A. what characterizes a preterm fetal response to interruptions in oxygenation. A. B. Due to the lack of research and evidence that exists on electronic fetal monitoring (EFM) of the preterm fetus the definition of a normal fetal heart pattern also presents a challenge. B. Gestational diabetes D. Ephedrine administration, When an IUPC has been placed, Montevideo units must be ___ or greater for adequate cervical change to occur. The initial neonatal hemocrit was 20% and the hemoglobin was 8. The most likely etiology for this fetal heart rate change is C. Respiratory acidosis, As a contraction beings, partial umbilical cord compression causes occlusion of the low-pressure vein and decreased return of blood to the fetal heart, resulting in decreased CO, hypotension, and a compensatory FHR _____. A. Acidemia In the fetoplacental circulation, most of the oxygenated blood flows from the placenta through the umbilical vein and is shunted away from the high-resistance pulmonary circuit of the lungs, via the foramen ovale and the ductus arteriosus . In the presence of a non-reassuring CTG trace, further testing in the form of fetal scalp blood sampling may aid in assessing fetal well-being. _______ is defined as the energy-releasing process of metabolism. B. 5 These features include baseline fetal heart rate, baseline variability, and presence of accelerations and/or decelerations. This compensatory release of adrenaline and noradrenaline shunts blood away from the less vital organs towards the brain, heart, and adrenals by causing peripheral vasoconstriction. Giussani DA, Spencer JA, Moore PJ, Bennet L, Hanson MA. 1993 Feb;461:431-49. doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.1993.sp019521. E. Chandraharan and S. Arulkumaran, Intrapartum assessment of fetal health, in Current Obstetrics & Gynaecology, G. M. Mukherjee, Ed., Jaypee Brothers, 2007. Premature ventricular contraction (PVC) Sympathetic nervous system Obtain physician order for CST C. Weekly contraction stress tests, Which of the following is not commonly caused by magnesium sulfate? B. Langer, B. Carbonne, F. Goffinet, F. Le Gouff, N. Berkane, and M. Laville, Fetal pulse oximetry and fetal heart rate monitoring during stage II of labour, European Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, vol. A. 93% of these preterm births occur after 28 weeks, 6% between 2227 weeks, and 1% before 22 weeks. Cycles are 4-6 beats per minute in frequency Presence of late decelerations in the fetal heart rate A. B. Baroreceptors; late deceleration Persistent tachycardia is likely to arise secondary to iatrogenic causes such as administration of tocolytics (terbutaline) [9]. Respiratory acidosis A. Metabolic; lengthy Hence, fetal monitoring is recommended in this gestational group.Although, electronic fetal monitoring guidelines for term fetuses cannot be directly applied to preterm fetuses in labour, baseline rate and variability are often comparable to that of the term fetus. B. PCO2 Change maternal position to right lateral B. B. A. B. Twice-weekly BPPs 1, pp. Some studies report a higher incidence of adverse outcome following a tracing with reduced variability compared to the presence of decelerations [8]. 200 B. Liver B. Biophysical profile (BPP) score Increased oxygen consumption baseline variability. An appropriate nursing action would be to The cardiotocograph (CTG) is a continuous electronic record of the fetal heart rate obtained either via an ultrasound transducer placed on the mothers abdomen or via an electrode attached to the fetal scalp. B. Dopamine Position the woman on her opposite side A. _______ denotes an increase in hydrogen ions in the fetal blood. C. Sinusoidal-appearing, The FHR pattern that is likely to be seen with maternal hypothermia is Preterm fetal lambs received either normal oxygen delivery (n = 9, 23 1 ml/kg/min, 24 2 days) or subphysiologic oxygen delivery (n = 7 . Early Therefore, understanding of oxygen transport across the human placenta and the effect of maternal ventilation on fetal oxygenation is tentative, and currently based on a model that is derived from evidence in another species. A. O, The data show meanSEM calculated every minute for the fetal heart rate, fetal arterial blood pressure, fetal femoral blood flow and fetal femoral vascular resistance during a 1 h episode of acute hypoxia (box) in 13 fetuses between 125 and 130 days of gestation, 6 fetuses between 135 and 140 days of gestation and 6 fetuses >140 days (term is, The data show meanSEM calculated every minute for the fetal heart rate, fetal arterial blood pressure, fetal femoral blood flow and fetal femoral vascular resistance during a 1h episode of acute hypoxia (box) in 14 fetuses at 1271 days of gestation (term is. By is gamvar toxic; 0 comment; B. The dominance of the parasympathetic nervous system, Periodic accelerations can indicate all of the following except C. Uterine tachysystole, A. Hyperthermia During this period, the white matter of the brain is developing rapidly, and the oligodendroglia responsible for myalinisation of the tracts within the brain is particularly vulnerable during this . T/F: There are two electronic fetal monitoring methods of obtaining the fetal heart rate: the ultrasound transducer and the fetal spiral electrode. B. Does the Blood-Brain Barrier Integrity Change in Regard to the Onset of Fetal Growth Restriction? C. Unsatisfactory, In a patient whose CST reveals late decelerations with three out of the four induced contractions, which of the following would be the least appropriate plan for treatment? Increased FHR baseline Decreased oxygen consumption through decreased movement, tone, and breathing 3. Categories . Hence, a preterm fetus may suffer a hypoxic insult sooner than its term counterpart. 85, no. Complete heart blocks Early deceleration The aim of intrapartum continuous electronic fetal monitoring using a cardiotocograph (CTG) is to identify a fetus exposed to intrapartum hypoxic insults so that timely and appropriate action could be instituted to improve perinatal outcome. what is EFM. C. Third-degree heart block, The fetus of a mother with preeclampsia is at high risk for developing C. Sympathetic, An infant was delivered via cesarean. The oxygen pathway Fetal oxygenation involves - (1) the transfer of oxygen from the environment to the fetus, and - (2) the fetal response to interruption of oxygen transfer 4 5. how many kids does jason statham have . 5 segundos ago 0 Comments 0 Comments Increases variability A. Decreases variability The oxygen supply of the fetus depends on the blood oxygen content and flow rate in the uterine and umbilical arteries and the diffusing capacity of the placenta. C. Tone, The legal term that describes a failure to meet the required standard of care is A. The sleep state B. Increases metabolism and oxygen consumption, Which assessment or intervention would be least appropriate in a patient whose FHR tracing revealed tachycardia and a prolonged deceleration? In cases of pre-term prelabour rupture of membranes, maternal infection and the risk of chorioamnionitis should not be overlooked. Pulmonary arterial pressure is the same as systemic arterial pressure. B. In the next 15 minutes, there are 18 uterine contractions. The labor has been uneventful, and the fetal heart tracings have been normal. They may have fewer accels, and if <35 weeks, may be 10x10 B. Kane AD, Hansell JA, Herrera EA, Allison BJ, Niu Y, Brain KL, Kaandorp JJ, Derks JB, Giussani DA. _____ cord blood sampling is predictive of uteroplacental function. Baseline variability and cycling may be reduced at this gestation as a result of impaired development of the parasympathetic component of the autonomic nervous system. Preterm, immature neonates (sometimes born as early as 4 months preterm) respond to severe oxygen deficiency differently from the term neonates. Hypertension b. Epidural c. Hemorrhage d. Diabetes e. All of the above, Stimulating the vagus nerve typically produces: a. By Posted halston hills housing co operative In anson county concealed carry permit renewal B. PO2 18 C. Maternal hypotension A. Abnormal fetal presentation At the start (A), airway pressure is low, and FiO 2 is high, indicating a high degree of atelectasis . C. Stimulation of the fetal vagus nerve, A. T/F: Fetal tachycardia is a normal compensatory response to transient fetal hypoxemia. C. Equivocal, *** As fetal hypoxia (asphyxia) worsens, the last component of the BPP to disappear is fetal Setting Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the Wilhelmina Children's Hospital, The Netherlands. The placenta accepts the blood without oxygen from the fetus through blood vessels that leave the fetus . An inadequate amount of oxygen occurring before birth, during delivery, or immediately after birth can cause serious birth injuries and affect fetal brain development. A. Metabolic acidosis Decreased FHR baseline Fetuses delivered between 3436 weeks, however, seem to respond more like term fetus, a feature that should be recognized by obstetricians. However, fetal heart rate variability is an important clinical indicator of fetal acid base balance, especially oxygenation of the autonomic nerve centres within the brain, and absent variability is therefore predictive of cerebral asphyxia. Base deficit 14 24 weeks As a result of the intrinsic fetal response to oxygen deprivation, increased catecholamine levels cause the peripheral blood flow to decrease while the blood flow to vital organs increases. 3, pp. C. Mixed acidosis, With the finding of a single umbilical artery, what would you expect to observe with Doppler flow studies? CTG of a fetus at 34 weeks of gestation: note baseline heart rate within the normal range, normal baseline variability with cycling. A. Abruptio placenta Base buffers have been used to maintain oxygenation Preterm is defined as babies born alive before 37 weeks of pregnancy are completed. Smoking D. Vibroacoustic stimulation, B. A. Baseline variability may be affected due to incomplete development of autonomic nervous system and subsequent interplay between parasympathetic and sympathetic systems. Background Fetal growth restriction (FGR) is associated with an increased risk for kidney disease in later life. A. Late-term gestation Assist the patient to lateral position, In a patient with oxytocin-induced tachysystole with indeterminate or abnormal fetal heart tones, which of the following should be the nurse's initial intervention? This refers to alternative periods of activity and quiescence characterized by segments of increased variability (with or without accelerations) interspersed with apparent reduction in variability. A. C. Velamentous insertion, Which of the following is the primary factor in uteroplacental blood flow? pH 7.05 The predominance of variable decalerative patterns should initially reduce and disappear after 30 weeks gestation. B. 4. Good intraobserver reliability The compensatory responses of the fetus that is developing asphyxia include: 1. A. Tekin, S. zkan, E. alikan, S. zeren, A. oraki, and I. Ycesoy, Fetal pulse oximetry: correlation with intrapartum fetal heart rate patterns and neonatal outcome, Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research, vol. In non-reassuring CTG traces, pulse oximetry was initially felt to provide a more sophisticated way of detecting adverse neonatal outcome. C. Mixed acidosis, pH 7.02 Stimulation of the _____ _____ _____ releases catecholamines, resulting in increased FHR. Inability of a preterm or growth restricted fetus to mount a required stress response may lead to maladaptive responses resulting in permanent hypoxic insult on the fetal brain occurring at a lower threshold than in the term fetus. A recent Cochrane review found no evidence to support the use of antepartum CTG for improving perinatal outcomes, however; most of these studies lacked power and there was insufficient data to compare antenatal CTG testing on fetus less than 37 weeks compared to fetus of 37 or more completed weeks [2]. There are various reasons why oxygen deprivation happens. PCO2 72 A. Baroreceptor In instances of cord or head compression the parasympathetic system is activated leading to a reflex variable or early deceleration, respectively, with rapid return of fetal heart rate to its normal baseline [3]. As fetal hemoglobin has slightly different absorption curves in the near-infrared range, this could also contribute to the higher rSO 2 levels. C. Variability may be in lower range for moderate (6-10 bpm), B. Would you like email updates of new search results? What is fetal hypoxia? D. 36 weeks, Reduced respiratory gas exchange from persistent decelerations may cause a rise in fetal PCO2, which leads first to _______ _______, then _______ _______. Scalp stimulation, The FHR is controlled by the Variable decelerations . B. Zanini, R. H. Paul, and J. R. Huey, Intrapartum fetal heart rate: correlation with scalp pH in the preterm fetus, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, vol. 6 Category I T/F: All fetal monitors contain a logic system designed to reject artifact. A. Fetal circulation, unlike postnatal circulation, involves the umbilical cord and placental blood vessels which carry fetal blood between the fetus and the placenta . D. Polyhydramnios B. Decreased tissue perfusion can be temporary . With subsequent increase in gestational age, the frequency of accelerations increases along with amplitude over the baseline value [6]. Hence, pro-inflammatory cytokine responses (e.g . This response is mediated through the somatic nervous system and represents fetal wellbeing [3]. A. 143, no. pO2 2.1 C. Spikes and baseline, How might a fetal arrhythmia affect fetal oxygenation? A. C. More rapid deterioration from Category I to Category II or III, C. More rapid deterioration from Category I to Category II or III B. Understanding these normal physiological characteristics is key in correctly interpreting fetal heart rate patterns. An increase in the heart rate c. An increase in stroke volume d. No change, The vagus nerve . If the pH value is <7.20, immediate delivery is recommended, whereas a pH of 7.207.25 is considered borderline and repeating FBS within 60 minutes is recommended [12]. 143, no. This is because physiological maturity of the cardiovascular system and the neural control of the fetal heart rate during this gestational period is similar to that of a term fetus (Figure 3). A. Objective To investigate the effect of fetal growth restriction and gender on cerebral oxygenation in preterm neonates during the first 3 days of life. PCO2 72 28 weeks Most fetuses tolerate this process well, but some do not. Hence, continuous monitoring of the fetus during labour, with the view to recognizing features of suspected fetal compromise on CTG and instituting an operative intervention, should be considered with caution. Stimulation of the _____ _____ _____ releases acetylcholine, resulting in decreased FHR. A. Inotropic - promotes regular and effective cardiac contraction, Fetal hydrops may present on ultrasound as fetal scalp edema and increased abdominal fluid as a results of You may expect what on the fetal heart tracing? C. Suspicious, A contraction stress test (CST) is performed. what characterizes a preterm fetal response to interruptions in oxygenation trigonometric ratios sin, cos and tan calculator. Some triggering circumstances include low maternal blood . A. Cerebellum pH 6.86 Maturation of the control of breathing, including the increase of hypoxia chemosensitivity, continues postnatally. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following factors can have a negative effect on uterine blood flow? A. Which interpretation of these umbilical cord and initial neonatal blood results is correct? Fig. B. Catecholamine 1, Article ID CD007863, 2010. C. Sinus tachycardia, A. Zizzo AR, Hansen J, Peteren OB, Mlgaard H, Uldbjerg N, Kirkegaard I. Physiol Rep. 2022 Nov;10(22):e15458. Thus, classical features observed on the CTG trace in a well grown term fetus exposed to a hypoxic insult may not be observed with similar amplitude or characteristics in a pre-term fetus. what characterizes a preterm fetal response to interruptions in oxygenation. B. a. Chronic fetal bleeding C. Initially increase, then decrease FHR, Which of the following is not true when assessing preterm fetuses? B. Supraventricular tachycardias C. Vagal stimulation, Clinically significant fetal metabolic academia is indicated by an arterial cord gas pH of less than or equal to 7.10 and a base deficit of A. Abnormal C. Supine hypotension, When the hydrogen ion content in the blood rises, the pH A. Most fetal dysrhythmias are not life-threatening, except for _______, which may lead to fetal congestive heart failure. Extreme preterm is less than 28 weeks, very early preterm birth is between 28 and 32 weeks, early preterm birth occurs between 32 and 36 weeks, late preterm birth is between 34 and 36 weeks' gestation. a. Gestational hypertension In view of the absence of guidelines and recommendations monitoring preterm fetuses, we have produced a management algorithm ACUTE to aid continuous intrapartum fetal monitoring in fetuses prior to 34 weeks (Table 3). T/F: Umbilical cord influences that can alter blood flow include true knots, hematomas, and number of umbilical vessels. what characterizes a preterm fetal response to interruptions in oxygenation. Pre-term fetus may exhibit accelerations with a peak of only 10 beats per minute lasting for 10 seconds [6]. All fetuses of mothers in labor experience an interruption of the oxygenation pathway at which point: . Any condition that predisposes decreased uteroplacental blood flow can cause late decelerations. A. B. Supraventricular tachycardia B. Maturation of the sympathetic nervous system Breach of duty This is interpreted as B. Lowers B. Atrial and ventricular The main purpose of this model is to illustrate the kind of information that is needed to make further progress in this . B. C. Vagal reflex. C. Tachycardia, Which fetal monitoring pattern is characteristic of cephalopelvic disproportion, especially when seen at the onset of labor? Premature Baby NCLEX Review and Nursing Care Plans. It provided a means of monitoring fetal oxygen saturation of fetal haemoglobin that is measured optically (similar technology for pulse oximetry in adults) during labour. These flow changes along with increased catecholamine secretions have what effect on fetal blood pressure and fetal heart rate? Epub 2013 Nov 18. B. Preexisting fetal neurological injury C. Metabolic acidosis, _______ _______ occurs when the HCO3 concentration is higher than normal. The blood that flows through the fetus is actually more complicated than after the baby is born ( normal heart ). Administration of an NST Further assess fetal oxygenation with scalp stimulation A. Prepare for cesarean delivery B. C. Tachycardia, *** Baseline FHR variability is determined in what amount of time, excluding accelerations and decelerations? T/F: Corticosteroid administration may cause an increase in FHR accelerations. Excessive A. Bradycardia In uterofetal activity typically results in an increase in fetal heart rate recorded as accelerations on CTG. Well-oxygenated fetal blood enters the _____ ventricle, which supplies the heart and brain. Premature atrial contractions Accelerations of fetal heart rate in association with fetal movements occur as a result of fetal somatic activity and are first apparent in the 2nd trimester. A. Decreases diastolic filling time d. Continue to observe and record the normal pattern, d. Continue to observe and record the normal pattern, Determining the FHR baseline requires the nurse to approximate the mean FHR rounded to increments of 5 bpm during a ___-minute window (excluding accelerations and decelerations). It should be remembered that the physiological reserves to combat hypoxia are not as robust as a term fetus, especially, if the onset of preterm labour is secondary to an infective process. B. Sinoatrial node A. Metabolic acidosis A. Positive 's level of consciousness and respiratory effort significantly improve, allowing her to be extubated. Preterm infants have a remarkably different system of immune regulation as compared with term infants and adults. Feng G, Heiselman C, Quirk JG, Djuri PM. D. 3, 2, 4, 1, FHTs with accelerations, no decelerations, and minimal variability would be categorized as Practice PointsBaseline fetal heart rate and variability should be comparable to the term fetus and accelerations with an amplitude of greater than 15 beats from the baseline should be present as an indicator of fetal well-being. A. Fetal bradycardia With passage of time, continuation of this hypoxic insult will lead to acidaemia, loss of initial compensatory hypertensive response, and may proceed to cause permanent cerebral injury. C. Umbilical cord entanglement B. C. Medulla oblongata, During periods of fetal tachycardia, FHR variability is usually diminished due to D. Oligohydramnios, All of the following are likely causes of prolonged decelerations except: It is vital to counsel women prior to instituting continuous electronic fetal monitoring, especially in extreme preterm fetuses (2426 weeks) as survival in this group is largely determined by fetal maturity than the mode of delivery. the umbilical arterial cord blood gas values reflect A. Repeat in 24 hours C. Nifedipine, A. Digoxin Early deceleration A. Baroreceptors (T/F) An internal scalp electrode will detect the actual fetal ECG. 2. Category II A. B. Cerebral cortex A. Fetal arterial pressure Hence, ST analyser is not recommended prior to 36 weeks of gestation as it may not be reliable due to changes in the myocardial composition described above. A. Baroreceptors; early deceleration B. Continuing Education Activity. A. Doppler flow studies Marked variability Premature ventricular contraction (PVC), Which is the most common type of fetal dysrhythmia? Prolonged decelerations B. Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) B. A decrease in the heart rate b. 60, no. B. Chemoreceptors, When a fetus is stressed, catecholamine release (epinephrine, norepinephrine) occurs from the medulla oblongata, shunting blood _______ the brain, heart, and adrenal glands. Xanthine oxidase and the fetal cardiovascular defence to hypoxia in late gestation ovine pregnancy. B. Copyright 2011 Karolina Afors and Edwin Chandraharan. Chain of command A. HCO3 F. Goupil, H. Legrand, and J. Vaquier, Antepartum fetal heart rate monitoring. Design Case-control study. This intervention may be required earlier compared to term fetuses as a consequence of these low fetal reserves. B. Metabolic; short Myocardium of a preterm fetus has less stored glycogen with increased water content and also the epicardial-endocardial interphase is much smaller than a term fetus. The fetal heart rate (FHR) pattern helps to distinguish the former from the latter as it is an indirect marker of fetal cardiac and central nervous system responses to changes in blood . Two variable decelerations were seen on the FHR tracing and there were four contractions in 10 minutes. II. A woman should be counseled regarding this prior to considering continuous electronic fetal monitoring during labour.A higher baseline fetal heart rate or apparent reduction in baseline variability, on their own merit, should not be considered as indications for operative interventions. Variable decelerations have been shown to occur in 7075% of intrapartum preterm patients, in comparison to the term patient where an intrapartum rate of 3050% is seen [7]. Transient fetal hypoxemia during a contraction, Assessment of FHR variability Hello world! B. Give the woman oxygen by facemask at 8-10 L/min Despite the lack of evidence-based recommendations, clinicians are still required to provide care for these fetuses. B. Fetal sleep cycle A. A. Idioventricular A. Sinus tachycardia 7.26 A. Amnioinfusion Less-oxygenated blood enters the ______ ventricle, which supplies the rest of the body. Persistent supraventricular tachycardia Other possible factors that may contribute to onset of labour in this group include multiple gestations maternal risk factors such as increased maternal age, raised body mass index (BMI), or pregnancies conceived through in-vitro fertilization (IVF). This is interpreted as Premature atrial contraction (PAC) Green LR, McGarrigle HH, Bennet L, Hanson MA. Afferent and efferent components of the cardiovascular reflex responses to acute hypoxia in term fetal sheep. C. Tachycardia, The patient is in early labor with pitocin at 8 mu/min, and FHR is Category I. The most appropriate action is to C. Perform an immediate cesarean delivery, Which FHR sounds are counted with a stethoscope and a fetoscope? Increasing O2 consumption C. By reducing fetal perfusion, Which medication is used to treat fetal arrhythmias? B. B. Optimizing the management of these pregnancies is of high priority to improve perinatal outcomes. M. Westgren, P. Holmquist, N. W. Svenningsen, and I. Ingemarsson, Intrapartum fetal monitoring in preterm deliveries: prospective study, Obstetrics and Gynecology, vol. B. B. A. Administer terbutaline to slow down uterine activity B. william lupo obituary what characterizes a preterm fetal response to interruptions in oxygenation. C. Suspicious, A contraction stress test (CST) is performed. c. Uteroplacental insufficiency C. Decrease BP and increase HR B. D5L/R d. Decreased fetal movement, Which of the following does not affect the degree of fetal activity? Continuous electronic fetal monitoring of preterm fetuses poses a clinical dilemma to clinicians caring for these fetuses during labour. Breach of duty B. Umbilical vein compression Increase BP and decrease HR A. mean fetal heart rate of 5bpm during a ten min window. Hypertension b. Epidural c. Hemorrhage d. Diabetes e. All of the above, Stimulating the vagus nerve typically produces: a. Intermittent late decelerations/minimal variability No decelerations were noted with the two contractions that occurred over 10 minutes. what characterizes a preterm fetal response to interruptions in oxygenation. 3, p. 606, 2006. B. Negative B. C. Maximize umbilical circulation, Which of the following is most responsible for producing FHR variability as the fetus grows? Continue counting for one more hour Decreased blood perfusion from the placenta to the fetus 3. Reducing lactic acid production The dominance of the sympathetic nervous system Base excess C. Vagal stimulation, While caring for a 235-lb laboring woman who is HIV-seropositive, the external FHR tracing is difficult to obtain. CTG of a fetus at 26 weeks of gestation: note higher baseline heart rate, apparent reduction in baseline variability, and shallow variable decelerations. Apply a fetal scalp electrode A second transducer is placed on the mothers abdomen over the uterine fundus to record frequency and duration of uterine contractions. B. Fetal hypoxia and acidemia are demonstrated by pH < _____ and base excess < _____. Features observed on a CTG trace reflect the functioning of somatic and autonomic nervous systems and the fetal response to hypoxic or mechanical insults during labour. Stimulating the vagus nerve typically produces: The vagus nerve begins maturation 26 to 28 weeks. An increase in the heart rate c. An increase in stroke volume d. No change, The vagus nerve . C. Normal, If the pH is low, what other blood gas parameter is used to determine if the acidosis is respiratory or metabolic? A fetus that demonstrates features of preterminal trace has exhausted all its reserves to combat hypoxia and hence immediate delivery is recommended [16]. National Institute of Clinical Health and Excellence, Intrapartum careClinical guideline 55, 2007, http://www.nice.org.uk/CG055. Within this cohort, the risk of neonatal morbidity and mortality secondary to prematurity is significantly reduced with good survival outcomes. Fetal Oxygenation During Labor. Published by on June 29, 2022. A. T/F: Baroreceptors are stretch receptors which respond to increases or decreases in blood pressure. Respiratory acidosis C. The neonate is anemic, An infant was delivered via cesarean. A. The progression from normal oxygenation to asphyxia is a continuum with progressive changes in vital signs and end-organ effects. B. C. Frequency of FHR accelerations, A fetus of a diabetic mother may commonly develop This mode of fetal monitoring now remains obsolete and the manufacturers have ceased production. C. Premature atrial contraction (PAC). B. Fluctuates during labor However, studies have shown that higher fetal hemoglobin levels in preterm neonates did not affect cerebral rSO 2 or FTOE values[30,31]. Increase T/F: A Doppler device used for intermittent auscultation of the fetal heart rate may be used to identify rhythm irregularities, such as supraventricular tachycardia. Based on her kick counts, this woman should Fetal development slows down between the 21st and 24th weeks.
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what characterizes a preterm fetal response to interruptions in oxygenation