of yearly precipitation and 20% occurs in Spring, which is the driest season. -Corpus Christi Regrettably, weather records prior to 1889 are not available. Snowfall In Houston, snow does not fall through November. -Historical Tracks This year up to early October, there have been 18 weather/climate disaster events killing 538 people with losses exceeding $1 billion each in the U.S., according to NOAA. -Graphs -Evacuation Routes Info Please: Climate of 100 Selected US Cities, The Best Places to Live with Low Humidity, Campgrounds Near Statesville, North Carolina, Campgrounds in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. Between 1970 and 2018, Houston's mean annual rainfall jumped from 49 inches to near 57 at Hobby Airport. The area is drained by a network of bayous (small, slow-moving rivers, often dredged and enlarged to increase volume) and man-made drainage ditches, which are usually dry most of the year. -Galveston [32] There were more incidences[spelling?] All NOAA. the highest and lowest temperature readings during an entire month or year) calculated based on data at said location from 1991 to 2020. -Models Houston has excessive ozone levels and is ranked among the most ozone-polluted cities in the United States. -Corpus Christi -Evacuation Planning Which is the sunniest month in Houston? It has more days with rain than both New York City and Miami. Another storm happened in June 2015 (Tropical Storm Bill) that had a similar impact on Houston, causing several highways to be closed due to the bayou overflowing; this event followed flooding from May 2426. [7] The value of relative humidity results in a heat index higher than the actual temperature. -Tropical Storm Imelda Analysis of the Parameter Regression of Independent Slopes . *The heaviest 24-hour rainfall in U.S. history and 12th highest in the world - total verified by NOAA at unofficial reporting station Greatest annual average: 58.31", Orange, Orange County Least annual average: 8.81", El Paso, El Paso County Wettest year statewide: 1941, 42.62" - state average Driest year statewide: 1817, 14.30" - state average Most of the city was without power for 23 days some for 2 to 3 weeks. Weather Highlights Summer High: the July high is around 92 degrees Winter Low: the January low is 40 Rain: averages 63 inches of rain a year weather and science facts . Tropical Storm Erin made landfall in August 2007 with heavy rainfall. [11] Heat stroke can strike people who stay outdoors for long periods of time during the summer, making hydration essential for outdoor work and recreational activity. When does it snow in Houston? -College Station Post. -NCDC/NCEI Rochester gets even less rain and snow. Rainfall rates, in inches per hour, are based on a storm of 1-hour duration and a 100-year return period. -Twitter -Corpus Christi
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houston annual rainfall