The exclusive clip shows that after having trouble activating his parachute, Duncan is dangling from a tree and is surrounded by scarabs. Duncan bonding with Gwen over scary movies. Click to reveal Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a2e1b6e0c9b2bf3 posted by PUNUNKCHICK. Duncan leaves to go to bed with Leshawna. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. Courtney holds Duncan's hand to help him conquer his fear. Katie Crown Izzy (voice) Adam Greydon Reid Justin (voice) Drew Nelson Duncan (voice) Novie . Total Drama There are 123 actors who have voiced 87 characters in the Total Drama franchise on BTVA. Aunt, cousins, brothers, father, grandmother, mother Duncan easily wins the second challenge, creating a giant skull with the explosives and successfully defends his team when the opposing team launches an attack. (@smolstarlight) Twitter Total Drama World Tour. I know its missing Tyler and Ezekiel. Leave a Comment. Additionally, he and Zoey are the only contestants to do so in two consecutive seasons. He also gives Courtney the pet name "Princess" to tease her. Despite the fact that Duncan quit Total Drama World Tour in Walk Like an Egyptian - Part 2, he came back and placed 5th. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. With Gwen's departure, Duncan unofficially replaces her as captain of the Screaming Gaffers. Duncan and Scott join Zoey and Cameron on their raft as the other boats are either taken or had been sabotaged. Duncan slowly begin to lose his mind and to quench his hunger, he eats the letter Courtney give him. 1. Duncan mockingly claps for Harold after the latter is forced to wear his pajamas. Duncan's parole officer then inquires about the pool party. Duncan tries to explain what happened to Courtney's contract. WORLD TOUR: In the first episode, they are still together. Screaming Gaffers Merge Because of him quitting last season and thus "owing" Chris some camera time, Duncan is brought back to Camp Wawanakwa in Grand Chef Auto in order to demonstrate the challenge. He considers himself as being "straight with people", rarely pretending to be what he isn't. Team In the next episode, the vague familiarity of Mike's voice still bothers him. Duncan is shocked to see that Courtney has returned in Ocean's Eight - Or Nine. Duncan makes fun of Harold, after he knocks himself out. [1] Duncan is paired up with Owen in Are We There Yeti?. Later, Justin becomes attracted to Courtney, leading him to a fight with a jealous Duncan for Courtney's affection. 20. Photo: Cartoon Network / 2 41 VOTES Noah Memorable Quotes: All right, see if I care. The two of them often argue throughout the episode, often physically, on who gets to do the required task. Over the course of the challenge, he slowly starts to act nicer and more affectionate to people out of instinct (such as blowing kisses to Gwen and cheering on his teammates). In Greece's Pieces, Duncan threatens Tyler to not reveal about the kiss he had with Gwen. Seth Green - Duncan Rob Paulsen - Tyler, Ezekiel, and Cody Dee Bradley Baker - Feral Ezekiel Jon Heder - Harold Elijah Wood - Trent Linda Cardellini - Bridgette Keith Ferguson - Noah Yvette Nicole Brown - Leshawna Hynden Walch - Sadie, Zoey, and Ella April Winchell - Eva James Arnold Taylor - Owen Catherine Taber - Courtney Wally Wingert - Justin Duncan is the definition of a bad boy, being a crafty, cool juvenile delinquent who comes from a long line of policemen and policewomen. The following list contains the voice actors from Total Drama Reunion. There are 123 actors who have voiced 87 characters in the Total Drama franchise on BTVA. #35 "Duncan" from TOTAL DRAMA - Drew Nelson The Infinity Forge 19K subscribers 2.8K 169K views 12 years ago Finally!!! Welcome To Total Drama Craziness! Team Such moments displaying this side of him include finding a new bunny for his friend DJ after Geoff loses the first one, carving his and Courtney's initials on wood, and defending Lindsay after she is betrayed by Heather. While Team Amazon are on their way to Newfoundland, the two girls believe they saw him standing on top of a mountain but in turns out to be a rock formation that resembles him. Not Quite Famous (TDI) 13. Courtney tells Duncan that he still isn't her type, right before she kisses him. Elimination Brutal-er!, Duncan appears on the yacht with his fellow veterans. Sign in. Moments later, Owen is fired by Chris, leaving Duncan and Beth the only contestants remaining in the season. *A bus pulls up to the platform* Sensing his suspicions, Mike pretends that Duncan might have known him from the previous season but Duncan doesn't buy it and still believes that the two of them might have met a long time ago. Duncan is a troublemaker who wants to escape the daycare at all costs. Through his training, Duncan is able to bring out Harold's inner strength and together, they win the first challenge and move on to the next. (TDI) 15. While he is annoyed that they spend more time arguing, he is even more annoyed that they did not try to pull him into one. Some quality time with Harold also makes him consider ending his feud with him after so long, though this does not come to fruition. Duncan, however, would not forget about her, and is seen carving a picture of her face on the side on one of the first class lounge chairs in Sweden Sour. As revenge for Chris using his kitchen as the site for the challenge, Chef points the newcomers to paint Mt. Like his older self, however, Duncan is not . Documentaries . Duncan laughs at the girls for heading in the wrong direction. Duncan is one of the few people on the team (the other being DJ) who still defends Gwen after she is caught throwing the challenge for the other team. USERNAME: PASSWORD: Forgot password? There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Ben in Bakugan: Mechtanium Surge, Duncan in Total Drama, Kai in 6Teen, Chao Xin in Beyblade: Metal Masters) Peter New; Richard Newman; Pauline Newstone; Leslie Nielsen (Narrator in Katie and Orbie, Les . Despite this initial tension, the two of them show that they have feelings for each other. Cast. This design has since been recycled into one of the interns. Placement and puts the piece in himself, stepping on Harold. Wawanakwa Gone Wild! Total Drama Island Season 0 Episode 2 KW : full TV Serie, watch TV Serie ,online, HD, free, TV Serie, download, DVDrip, 1080p, 720p TV Serie all season and Epis . Courtney threatens to vote Duncan off if he doesn't cooperate. Duncan tries to apologize for scaring her earlier but was only using it in order to bait her into another scare. Duncan gets hit by a trap while searching for his animal buddy. Beth eventually catches up with him at the final question since she knew much about her fellow contestants. Duncan is the definition of a bad boy, being a crafty, cool juvenile delinquent who comes from a long line of policemen and policewomen. Gwen is shocked to see that Duncan is able to perform a noble act, so he playfully replies her earlier statement that "she does not know him at all". Katie Crown Izzy (voice) Adam Greydon Reid Justin (voice) Drew Nelson Duncan (voice) Novie . This continues until the end of the episode when Gwen finally loses patience with him and breaks up with him, leaving Duncan confused about their sudden breakup. During the elimination ceremony, Duncan expresses his annoyance that his team was unable to vote off Mike. Teal (116 episodes, 2018-2021) Series Production Management Series Art Department Series Sound Department Elimination Duncan asks Sierra for more Gwuncan videos. Eventually, Duncan hears someone calling his name and leaves the campsite to find the killer standing at the Dock of Shame. Duncan competing in the obstacle course challenge. He reveals in the confessional that he always dream of joining the military. Remember Me? Unknown to Duncan, Gwen is actually trying to make peace with his ex-girlfriend, Courtney, who has yet to forgive both of them and even pretends that Duncan doesn't exist anymore. Duncan gets mad when Owen questions him about Scruffy. It's about time somebody took La Cucaracha down.". What if the first three seasons of Total Drama (Total Drama Island, Total Drama Action, and Total Drama World Tour) have an American voice cast?. Team Duncan shows Owen the contract that Courtney gave him. After Duncan manages to wrestle an alligator that ate the case, he trips on a rock and sprains his ankle. One of the possible sightings of Duncan after his elimination. He and Gwen are seen making out passionately while DJ, Harold, and Leshawna dance nearby. Duncan thinks the chameleon is changing into the wrong colors. Duncan would officially leaves via the Drop of Shame in the next episode after Ezekiel had taken it. Duncan and Gwen walk through the woods together in. Here it is, my interview with Drew Nelson, the voice of "Duncan" from. They return to the cabins and share the stolen food with the other campers. With the situation becoming tenser, Duncan admits to Harold he actually has a small degree of respect for him in order for them to retreat. Brunch of Disgustingness (TDI) 18. Created as a parody of shows such as Survivor and Fear Factor, Total Drama Island focuses on twenty-two teenagers' arrival at Camp Wawanakwa to compete on a reality television show. Lindsay was going to win TDA, but her voice actor got a new job and . Hair color Angered by his betrayal, Courtney break up with him. duncan total drama voice 30.9M views Discover short videos related to duncan total drama voice on TikTok. Courtney: Get It Right-Lea Michele . Duncan won Total Drama Action in his ending. Total Drama Island (formerly titled Camp TV) is the first season of Total Drama. Cl Bennett Chef Hatchet / DJ (voice) Christian Potenza Chris McLean (voice) . Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Duncan insists that he is still a bad boy but his attempts backfire, such as when his knife breaks when he tries to carve into the wood of the confessional booth and becomes emotional when he tries to steal a mother bird's egg. It is unknown how he was able to videotape himself climbing down the wall and then zoom out when he is caught by the guards, though it may be possible that he actually used the security cameras to film the video. Courtney pays him a visit and after a brief conversation regarding each others behavior, Duncan convinces Courtney to break some rules and join him in stealing food from Chef. Drew Nelson but was chased away by bird before he could remember. Duncan picks a sledgehammer as his weapon to capture a raccoon A group of raccoons group up against Duncan. I have many ideas but which couple should I write about: DuncanxGwen TrentxLindsay JustinxHeather {Just Putting for laughs} Or do you have any other ideas. Duncan talks about how horror movies are filled with psychological trauma, and aren't pointless. (my cuteasduncan59 diss) for of . Duncan blows a kiss to Gwen before the challenge starts. Friends This is a list of voice actors and actresses who have appeared in Fresh TV 's Total Drama franchise that have their own page on TV Tropes and the characters they play. In the confessional, he believes that the others are trying to make him let his guard down so that they can vote him off. Where to watch Total Drama Island? A young viewer sees what appears to be Duncan in Texas, USA. Duncan returns for the new season, continuing his role as the series' anti-hero. Eventually, Duncan ended up in London for a performance with his band, which coincident with the latest country the contestants are visiting. Two episodes later however, the Gaffers discovers that Leshawna pretended to cry in order to claim the reward all for herself, angering Duncan. Duncan is the only contestant in the series to make the final five more than twice. In Total Drama World Tour, he originally quit the show but was brought back later on in the season and joined Team Chris Is Really, Really, Really . They both come up with a plan to mess with Team Amazon, by pretending to fight over Courtney, and for Alejandro to flirt with Courtney, so Heather would be jealous, and the team would completely self destruct. However, by pure luck, Duncan is spared as Lindsay accidentally casts the deciding vote for herself and is eliminated. Total Actors: 8 Appearances: 6 Franchise: Total Drama. I'm, uh. Duncan watches Chris do something to his parrot off-screen. Duncan is forced to be a "deer" for the challenge Duncan and Owen talk before the challenge begins. Chef Hatchet forces Duncan to do push-ups. 01 Mar 2023 06:26:42 Duncan is tied up in order to climb the pyramids by Courtney. Duncan's parents and his parole officer send him a video log just like the other campers in the final five of how much they miss them. As contestants slowly start waking up Y/n was looking out of the plane window as Her team was complaining about losing first class to Chris and Chef . Duncan is introduced as a guest along with Owen and Courtney in Hawaiian Style, where he is reunited with Gwen. and Million Dollar Babies and Courtney wins in both times as Duncan tries his best not to have his relationship with Courtney ended up like Trent and Gwen. He was seen with the original contestants on a yacht in the first episode of Total Drama: Revenge of the Island, and he made a cameo appearance in Grand Chef Auto. When their team are about to "rob" the bank, the teller reveals herself to be Courtney. This makes him one of four characters to dye their hair to an unnatural color, the others being, He is one out of eight contestants who have dyed their hair overall, the others being, Duncan is the second contestant to quit the competition with the others being DJ, Harold and, Duncan was the last member of his team in both, He is the highest-ranking Killer Bass member in the, Duncan is one of the seven contestants to make it to the merge in every season that they compete in. Duncan apparently joins Total Drama in order to avoid returning to juvie. Despite their bond, the boys immediately distant themselves in No Pain, No Game after Chris announce the merge. Throughout the episode, Duncan is easily tricked by Courtney several times. 3434 carolina southern belle; why is austria a developed country; total drama world tour voice actors. Duncan and Harold ended their short-lived friendship. ALL; SHOWS (6) Duncan appears to be ambidextrous as he is seen holding his knife with both hands though it seems his left hand is the dominant one. Everyone congratulates Duncan for facing his fear. It is revealed in Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Action Reunion Special that despite the couple's popularity, Duncan and Courtney broke up again and Duncan had filed a lawsuit against Courtney over custody of their pet raccoon, Brittany (a parody of broken up couple fighting over custody of their child). Duncan gets the drop on the Killer Grips in. You Regatta Be Kidding Me Duncan stops the challenge music to annoy. Duncan and Leshawna win the final challenge. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a2e1b85ace4525d See if Netflix, iTunes, Amazon or any other service lets you stream, rent, or buy it! The two make peace with each other and continue with the challenge. Gwen points out Duncan's swollen lips to him. Like many of his teammates, Duncan feels proud to be on a team of villains. Duncan tries to open the door to the trailer, but it is locked. Duncan is irritated by the camp's surroundings. Although Zoey finds it hard to believe that her boyfriend has a dangerous secret, Zoey trusts Duncan's theory not only because she had her own suspicions on Mike recently, she also believes that Duncan is being "thoughtful and considerate" much to his annoyance. Duncan knocks Owen on the head for letting him fall. Though Courtney continues to annoy them, the couple nevertheless ignores her until Duncan loses his patience and threw a sandal at Courtney. When both of them are separated from their team, Duncan confronts Mike while he is talking to a bird affected by the Blue Harvest Moon. Upon discovering where he is, Duncan quickly looks for an exit, but Chris stops him, revealing that the whole challenge was a plan to drag Duncan back and force him to fulfill his contract (much to his chagrin). He is an actor and producer, known for The Tuxedo (2002), Total Drama All Stars (2013) and The Rocker (2008). Duncan is shocked when Harold receives a marshmallow. However, after Trent is eliminated in Search and Do Not Destroy, Duncan realizes that the girls outnumbered the boys and rallies the remaining boys in Hide and Be Sneaky to form the first guys' alliance. Though another girl is eliminated, Duncan defends Lindsay when she is betrayed by Heather, saying what Heather did to her was "cold" compare to anything he did. . Duncan laughs after scaring his teammates. Courtney tries to make sure he doesn't get into trouble, though Duncan teases her that she is doing it because she likes him, much to her frustration. Family Where They Will Be Forced To Do A Challenges For Day. 0. TV Show: Total Drama Island Franchise: Total Drama Incarnations View all 6 versions of Duncan on BTVA. Duncan loves to break rules to better suit himself, but sometimes the consequences are worse than what he intended. Movies . Courtney was supposed to win TDAS. Courtney and Duncan walking out of the bus. Total Drama Island Season 0 Episode 5 KW : full TV Serie, watch TV Serie ,online, HD, free, TV Serie, download, DVDrip, 1080p, 720p TV Serie all season and Epis . Duncan and Justin fighting over Courtney's affection in The Princess Pride. Duncan confronts Harold for waking him up. Ultimately, because of Owen's appetite, the two of them lose the challenge and Duncan is eliminated although he isn't disappointed. Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon (TDI) 16. Duncan is one of the five characters to have a unibrow, the others being, Duncan is one of several contestants to have theme music dedicated to them, the others being, He is one of only eleven contestants overall to switch teams, the others being, He is one of five characters to give the finger, the others being, Duncan is one of only three contestants to have been on five teams, the others being, He and Courtney, however, had to return to the competition in some way to achieve this. Duncan (Total Drama) Cody Anderson Harold McGrady V Justin (Total Drama) Gwen (Total Drama) Courtney (Total Drama) Heather (Total Drama) Owen (Total Drama) Noah (Total Drama) Additional Tags: Bands Reality TV Interviews Enemies to Friends to Lovers Drinking Games Betrayal Developing Friendships Three Years Later Reunions Depression After winning the challenge, Leshawna started crying, stating that she is worried about her friends' safety throughout the episode. Despite his mean attitude and demeanor, Duncan is actually a good person at heart, although he will never admit it to anyone else. Trailer The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf Teaser Pokemon Master Journeys: The Series Trailer RIP Chick Vennera Disney's Encanto Voice Cast and Teaser Trailer The Owl House Season 2 Guest Voices Featurette CHECK OUT MORE NEWS Cory Doran (born February 7, 1982) is a Canadian voice actor and director who is known as the voice of Dabio & Rex in the PBS Kids animated series Wild Kratts, and Jimmy, the star of the Breakthrough Entertainment animated show Jimmy Two-Shoes. They are pair up against each other in One Million Bucks, B.C. This made Gwen's boyfriend, Trent, jealous seeing how those two have so much in common while he couldn't even start a topic with her. She is an actress, known for Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004), Warehouse 13 (2009) and 6Teen (2004). With a target on his back, Duncan was supposed to be eliminated that night but Chris wanted to prolong the drama and eliminates an intern instead.
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duncan total drama voice actor