Windows Virtual Angel

What is Included in this Windows Virtual Angel Removal Guide? 1. A Windows Virtual Angel video to help you remove this threat. 2. A Manual Guide 3. Other suggested antivirus clients and services What is Windows Virtual Angel? As you may of already guessed, Windows Virtual Angel is not a … [Read more...]

Windows Profound Security

What is Included in this Windows Profound Security Removal Guide? 1. A Windows Profound Security video to help you remove this threat. 2. A Manual Guide 3. Other suggested antivirus clients and services What is Windows Profound Security? Windows Profound Security like it's predecessors is a … [Read more...]


The file 0_0u_l.exe is associated with the FBI MoneyPak warning. The FBI MoneyPak is a basic scam where a user is infected with a malware client that holds the computer for ransom until money is paid out. The warnings given off from this virus talk about a person violating copy right … [Read more...]

Windows Virus Hunter

What is Included in this Windows Virus Hunter Removal Guide? 1. A Windows Virus Hunter video to help you remove this threat. 2. A Manual Guide 3. Other suggested antivirus clients and services What is Windows Virus Hunter? Windows Virus Hunter is a false security client. The purpose of this … [Read more...]

Windows Expert Series

What is Included in this Windows Expert Series Removal Guide? 1. A Windows Expert Series video to help you remove this threat. 2. A Manual Guide 3. Other suggested antivirus clients and services What is Windows Expert Series? Windows Expert Series is a scam. These kind of scams are known as … [Read more...]

FBI Moneypak

  What is FBI Moneypak? FBI Moneypak is what's known as a Ransomware infection. This infection displays a somewhat convincing, but fake, FBI page. How Did I get infected with FBI Moneypak? This infection will either come from a fake email about a package or from a hacked website with … [Read more...]

60 banks Hacked!

Developing story: A new malware attack on an estimated 60+ banks is ongoing.  At the time of this writing over 60 million euros have been confirmed stolen with an estimated 1.6 billion euros possibly stolen. What is Happening? It seems from early reports that some bank servers have been … [Read more...]

Windows Premium Console

  What is Included in this Windows Premium Console Removal Guide? 1. A Windows Premium Console video to help you remove this threat. 2. A Manual Guide 3. Other suggested antivirus clients and services What is Windows Premium Console? Windows Premium Console is a virus. Malware to … [Read more...]

Windows Control Series

  What is Windows Control Series? Windows Control Series is what's known as a Scareware infection. It installs and looks like it functions as a real antivirus program, but this is not the case.  How Did I get infected with Windows Control Series? Most infections of this nature are … [Read more...]

Windows Pro Defence

  What is Included in this Windows Pro Defence Removal Guide? 1. A Windows Pro Defence video to help you remove this threat. 2. A Manual Guide 3. Other suggested antivirus clients and services What is Windows Pro Defence? Windows Pro Defence is a scam. Most people can tell right … [Read more...] cannot be held liable for any damages that may occur from using our community virus removal guides. Viruses cause damage and unless you know what you are doing you may loose your data. We strongly suggest you backup your data before you attempt to remove any virus. Each product or service is a trademark of their respective company. We do make a commission off of each product we recommend. This is how is able to keep writing our virus removal guides. All Free based antivirus scanners recommended on this site are limited. This means they may not be fully functional and limited in use. A free trial scan allows you to see if that security client can pick up the virus you are infected with.