Winds S at 5 to 10 mph.. Mostly clear. On Nov. 2 voters approved a tax ratification election (TRE) that increased the districts ad valorem tax rate to $1.2920 per $100 property valuation to compensate teachers and staffers. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. Provide leadership to ensure high standards of instructional service. Applications will be accepted through Monday, Aug. 15. Sign up today! Coming for a visit? We listened to feedback from community members, parents and staff and paid very close attention to the details. Canyon Lake High Schools stadium is in awful shape its been 15 years since it was built and the safety and security is unsafe. Signup today! There was an error processing your request. Comal County Sheriffs Office and Texas Attorney Generals Office investigators testified to specifics of their probes Monday morning before the districts independent auditor testified to his findings. Comal ISD voters last Nov. 2 approved a tax ratification election (TRE) that increased the districts ad valorem tax rate to $1.2920 per $100 property valuation to compensate teachers and staffers, which York said would lead to 3% pay increases over the next two years. Robstown ISD superintendent to step down for top role in another district February 0308:25 AM Robstown ISD Superintendent Jose Moreno has announced he is leaving the district. The trial for Walker, 67, is tentatively scheduled to begin Aug. 22. Steve Stanford, assistant superintendent for communications, said details of the deal will be posted on the districts website. Although his resignation wont be effective until September 30, 2022, Mr. Kim will be taking personal leave starting immediately, the letter said. We are fortunate to have a superintendent that has been with us for 10 years, he said. Three teachers were subsequently placed on administrative leave pending investigation. You have permission to edit this article. 2022 REVISITED: The H-Z counts down its top 10 stories of the year Nos. We took the superintendent search for Comal ISD very seriously, said Jason York, Comal ISD Board of Trustees president. Superintendent works for the district for 10 years and his salary goes up 48.9%? He said he interviewed CISD staffers and reviewed thousands of construction documents. Andy has botched up over 4 dozen administrative level personnels career due to his distaste for him. accounts, the history behind an article. By Lauren Canterberry Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, I want to thank our PTA Council, and all of our PTAs and members. Everythings Half Off at the Thrift Shoppe as Crisis Center of Comal County Celebrates Stores One-Year Anniversary, #BigGive 2022 Opens in Two Days as Area Groups Make Their Case for Charitable Donations, March 4 Lake & River Conditions for Canyon Lake, Barn, Porch, Backyard or Working: Animal Rescue Connections Needs Homes for Outdoor Cats, Red Flag Warning Issued for Bexar County Thursday, Critical Fire Weather Expected, Canyon Lakes Scenic Overlook Park Reopens with Parking Improvements, New Exit Lane, Canyon Lake Fishing Report for Week of March 1: Good, Canyon Lake Animal Shelter VP Orders Kennel Manager to Euthanize a Puppy by Sticking it in the Freezer; Board Member Attests to Other Horrible Practices, Canyon Lake Animal Shelters New Vice President Resigns, Fate of New Board Unknown. Notifications from this discussion will be disabled. We made our decision for not only current students and staff but for future students and staff of Comal ISD. Yes please elaborate. The 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM games are on as regularly scheduled. His passion is evident in the way he cares for students and his staff by developing programming that will benefit all families, he said. View Travis Fletcher's business profile as Technology Support Specialist at Comal Independent School District. Included was more than $2.945 million in self-performed work, $1.6 million in materials and nearly $1 million in labor with all bond projects. Now we parents must make sure the ISD moves to correct Mr. Kim's failings. Trustees next meet on Thursday, Feb. 10 and face a Feb. 18 deadline to reintroduce the failed portions of last years bond during the May 7 elections. Every Monday evening you'll get caught up with the top stories from the last week. Sunny. The Texas School Safety Center is a research center based Texas State University and charged with formulating school safety initiatives and mandates outlined in the governors Homeland Security Strategic Plan. Kims sustained leadership has been instrumental in Comal ISD becoming the destination district in Texas. Comal ISD Superintendent Andrew Kim back in June announced his resignation after 10 years, citing personal reasons. Testimony from forensic accountants and investigators continued Monday in the trial of a former Comal ISD administrator charged with theft of district property and materials during a two-year period more than 12 years ago. April 22, 2021 - The reappointment of Comal Independent School District Superintendent Andrew Kim to the Texas School Safety Center Board of Directors was confirmed by the Texas Senate during the 87th Texas Legislature. Thirty-four percent of these students were considered at-risk of dropping out of school and 5.6% were enrolled in bilingual and English-language learning programs. Last name. Get the latest breaking news from The Herald-Zeitung. Make recommendations to superintendent on termination, suspension, or non renewal of employees assigned to campus. Full-Time. All of these are things we need. Perform all other duties as deemed necessary by the superintendent or designee. He had the same problem with infidelity with subordinates at his former district Manor ISD. We need to find a way to correct it either through a bond or through fund balance., So, let me get this straightA teacher works for Comal ISD and hopes for their salary to increase about 9% over that 10 years, assuming there is not another pay freeze. He said Kim eased the pain of rising student enrollment growth, which increased from 18,645 in 2012 to 27,318 in 2022, a 46.5% increase. 1404 IH 35 North. He was first appointed by Texas Governor Greg Abbott in 2017. Sept. 19, 2022 - This evening, the Comal ISD Board of Trustees announced the lone finalist in its search for a superintendent, Dr. John E. Chapman III. . On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I want to thank Mr. Kim for his dedication to Comal ISD for the past 10 years. MIKALA COMPTON | Herald-Zeitung. Success! each comment to let us know of abusive posts. There were 25,368 students enrolled in Comal ISD over the same period. Interested applicants should visit the Information for Applicants page for more details. How do you get 48%. Board President Jason York confirmed the deal included a one-year extension, with compensation details still being negotiated. Services Coordinator, Senior Associate (Dyslexia, Curriculum/Bilingual/ESL), Director of Secondary Special Education Services, Executive Director of Curriculum and Instructional Design, Asst. Boerne ISD has an enrollment of over 10,400 students at seven elementary schools, three middle schools, two high schools and an alternative campus. A. It is helping us close that gap, York said. Apply today! . He also was recognized as Superintendent of the Year for Region 13. No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism Make it make sense. Andrew Kim stepping down as Comal ISD superintendent. Prosecutors allege both men received materials and manpower earmarked for 2008 district bond projects between 2010 and 2012. Share with Us. (Courtesy Comal ISD). After a state-mandated 21-day waiting period, Kims first official day with Comal ISD was July 23, 2012. 1 of 3 Comal ISD Superintendent Marc Walker being presented with a plaque by Comal County Sheriff Bob Holder in this 2012 file photo. Search the site for stories about fishing, hunting, tubing, and enjoying nature in the jewel of the Texas Hill Country., Copyright 2022 My Canyon Lake. Chapman apologized, saying the district respected differences and fostered a welcoming environment where all children belong. Low 52F. Not only do you make me a better educator, but more importantly, a better person.. Comal Isd right now is being described as a dumpster fire. . 2022 REVISITED: The H-Z counts down its top 10 stories of the year Nos. Former Comal ISD Superintendent Marc Walker was in court today (Tuesday, September 13th) Former Comal ISD Superintendent arrested in growing scandal NEW BRAUNFELS, Texas -- A school. Congratulations to our Senior Comal ISD Dance Scholarship recipients! A former Comal County Independent School District superintendent was arrested on multiple warrants Monday in Travis County. Chapman has a doctorate degree in Educational Leadership from Texas Tech University, a masters degree in Mid-Management from Wayland Baptist Universit,y and a bachelors degree in Science of Education from McMurry University. Recognize . Helen Keaton, Comal ISDs executive director of facilities and maintenance, testified her internal review led to the outside audit by Arias that he said began Aug. 19, 2013. His next superintendency took him to Comfort ISD, where he resided for the next seven years. C. It is normal in parts of China to eat cats and dogs.. I for one am looking forward to a new clean slate, starting with a forensic financial audit to ensure of any financial hankypanky. March 1, 2023 - Two high schools in Comal ISD offer hospitality, tourism and culinary arts courses as part of the district's growing Career and Technical Education (CTE) program. Join the Comal ISD team See Our Latest Jobs 4.0 Former Employee Good district Jan 19, 2023 - Coordinator in New Braunfels, TX Recommend CEO Approval Business Outlook Pros Great community of teachers and learners Cons The pay was not as competitive for the work Be the first to find this review helpful Helpful Share 4.0 Current Employee High School Course Guides High School Attendance Boundaries Assistant Superintendent /Courtesy photo Show More Show Less 2 of 3 Thomas Bloxham, a . Adm. Support Liaison (Asst. And while we as parents, teachers, staff, students, and board members may not always agree on everything, I think we can agree that steady, consistent, and experienced leadership will serve us well in years to come.. Academic achievement our number one performance indicator has risen substantially, with the percentage of students attaining grade-level performance or higher, increasing 12% in reading and 16% in math, York said. We are a fast growth district anticipating five . Pictured from left are Comal ISD Superintendent Andrew Kim, Sheriff Reynolds, Comal ISD Director of Safety & Security Joe McKenna and Chief Deputy Jones. Comal ISD high schools prepare students for their future whether they choose to attend college, start a career or join the military upon graduation. Kim announced his resignation during a. Last week, prosecutors linked Bloxham, then the districts assistant superintendent of support services, to property that turned up at his home and the former Austin residence of former Comal ISD Superintendent Marc Walker. His career included stops at Austin ISD, as assistant superintendent of educational support services; Round Rock ISD, as director of professional development. In other moves, trustees approved the districts 2022-23 academic calendar and received a report on district demographics, which indicated Comal ISD has added 1,736 students so far this year due to increased housing activity and recovery from COVID-19. Don't knowingly lie about anyone I'm sorry for Comal ISD. Welcome to Comal ISD; Bid Opportunities; Board of Trustees; Bond 2023; Bond at Work; Comal Forward; Contact Us; Departments; District Calendars; District Improvement; District of Innovation Plan; District News; Financial Transparency; Strategic Plan; Superintendent's Office; Title I; Title IX Superintendent Andrew Kim and staff reviewed Comal ISD's reopening plan and coronavirus safety protocols at Thursday's board meeting. 01 Mar 2023 01:02:54 Winds S at 5 to 10 mph.. Mostly clear. . A preliminary agreement reached on Jan. 27 was followed by Kim negotiating on compensation details. Would you like to receive our daily news. He is still, by far, one of the lowest paid in the region, York said Wednesday. Industry. Address. In todays age of accountability, we cannot lose focus on educating the whole child, not just the partial child.. The Comal Independent School District late Thursday announced details of Superintendent Andrew Kims new contract, which was extended by two years and includes a $48,000 annual pay raise. 78130 USA. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. Comal teachers are non union. Contact Information Name Email Contact Number School your student attends (if applicable) Message Confirmation Email Time for a clean slate and movement forward. Friday, July 15 - The Comal ISD Board of Trustees has opened the application process for the District's next superintendent. First name. Marc Walker was arrested on several warrants Monday at 11:50 a.m.. Easy 1-Click Apply (COMAL INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT) Elementary School Principal (23.24 School Year) job in New Braunfels, TX. Low 52F. Chapman earned his doctorate of education degree in educational leadership from Texas Tech University; masters degree in education and mid-management from Wayland Baptist University; and bachelors degree in education from McMurry University. This job is offensive or discriminatory His 2017 contract paid $209,000 annually, and his 2018 contract had a 2.3% pay increase. View job description, responsibilities and qualifications. accounts, the history behind an article. In 2018, his stewardship took him to Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD where he began his fourth superintendency. Low 52F. High 82F. His resignation is effective Sept. 30, and he will take personal leave until that date. Signup today! They voted 6-0 to amend Kims contract. During this timeframe, there is no contractual obligation. Comal Independent School District Secondary School Principal jobs in Smithson Valley High School New Braunfels, TX. After a period of years as secondary principal, he obtained his first superintendency in Chillicothe ISD. Don't Threaten. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. person will not be tolerated. John Arias, president and owner of San Antonio-based ACC Consulting Inc., hired by the district to conduct a certified audit of those projects in a seven-month period between late 2013 and early 2014, testified he hadnt encountered such a situation before or since in his 38 years in the business. Meet the Teacher, Orientation, & Open House, Lamar University Educational Leadership Program. We would hope that happens within the next few weeks and definitely by the end of this month.. Communicate and promote expectations for high-level performance to staff and students. In 2013, he was named Superintendent of the Year for Region 13 and went on to be named a top five Superintendent of the Year finalist. We made our decision for not only current students and staff but for future students and staff of Comal ISD. Delivering entertainment and live music news straight to your inbox every Thursday morning. Attends staff meetings, serves on staff committees as requested, and accepts a share . We fully anticipated seeing population increasing, by around 900 to 1,100 students, but never thought it would be more than 1,700 with months left in the school year, York said. In our review of the job-cost history, there were (non-reimbursable items) not associated with the bond, he said of what he told CISD trustees in concluding his probe on Feb. 28, 2014. Chapman and Comal ISD now begin the state-mandated 21-day waiting period, which allows for negotiations and vetting prior to a lone finalist transitioning into the role of superintendent. District officials didnt comment on the sudden decision by Kim, 51, to resign four months after he received a $48,000 raise and contract extension until 2027.They said Kims resignation will become effective Sept. 30. . I firmly believe that we got it right.. Error! Due to potential weather in the San Antonio area, the SA/Comal Varsity Baseball Classic has cancelled ALL 5:00 PM games at all sites for today, Thursday, March 2, 2023. Be Nice. This is Kim's third two-year term on the board. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. He began his career in education as a teacher and coach in Lubbock and served as an assistant principal, junior-high principal and high-school principal. Many in Comal ISD knew about his repeated actions for years. It's been more than 12 years since two former Comal Independent School District administrators allegedly engaged in misappropriating district funds for personal benefit. The average teachers salary was $61,166, some $4,025 higher than the state average. "We've been experimenting with electronics since the beginning of the program," says Ryan Johnson, an 11th . He also posted this video March 31 on the districts YouTube channel. Most definitely it will be an agenda item (next week), York said. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD Supt. I want to assure you that she and the rest of our administrative team will continue the outstanding work that they do to keep Comal ISD moving forward as we undertake the task of hiring a new superintendent, York wrote. With a team effort, his vision of strong community involvement within the school district improved education for all students. Sign up today! Baird Williams settled for $5.9 million roughly 83 percent of the 2008 bond over billing. High 82F. In 2014, he began his superintendent duties in Ennis ISD. No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism He went from $188k to $220k in 2024. Please review our commenting rules before submitting a post. However, the agreement also absolved Baird/Williams possible over billing for projects associated with the districts 2005 bond, in which it also served as primary contractor. 3 & 4. Kim was appointed to the Texas School Safety Center Board of Directors by Texas Governor Greg Abbott in 2017 and reappointed in 2019 and 2021. If he got JUST a 3% raise each year the first 10 years he should be making almost $300k NOW. Honestly Im surprised it took this long to have Andrew Kim face consequences for his actions. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Use the 'Report' link on (Copyright 2022 by KSAT - All rights reserved. that is degrading to another person. is a local online news source for Canyon Lake, Texas. The challenges that we will face in Comal ISD over the next several years are real. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. The lawyers need time to review everything before Mr. Kim and I sign off on it.. Bloxham and Walker are charged with theft of property by a public servant, with indictments on money laundering and misapplication of fiduciary still pending. Mandy Epley, the districts assistant superintendent of Strategic Initiatives and Programs, is interim superintendent. The scoreboard displays 2020 as CISD Superintendent Andrew Kim claps for Canyon High School seniors during the Commencement Ceremony at the Cougar Stadium on Wednesday, June 3, 2020. CFBISD launched several initiatives aimed at meeting the most-basic needs of the whole child, including free counseling services and family meals, TASA said. He taught in Dallas ISD during the 1990s, and served as principal at DISDs J.J. Long Middle School in 2002-03. This relationship is very precious to us. Superintendent, Elementary Education, Elementary Systems Information Specialist, Administrative Assistant (Attendance Officers), Asst. You have permission to edit this article. Agenda. David Ibaez has been managing editor of since the website's launch in October 2000. Threats of harming another Every Monday evening you'll get caught up with the top stories from the last week. Comal ISD Superintendent Andrew Kim announced his resignation during a June 7 board of trustees budget workshop meeting. If you need help with the Public File, call 210-351-1241. He wasnt given a choice to remain employed with the district. ). When you look at student population, the size of the school district and academic performance and what the district has achieved, hes grossly underpaid underpaid the same way our teachers are.. Sunny. While in Ennis, Dr. Chapman received the school board nomination and was presented with the Region 10 Superintendent of the Year award. John E. Chapman III began his educational career in Lubbock, Texas teaching and coaching at the junior high level. Would you like to receive our daily news. Welcome to High School of Choice The Comal Independent School District is a fast-growing and innovative district with more than 24,900 students in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. Would you like to receive our daily news? These 5:00 PM Thursday games will not be rescheduled. each comment to let us know of abusive posts. LOCATION - New Braunfels. One too many lawsuits against him by current and former female employees. Certainly, there is work ahead for us as a Board and a district to prepare for the coming school year.. Comal Independent School District Superintendent Andrew Kim speaks at the groundbreaking ceremony of elementary school #20 on Hubertus Rd. Superintendent, Communications/Organizational Alignment, Executive Director of Human Resources and Customer Service, Assist Tech Specialist/Lead Speech Therapist, Executive Director, Accountability, Data Integrity & Research, Meet the Teacher, Orientation, & Open House, Lamar University Educational Leadership Program. Chapman and Comal ISD now begin the state-mandated 21-day waiting period, which allows for negotiations and vetting prior to a lone finalist transitioning into the role of superintendent. With a strong yearning to come back to his roots, he became Comal ISDs new superintendent in October of 2022. Kim resigned in June citing personal reasons. Dr. John E. Chapman III Superintendent (830) 221-2015 Get an email notification whenever someone contributes to the discussion. The letter cited Kims leadership and direction for numerous successes during his tenure, including Comal ISD become of the states top-performing districts, three bond elections that led to the construction of eight new schools and managing the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2018, Kim was named as Superintendent of the year by the Texas PTA, based in Austin, which oversees more than 2,600 chapters with 500,000 members throughout the state. Drastata voiced his support for the plan after several. York praised Kim for raising student academic performance during enormous enrollment growth in his 10 years leading the district. The Comal ISD Board of Trustees has officially opened the application process for those individuals who are interested in applying for the Superintendent position. The Comal ISD superintendent landed himself in another tough spot late last week after the district's IT Department, posing as the district's Human Resources Department, sent a "phishing" email to employees asking them to verify their COVID-19 vaccination status. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Sign up for our free newsletter and be the first to get notified on the latest Canyon Lake news, local business profiles and upcoming events. Managing fast-growth is a challenge. Thats only a $44k increase. Copyright 2022 by KSAT - All rights reserved. A 21-day, state-mandated waiting period now begins to allow for negotiations and vetting before Chapman officially assumes the position. While this is certainly a significant change for our district, we respect and support Mr. Kims decision, Board President Jason York wrote in a letter to parents Wednesday afternoon. Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) described Chapmans lifelong passion as educating the whole child in a leadership spotlight posted to its website on July 26, 2021. That's right, they are building planes as part of the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Aviation Maintenance program in Comal ISD. Were counting down our top 10 stories of the year as they were covered in the pages of the Herald-Zeitung. We took the superintendent search for Comal ISD very seriously, Jason York, Comal ISD Board of Trustees president said. Superintendent Dr. John E. Chapman III read his favorite childhood book, "Johnny Appleseed," to first-grade students at Oak Creek ES to celebrate Read Across America Day. Without commenting on specifics, he said in a state where the average tenure for a public school superintendent is three years, keeping Kim on board was critical.. Oversee compliance with district policies, success of instructional programs, and operation of all campus activities. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. Be Proactive. We'd love to hear eyewitness March 2, 2023 - Students are building their own planes at Davenport and Canyon High Schools. York said Kim enhanced learning opportunities for students, which included a district-wide orchestra program, expanded Advanced Placement, Dual Credit, On Ramps, as well as chess, robotics, middle school athletics and elementary intramural sports programs. We took the superintendent search for Comal ISD very seriously, Board of Trustees President Jason York said in a statement released by the district. Convictions on theft by a public servant are second-degree felonies that carry up to 20 years in prison and fines up to $10,000. MIKALA COMPTON | Herald-Zeitung. Error! Comal ISD Superintendent gets new deal; pay details not certain. I guess the board and Mr. Kim have a different understanding of what servant leadership means It seems like it means the teachers will forever be the servants of the superintendent. Were counting down our top 10 stories of the year as they were covered in the pages of the Herald-Zeitung. Fifty-five percent of those students were considered at-risk of dropping out of school and 34.5% of students were enrolled in bilingual and English-language learning programs. Within that time, he obtained his Doctor of Education degree from Texas Tech University in Educational Leadership. Many of the Comal ISD School Board members knew it when he was hired years ago and were willing to overlook it. The district said Chapman has 17 years of experience as a superintendent. Keep it Clean. Be Nice. Would you like to receive our daily news? Joy Lim, a vocal critic, took a photo of this question, which appeared on her younger sisters remote-learning social studies quiz. Citing personal reasons, Kim submitted his resignation that will be. The growth is not slowing down. Jason . Superintendent | Comal Independent School District Superintendent Please complete the form below to share questions or concerns with the Superintendent. He began his career in education as a teacher and coach in Lubbock before serving as an assistant principal, junior high principal and high school principal. Error! Comal County Sheriff Mark Reynolds and Chief Deputy Jimmy Jones were on hand for the Comal ISD law enforcement lunch Monday. High 82F. SAN ANTONIO - Comal ISD has announced that the Superintendent, Andrew Kim has resigned after 10 years of working with the district. The indictments state all were connected with an ongoing criminal enterprise between April 10, 2010 and Oct. 9, 2012, with materials and labor benefiting their respective residences in New Braunfels and Austin. Select a reason for reporting this job. Keep it Clean. CFBISD Chief Financial Officer Steve Bassett said Chapman understands childrens struggles because of hardships he experienced as a child. Applications will be accepted between July 15 through Aug. 15. According to a letter sent to residents from Comal ISD. Despite its diversity, CFBISD came under fire in March 2021 for a multiple-choice question on a sixth-grade exam which asked Which one of these Chinese NORMS is TRUE? Arias said documents provided by Temple-based Baird/Williams Construction, which the district paid $127,685,260 for 13 bond projects, indicated thousands of dollars were spent on items unrelated to the bond and possibly work to install items searches located at the homes of both former CISD employees. The same holds true for students and teachers. "We took the superintendent search for Comal ISD very seriously," Board of Trustees President Jason York said in a statement released by the district. Easy 1-Click Apply (COMAL INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT) Secondary School Principal (23.24 School Year) job in New Braunfels, TX. Our academic performance during the pandemic also outpaced surrounding districts, due to his commitment to keeping our schools open.. York said Kim eased the pain of rising student enrollment growth, which increased from 18,645 in 2012 to 27,318 today, a 46.5% increase. York countered social media posts speculating Kims raise would exceed $20,000 when teachers didnt receive the normal pay increase last year. York said the pay increase included an extra six months between Kims annual evaluations, which the board shifted from June to January, and that Kim was one of the lowest paid superintendents in the Austin-San Antonio area. | Signup today! As such, this Board supports Mr. Kim and his leadership of Comal ISD.. All Rights Reserved | Website by. A petition by DFW Chinese Alliance garnered 53,437 signatures. Dr. Chapman is proud to call Comal ISD his new home and continues to look forward to continuing excellence and promoting new vision.
comal isd superintendent