Neil & Janet YoungSenior Pastors. end of story. There's fraud cooking at az's second largest church! Kenya Special Needs (Oct)#850500. IT APPEARS THAT THEY DID NOT DO ANY SUCH THING EVEN AFTER NUMEROUS CONTACTS AND PRODDINGS - SO THEY ARE LEGALLY LIABLE, BUT WORSE, BECAUSE THEY ANSWER TO A HIGHER AUTHORITY THAT JUST JUST THE LOCAL CRIMINAL OR CIVIL STATUTES, THEY HAVE FAILED FAR, FAR WORSE. Click here: Historical evidence for the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist Christ, and his apostles are the authors of Catholic theology. Don, I am asking you, the Pastor of this church for your "answer" to what you believe and what you teach as the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is a legally recorded Maricopa County Recorder's office document from Maldonado's home lender who he and his wife also screwed over. And hasnt read any of the posts at all or all the way through. Hence your silence. For that would be extremely bad form. 218, Technical Producermikeh@ccvlive.com610.792.0777 ext. There's fraud cooking at az's second largest church! Any history book will tell what the early Church believed. You have a conversation with someone long enough and eventually the dam will break and their real and true self, heart and character will eventually emerge. I ask again Don, and your parishioners should ask as well. Just a little ironic. History and the Holy Bible tell us the Catholic Church is the Church Christ commissioned in 33AD (Matt 16:16-19). "I have no taste for corruptible food nor for the pleasures of this life. In 2006, CCV built two new buildings for its children and youth ministries from over $8million in funding, raised in one weekend. It's wishful thinking and/or a rationalization of the facts of history. Any history book or encyclopedia will tell the link from Jesus Christ to John Paul II. - (NOT), was CAUGHT willingly particiapting in a three year long illegal-drug and sex based adulterous HOMOSEXUAL relationship with a male-ecort/prostitute in Denver, miles away from THE EYES OF HIS WIFE, FAMILY and the huge flock GOD had entrusted to him to PROTECT and lead in the suburbs. Many might think I am attacking you in this letter. In Christ, we see the full image of God the Father; His love, strength, and sovereignty. Again, I encourage your staff and congregation to "test everything" and consult the encyclopedia or any history book and find the first person in the history of the world, to teach the ideas and theology of Don Wilson. Bus Guides 7. They made it very clear they did not endorse any company or guarantee anything in this section. That is how far CCV's theology has drifted from orthodox Christianity. And the truth must be known. The non-accountability? (The Real Presence.) A set of perspective and disciplines that unlock a fuller and more purpose-filled life. And with open eyes, we witness His image wonderfully and mysteriously woven into everyone we meet. Some would, some wouldn't. ccv teaching pastors. I would never had waited that long for the light to come on in this idiots head (whcich it still hasnt apparently) Only crazy sociopaths who must have thier own violent rap sheets think its bad to remain civil and use the internet which happens to be the #1 way to share information about people now. That is not right. He believes the church should be leading the way in shaping culture through authentic worship and creative expression that points people to Jesus. Forgivness will set you free! Both "words" are UNBiblical, yet both "ideas" are Apostolic. Christ's Church of the Valley also held services in an elementary school and a strip mall for a short period of time. This is the equivalent of $848/week or $3,674/month. New people have been attending CCV as a direct result of the following affinity groups: softball, kids play group, volleyball, dog walking, tennis, scrap booking, etc. Zero. I addressed this with you and Trent in the past, obviously to no avail. 1 Timothy 2:8-15 remains the crucial scriptural text in the debate over the ordination of women, or, if you prefer, the issue of women serving as pastors of local churches. 271 views, 7 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Christ's Church of the Valley: Check out this week's rebroadcast of CCV Church at Home with teaching from Pastor Brian. What is your link to Christ then outside of your modern personal interpretation of the Bible from which you formulate your theology? Just because one's Pastor says something is "Biblical" doesn't mean the Apostles taught it. That also is patently false. By my calculation God has grown this Church exponentially. You. "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.'' But I am only requesting that you cease discrediting another's faith if you are unwilling to substantiate your views. No. June 5, 2022 Posted by: Category: Uncategorized Nada. Her desire is to see people . 10-25-2018. Dave Stone, senior pastor of Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky and his younger successor Kyle Idleman (Inset). (Letter to the Romans 7:3 [A.D. 110]). Ashley believes that his time at Intel was a vital part of his overall preparation. When you pursue His way, your life will never be the same again. After numerous inquiries, and in accordance with Matt 18:15, which commands me to first speak to you and your staff privately (which I tried to no avail), I am going to post this letter on the new CCV website, because I feel it important enough for your parishioners to read. I desire the bread of God, which is the flesh of Jesus Christ, who was of the seed of David; and for drink I desire his blood, which is love incorruptible" One terrible rumor and your screwed by the ol'mighty church members who are sinner's and liar's like anyone else.. guilty until proven innocent, just'sayin. He did a real bad job. If you are a christian you likely know that christ, the main god - human - face in christianity, held a special contempt for these exact types of religious people - the phony, fake, two - faced religious leaders of his time - and in fact he called them various things from "brood of vipers" to "whitewashed tombs" - indicating the sickening stench of their phoney pious - perfect outside yet corrupt, rotten, filthy and maggot infested inside - refering of course not to their colons but their hearts. Yes, they all spring from the 16th century and beyond. Felon lawyer and CCV member Maldonado's "honesty" ad soliciting new business is STILL RUNNING as of right now on! Just one person? A set of perspective and disciplines that unlock a fuller and more purpose-filled life. Daniel Im, of Lifeway's New Churches initiative and himself a member of a teaching team, said . He was influential in the development of the system of Christian theology later called Calvinism. Washington Flying H Ranch #837200. Bernie Madoff was screwing over his clients and stealing from them for over a defcade before he was finally charged and arrested. You are taking on 10's of millions of dollars of debt to finance the growth of your new church and the growth of your distinctive ideas. The case for the Catholic faith is its Apostolicity. visitors move around the site. Hasn't Don told us for years the errors of Catholic theology? Find a group thats right for you. Individual support will be tracked internally to determine the effectiveness of the individual's ability to raise support. You have stated that many of your parishioners are fallen Catholics. I received no response. Prior to joining the CCV team, Mark was a Professor at Ozark Christian College in Joplin, Missouri, (1990-2012). CCV uses necessary cookies to make our site work. The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customers satisfaction. So if you're still on your DELUSIONAL Christian-CCV high-horse, STILL blindly defending CCV, still eagerly and ignorantly cheering on CCV even after their absolutely horriffic, unloving and un-CHRISTIAN FAILURE to do anything here, perhaps thinking it was an oversight or a mistake or something else to tell yourself so you wouldnt have to think or believe or face the sad truth about CCV's failed leadership, your bubble has now been popped, forever. CCVC words and CVCC words are words which follow specific letter sequences of consonant and vowel sounds. Just joined in here and after reading the original post and several of the same authors original posts elsewhere about Maldonado I noticed that Maldonad and all of his online personas/family members never once denied any of the core accusations: 1) that he wrote a NSF check to the individual, 2) that he failed to ever make-good cash or cashiers check payment for his bad check to this person after 1.5 years as required by CA bad check statute CC 1719 or even AZ law, 3) that he was investigated by the AZ Bar, 4) that he did not in fact have the liability insurance in May 2009 when he claimed on website that he did, and 5) that he is a convicted felon for murder among other crimes for a gangbanging event as a youth in La Habra, CA in which he was sentenced for nine years +_ in youth prison as a result. Judgement day awaits us allhow about we let God do his job and continue to honor Jesus and the sacrifice he made. . Don, if a company made up unsubstantiated charges about it's competitor to gain market share, and yet when called on the carpet or into court to substantiate these charges, it came up empty, or even refused to support these allegations in any shape or form, would not that company be guilty of being unethical at the very least? These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be switched off in I have asked you and your staff over half a dozen times now to substantiate CCV theology. Categories . Brussels, Belgium. 1 Peter 3:15 He holds a BSE in Electrical Engineering from Arizona State University and has held CEO and senior executive leadership roles for public and private companies in healthcare, consulting, technology, outsourcing and aerospace industries. The reason is you have no choice. So be afraid, be very afraid of this new accountablility and transparency. All of these ideas find their origin in the last few hundred years. I take exception to you targeting those ignorant of their faith, and drawing them into your church with false information. U-N-B-E-L-E-I-V-A-B-L-E. And that means it is impossible for the Apostles to have taught these ideas. He took cash from his victim days later in April 2009 WHEN HE WAS STILL BROKE AND IN DEFAULT, and wrote his bad-NSF check to that same client in early May 2009 and this is proven by sworn, witnesssed, notarized affidavit from his bank, Bank of America. Yes, ccv ( senior pastor and phony "christian" dr. Don wilson and equally phony senior staffers scott chandler and jon edmiston, have been notified in writing by me numerous times for over one year that a formal, known, member of ccv church, fraudster, phoenix lawyer edward maldonado, a former . Avoid every kind of evil." I ask you Don. Co-defendants Emilia Ceniceros, 36, Edward Jose Maldonado, 37, and Gabriella Maldonado, 36, all of La Habra, were convicted Oct. 8, 1991, of MURDER, assault with a firearm, shooting at an inhabited dwelling, first-degree robbery and shooting at an unoccupied vehicle. Mark joined the staff at Christ's Church of the Valley (CCV) in Peoria, Arizona in July 2012 as a teaching pastor. Give and make an impact. With nothing to support your opinion of the Bible outside of your own opinion of the Bible. 201, Childrens Ministry Associatehelenam@ccvlive.com610.792.0777 ext. Kenya Medical (July) #834200. What would you do in my position? But more important - this "Christian" ledership failure permanently diminished and devalued the collective, general reputation of Christianity in America, especially by non-Christians, MANY OF WHOM NOW REGARD EVANGELICAS AS IGNORANT, HYPOCRITICAL EXTREMIST CLOWNS. You seem very quick to forget that the church, in which ever guise, has spent nearly 2 millenia covering up and hiding the wrong doings of thier own members. Avoid every kind of evil." "Test everything. Mark is one of the Teaching Pastors at CCV in Phoenix, he. The beliefs of Don Wilson were even repudiated by your own reformers and they were totally unknown before the 16th century. You and I both know what they will find. Hope was involved in leading worship in multiple settings before coming on staff at Radiant Church. ST. Ignatius of Antioch (Student of John the Apostle and Bishop of Antioch in 110AD): CCV AND PASTOR WILSON KNEW ABOUT THIS FRAUD CRIME OVER A YEAR AGO AND THEY DID NOTHING TO STOP IT, BUT EVEN WORSE THEY CONTINUED TO OFFER THEIR VALUABLE WEBSITE RESOURCE AS THE KEY AND ONLY RESOURCE TO ALLOW MALDONADO TO COMMIT THE FIST CRIME AND GOD ONLY KNOWS HOW MANY MORE. 4. user like yourself has visited our site or be able to monitor the sites performance. Who believed your theology before the 16th century? He and his wife, Jaime, have three girls and love to see marriages and families thrive. If Don does not resign then this church has no credibility as a Chrisitian Church and hopefully God will see to it that it is shut down. The reason for your silence is that you recognize the "origins and authors" of your distinctive theology and literally have no answer for my questions. Instead he has called this person vile names, made inappropriate personal attacks about irrevelent personal traits, and made crude bigoted remarks not at all in line with his professed CCV Christianity or as a lawyer aka, an officer of the court. No offer to call the police. Weekend church attendance was 32,000. You can set your browser to block or alert you about these cookies, And the origin of the theology they base their salvation on is not from the Apostles, it is you. We're for loving, thriving communities. 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 Yet CCV denies this link even after being shown the truth. Again: They would never become a believer. Just as the Mormons claim Biblicism for their theology with zero historical support prior to Joseph Smith, your theology claims the same, with zero historical support prior to the Renaissance era. I.e. And in Matt 18:17 Christ commands Christians to "hear his Church." Simple? Does that sound like the Eucharist is but a MERE symbol as you teach 8000 people? But the check was not there when i drove out that time or the next time. That is not sound logic. No. I am simply telling you what you already know, but might not want to acknowledge. visitors move around the site. "There is One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism, One God." Trent Renner was one of your previous pastors, (and your son in law I believe who is a pastor at another church). With this in mind I must ask you: does it not matter where your theology came from? 1. Go tell them. wow, that last comment was right on target - thanks for that insight! Syllable Division. Died: May 27, 1564. amount to a request for services, such as setting privacy preferences, logging in or We would also like to set optional performance The truth is; we are guilty until we are proven innocentthat is the reality! our systems. Our church founded by Don Wilson, (CCV) in Phx teaches tithing 10% or more, and if we disagree, we are free to find another church. 279 views, 8 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from SermonCentral: Here you go, our full interview with Mark Moore! With zero substantiation even when asked to present it. What does the Bible say? (I'll let you in on a little secret here: Not making a bad check good or offering to make payents after 1.5 years looks REAL, REAL bad for the check issuer - you know, like the issuer had bad intentions all along, like a felony). June 14, 2022; idioms for beautiful nature . Pastor, Christ's Church of the Valley. Are you looking for a way to grow in your faith or add some variety to your regular bible study routine? IT OCCURS WHEN SOMEONE KNOWINGLY ASSISTS SOMEONE ELSE IN THEIR CRIMINALITY. Terms & Conditions! Yet, Don you teach your church that it was an UNBiblical "Tradition of Man" made up in the 11th century. They have three grown daughters and a red golden retriever named Meadow. Avoid every kind of evil." "Stop" is a CCVC word whereas "Post" is a CVCC word. Ask the students first to identify the vowels and consonants in the word, then split the word between the consonants . Is that your logic? You defend the teaching of tithing while disregarding telling others about Jesus Christ death, burial and. good leadership at ccv would have succesfully resolved this fraud in a fair and decisive manner, erring on the side of the victim not the victimizer, if anything was uncertain, the moment it was brought to their attention. Avoid every kind of evil. to count visits and traffic sources so we can measure and improve the performance of our Church: Giving Honor and Love to Pastors. "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. hetherington and deans funeral home niagara falls. 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 You guys are crazy! site. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. The purpose of The Coming Home Network International (CHNetwork) is to provide fellowship, encouragement and support for Protestant pastors and laymen who are somewhere along the journey or have already been received into the Catholic Church. Pastor Dave Stone of Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky shocked his congregation when he recently announced he is stepping down as senior pastor next year . Yes, ccv ( senior pastor and phony "christian" dr. Don wilson and equally phony senior staffers scott chandler and jon edmiston, have been notified in writing by me numerous times for over one year that a formal, known, member of ccv church, fraudster, phoenix lawyer edward maldonado, a former maricopa county prosecutor and current maricopa county attorney (Who is so unsuccessful that he still seeks private clients (To screw over) on the side through his lawyer ads on the ccv church website, has acted in a highly unethical and in fact criminal manner with me, a former ccv attendee - member (Until this ripoff happened to me and nobody responsed or cared and i stopped attending) . Hold on to the good. Empower the busiest people to master the core of the Bible. 5. Find out what it's like to build your career at all state and get connected to our latest job . Don, your theology was not taught by the Apostles and subsequently written into the Bible,,, it was not even taught by your own original Protestants! An article about it just ran days ago in the Whitier Daily News because one of the perps finally was convicted after many years of mistrials, check out the story link here: It appears that is exactly what this person has done and is trying to do (after waiting like a saint for over 1.5 years to be paid and waiting for Pastor Wilson to step up). Ashley is an empowering leader who provides inspirational teaching and visionary leadership. No apology that they were sorry that i was screwed over financially due to a fraudster with an ad on their church website. For the only thought process that would condone this logic is the following scenario: that the Apostles taught CCV's theology, then NOT ONE CHRISTIAN SOUL did for 1500+ years (to included the first Protestants) and then all of a sudden the second and third generational Protestants started teaching these ideas *again* except with a different "spin" depending on what new church they were in or founded. how long does crab paste last; is gavin hardcastle married; cut myself shaving down there won't stop bleeding HERE ARE THREE EXAMPLES AMONG MANY, OF YOUR MISREPRESENTATIONS OF CATHOLIC THEOLOGY: The authorities that exist have been established by God." (Romans 13:1, New International Version) 3 According to Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show, "an estimated 28,000 pastors were recruited by FEMA/DHS, as part of the Clergy Response Team, and . amount to a request for services, such as setting privacy preferences, logging in or 214, Administrative, Pastor of Adult Ministrieslisa@ccvlive.com610.792.0777 ext. Mr Maldonado misrepresented my sons case also. You have attacked the Catholic Faith. Yes, both parties are/were CCV member and the relationship was started based on an ad posted on So very wrong. Watch the whole message: Marriage is the cornerstone of our culture, we're putting on some gloves, and getting. Birthdate: July 10, 1509. Click here: The Coming Home Network International. I have sold products and hired numerous individuals over the years from the CCV online community section and was never under any kind of delusion that these people were guaranteed saints just because of where I found them. SO AS A BROKE, DEFAULTED BORROWER IN FEB 2009, MALDONADO SAID TO HIMSELF, IM IN DEEP [censored] HERE, i dont have anything to lose, I will call myself "honest" when I'm anything but, I will inform the AZ legal regulator, the, that I have liability insurance in order to get new clients, when I really have no insurance, (AGAIN PROVEN), they will put that lie on their website, and hopefully I wil get enough clients and cash to fix my financial mismanagement and then once the dust clears, maybe I will go back to telling the truth and TRULY being honest. This Church meets the need of many. For an idea to be Biblical, it requires that the Apostles actually *taught the idea* and wrote it into the NT Bible. Join to view profile . It's impossible. In accordance of tax laws that prohibit donations designated to an individual, funds raised to support individuals for mission trips will go into a pool to support the entire mission trip and its participants. Hold on to the good. Thats saintly. 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22. Click here: Catholic Popes from St. Peter to John Paul II, from the Encyclopedia Britannia Just let a Christian Pastor "say anything he wants" without being held accountable for his words? Are they Apostolic, find out. We are glad you are here! 224, Creative Producerbrettm@ccvlive.com610.792.0777 ext. BY JUST IGNORING THIS SERIOUS FRAUD which used CCV CHURCH ASSESTS AND WEB COMMUNICATION TOOLS TO ALLOW A FELON CRIMINAL GANGBANGER MEMBER TO STEAL FROM OTHER UNSUSPECTING CCV CHRISTIANS, IS BEYOND BELIEF REALLY. EIT Digital Alumni. Any poster here who defends or soft peddles the truly predatory behavior of this monster is truly one themselves. Christ's Church of the Valley / review: Christ's Church of the Valley / - Dishonest unethical criminal :permits felon fraudster to fleece members, Christ's Church of the Valley / - CCV staff permit criminal church member to defraud and steal from other members, Christ's Church of the Valley / - followers, Christ's Church of the Valley / - Pastor giving out personal info, Christ's Church of the Valley / reviews & complaints. They believe everything you say whether it is true or not. Christian churches and churches of Christ, List of the largest evangelical church auditoriums, Mega church CCV leases adaptive reuse big box space for Phoenix campus, "CCV founder and long-time senior pastor steps down",, Evangelical megachurches in the United States, Christian organizations established in 1982, Christian denominations established in the 20th century, Buildings and structures in Peoria, Arizona, Short description is different from Wikidata, Infobox mapframe without OSM relation ID on Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, 7007 W Happy Valley Road; Peoria, Arizona 85382, This page was last edited on 7 January 2023, at 20:15. Prior to joining the CCV team, Mark was a Professor at Ozark Christian College in Joplin, Missouri, (1990-2012). Does that sound like CCV's theology in the year 110AD? Scripture tells us to: Emily Jones. By definition, it makes them the ideas and traditions of the Renaissance man, and the modern ideas and traditions adopted by Don Wilson. Brenda - Bilndness of your own sins does not mean you are without sin. It just means that it is his modern personal interpretation of the Bible. CCV currently has eight locations and 28,000 in weekly attendance. Certainly not. This is only logical. A check not paid when FIRST presented as indicated or stamped by the issuing bank with NSF on it that has not been repaid by cashiers check or cash ONLY with fees by the maker within 15 days is a crime automatically, either a misdemeanor or a felony crime - depending on the amount of the fraud and intent of the maker in making it good. This will surely increase the credibility of your complaint. And I must spread this information to your staff and to your parishioners because it is the truth. 8000 people following the personal interpretations of one man. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Till it was way too late for nearly everyone. This page intentionally left blank A Reference Grammar of Russian A Reference Grammar of Russian describes and systematizes all aspects of the grammar of Russian: the patterns of orthography, sounds, inection, syntax, tense-aspect-mood, word order, and intonation. Jeff is the author of Dinner with SKEPTICS, Defending God in a world that makes no sense (2008, 2011 . We look forward to connecting with you. Even when asked for support. Either it is or it isn't. CCV is a wonderful Holy Church that has helped countless amounts of people in needincluding myself! Avoid every kind of evil." They are usually only set in response to actions made by visitors which We place a high value on connecting in community with others. 210, Associate Youth Pastoroliviac@ccvlive.com610.792.0777 ext. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Perhaps the name: "Transubstantiation" was coined at that time, but that does not mean the Apostles did not teach the doctrine to the early Church. It makes it Renaissanic. Yet for many years since, you has attacked the Catholic faith by your misrepresentations of Christian history and Catholic theology, and your accusations that some of its doctrines are not Biblical; that is, not taught by the Apostles to the early Church. Please tell a friend what you now know about ccv. Duh! You teach that no Christian believed this idea before the 11th century. Eswatini, Challenge Ministries 2 - Oct #408351, Eswatini, Challenge Ministries 1 - Sept #408362, Eswatini, Challenge Ministries June #408384, Bulembu Special Needs_Construction Feb #853300. Your blind faith in Mr M is overwealming, you are a follower, I am a questioner. I know you see the logic here, and that is the reason for your silence. That little sign means nothing. You've shown everyone - yet again, Mr Maldonado. It is the beliefs and teachings of the Apostles and the early Church. Find out why. or For more historical evidence from our Apostolic and post Apostolic Fathers: You teach that the Catholic Church "invented" the doctrine of "Transubstantiation" in the 11th century. August 4, 2020. Maldonado and his wife signed over title to their defaulted house to their lender on 7/2009 as the linked document PROVES BEYOND ALL DOUBT. CLICK HERE here for the complete historical and Biblical documentation of these 4 questions, which contradicts Don Wilson's personal interpretation of the Bible. Perhaps there is a reason Pastor Don Wilson has not responded or "answered nothing"! I have repeatedly, yet politely asked for support, for not only your accusations against the Catholic faith, but also for the reasons WHY you have crafted CCV's theology as you have. Let me be clear why I am persisting in this manner. Please use it in your study of what Catholic theology really teaches, and the Biblical reasons of why it teaches what it does.
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