russian olive firewood btu

I have 4 of them that I want to cut down. Love this site! In the dead of winter find a pine tree that you want to cut. How do you burn and what type of stove do you use? I am the guy behind (Sir Douglas Menzizii) He really didnt know how to classify it because it had characteristics of fir and also of hemlock so he called it Pseudo(false) tsuga (hemlock)so it is really not fir at all or hemlock? Russian olive burns clean, produces minimal creosote, and doesn't spark and pop. As a common invasive species, you have probably seen Russian olive often on a countryside walk. Im curious about people melting cast iron stoves and fires getting too hot. There are mine if I want them. 5 out of 5 stars (767) $ 36.95. Anyone know the best way to seal it? Please re-try attaching pics, they didnt come through. The two common types found in these parts are tall shrubs or small trees, depending on site characteristics They are in the Rose family. Youll get an even better fire leaving it for up to 3 years before use. The answer for me was a wood splitter, which does a nice job with it and the hardwoods I also use. The ongoing extinction of the Ash,all species,is supplying Brent C. Minard. I have 4 cords plus over 100 more Russian Olive trees to cut for firewood. but it is still the least discovered hardwood/cooking wood around except where they have the Orchards. Unlike tulip poplar firewood which releases few coals and has a short burning period. I noticed a lack of information on Hickory. But the common name aptly applies due to its obvious high density and/or hardnessprobably how it got the common name in the first place. Originally, Russian olives were planted in America to act as a windbreaker and soil stabilizers. It is a hot burning wood and is very heavy to move. It does mention its good fuel, but not how good. Russian olive trees were recommended for many years as natural windbreaks, but have fallen out of favor in recent years. Yule Logs & Firewood Science. It will spark quite a bit, however, when the burning logs collapse upon one another during the burning process. my experiences with Russian olive is that it is rather easy to work with and finishes very nicely. That being said, it is a wood that is mostly sold to hobbyists, so it can be hard to find a firewood seller who supplies Russian olive as firewood. Poplar, Cottonwood, and Aspen: Whats What? This is russian olive. I have been burning Honey Locust, Dogwood, Apple, Black Cherry, Black Walnut, Tulip Poplar(Tulip Tree) and Sassafras. Here in suburban MD (1/2 way between DC and Balt. You are using an out of date browser. A little off topic for this page so you might not get much response here. It was cut 4 month prior to burning in the winter . Other names for the Russian olive include oleaster, wild olive, or silver berry. Common Uses: Knife scales, bowls, pens, and other small woodturning projects. A few of which are Wild Olive or Silver Berry. Split horribly and had a bad odor and only arround 15.5 BTU/ cord. Jan 27, 2013. Im in Melbourne, Australia. here in washington all the old timers and people that heat there houses just with wood buy douglas fir and the hipsters burn hard wood because they think its better. I have some Hemlock and I can get some Hickory. As with most BTU charts I have seen available, some of the numbers may be a little off, but are in the general ballpark. ft. barn/house. I was wondering if anybody knows if this is true? When the tempreture drops to single digits or below zero the BTU output keeps my home comfortable, I also like the shagbark hickery. But as one reader noted, all species have roughly the same BTU potential per pound. Here is a site for California wood ratings Surprisingly, I found almond and eucalypt rated close to the same. There is more smoke from wood than coal so ignore the GreenFascist/ACORN Brownshirts and their deceits. For me and my outdoor boiler, I prefer the junk wood like aspen and spruce. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Live Edge Slabs, Cookies, Russian Olive, Epoxy River Table at the best online prices at eBay! So long as youre only burning good hardwoods and/or clean white (non-glossy/colored) paper stock and kindling, you should spread your ashes on your favorite acreage for the potash. If the Russian olive woods content is still too high after a year, give it a few more months to season. They are also a very resilient tree, capable of living in almost any condition, making them even more of an issue to permanently remove. Or, if the wood is worth your effort. 4) White birch (Betula papirifera) and Paper birch are used replaceably locally for the same species. burning solid fuel !! If you tend to have respiratory allergies, beware and use dust protection when working with this wood. But, as long as it burns and it sounds like it beats cottonwood and pine. Russian olive wood produces an unpleasant odor when green. We do have one wood burning fire place, and when the big ice storm hit February 2021, knocking out our power for a week, we used that fire place for heat. Ive enjoyed reading everyones comments, but few people are visiting or posting lately, so I thought Id fan the flames. With some fairly simple math based on the difference, you can calculate the BTU. We also leave the basement door partially open so as not to encourage the water pipes to freeze. I know I know I can hear the comments about creosote but as long as it is dry and you give it air to burn it does great. Thanks. The greatest downside to using it is the abundance of tree sap that adheres to ones gloves during the cutting and stacking process. My chimney has never had to be cleaned because of burning hedge that has been dead for many years, plus the fact that it burns so hot. Unseasoned wood smells unpleasant as it burns. Some of the heaviest green wood is among the lightest when dry. should be cut and split and dry out for two years before burning. Seasoned and dry and Im out there every three hours. I cant tell the actual temp because it made the temp gauge go past the max 600 degree mark then go back around to the 200 degree mark . MY PREFERENCE would be the DR flywheel special.. Man that thing smokes with efficiency. But in many cases softwoods actually have more BTU per pound than hardwoods. In most cases, wood that has little sap build-up is easier to chop and quicker to dry. must be mangable Russian olive wood produces an unpleasant odor when green. This tree can tolerate a wide range of harsh environmental conditions such as flood, severe drought, stony, sandy and high salinity or alkalinity of the soils. I have burned about every tree that grows in this county (except cottonwood and willow, which is about worthless), and the best, by far, is Osage Orange.,, I take that to mean that seasoned wood, with the same moisture content, will be pound for pound equivalent in terms of heating value but you may need to burn to 2-3x pine vs hickory. A cord is 128 cubic feet of stacked wood. The good news is that virtually all of the time, they say yes. as far as mulberry goes..i live in central nm and at some point in time someone started planting non bearing mulberry trees..the btu output is not even close to what the charts state above..our mulberry trees would be similar to burning elm grows verry fast and requires a lot of water..we dont even use it for cooking wood..of course most native wood in nm is verry hard because it takes hundreds of yrs to growthe growth rings are so small in some cases it takes a microscope to see them..some of the juniper trees we cut for firewood ive been told were around during the time of it naturaly is going to be extremely hard wood..ive been looking for the btu output for algarita..or desert holly..where i cut my firewood its not uncommon to find these trees from 5inches to two feet takes at least a yr to season..ive seen gunstocks and stair rails made from itprety woodanyone know?? Speed up the drying time further by following these tips: Olive firewood rounds have a yellowish brown or cream heartwood that tends to deepen in color with age. BTUs or British Thermal Units are a measure of the amount of heat energy available in any given substance. I have a rather large Bradford pear that I need to take down. Do these stoves not have dampers? Because of the air space between the pieces of wood, the amount of solid wood in a cord may be only 70-90 cubic feet, even though the volume of the stack is 128 cubic feet. One perk of Russian olive: it burns hot. When Russian olive wood is first cut, it released an unpleasant, overwhelming odor. Green wood from the olive tree is high in water content, so it will smoke in the fire. I think these charts are the more accurate of the many charts. A week later he tried to burn it and told me to never burn oak , because it burned terrible and smoked bad . They have a wierd looking fruit that is bright green and and can be as big as a cantaloupe and just as heavy. im a firewood dealer i burn everything but when my house is cold and i want it to get hot fast its doug fir all the way. red Oak) Sweet Gum is great for a hot fire, but burns too quickly. First find you a steel bucket with a metal lid . with the exception of oak (usualy scrub oak), all the firewood vendors here have is Eucalyptus (no rating), Avacado (no rating), Almond (no rating) and mixed hardwood. Does anyone have any experience with growing and maintaining a small coppice wood? Investing in a safety fence to protect you and your fireplace is a good idea anyway, especially if you plan to use Russian olive or firewood tamarack or fir regularly. Ponderosa Pine, commonly used to heat homes in this area, burns at 21.7 British thermal units (BTU), which in simple terms, means it burns hot and long. When evaluating firewood, the industry measures heat output in million BTUs per cord of wood. There is of course no obligation, but if youd like to give back and ensure that the project continues to grow, consider supporting me on Patreon. Consider using a hydraulic log splitter if youve got a lot of wood to process. I have to say, Ive tried Red Oak and not impressed. How Often Should I Remove Creosote From My fireplace? my back yard, and all of northern california would like to respectfully disagree. burning tires/popcorn).beyond these corrections: colour will darken considerably, with uv exposure, from a medium yellow-brown, to a darker, gravy-coloursapwood, is generally narrow (1-3 rings), usually cream- colour, but some have a bright lemon-yellow sapwoodworks fairly well, but it is coarse textured, semi-ring-porous wood, so sanding/finishing can be a challenge.finishes/glues with no problems.being naturally a semi-desert species, the wood isRead more . Re Bradford Pear, we had one in our front yard that lasted about 15 yrs., then went the way of many: split in a storm. Anyway, I find it interesting that not one mention of mountain mahogany has been posted-until now. if it does not stay at 30,40 C . Here in MD was 39 today with 20mph wind. So, give at least 1 year (12 months) for your Russian olive wood to season before use. Hemlock has the strange property of the trunk being soft, but the branches, especially the knots where they meet the trunk are very hard, so bucking the trunk requires planning. In Iowa we mix our loads in the stove out of boredom. i have limited trees myself but know a lot of farmers here in north central Indiana. The multiple piece splitters seem highly efficient also. This guide looks at how, Read More Is Sourwood Good Firewood? . The limbs in the middle of the tree usually rest on the ground, providing stability. Elm is easy to find around here . Western Hardwoods Figures from California Energy Commission BTU Rating Based on 90 cubic feet of solid wood per 128 cubic foot cord Take care working around them and always wear suitable boots and gloves. We just felled 12 mature ash trees 12 to 24 inches in diameter, and are now bucking them up and splitting them. Support me directly through PatreonIf youve been helped by the Wood Database, consider saying thanks and helping to support the project. Sapwood a much lighter yellow-white. 10. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. But older trees have tough, stringy trunks that require much more work. The data for these charts was compiled from various sources with different firewood types. No matter what firewood you choose, regular chimney maintenance is a good idea to reduce the chance of unwanted fires. Also have lots (4 cord) of seasoned oak and cherry on hand. So there is no net Co2 that goes into the atmosphere. But when burnt while still holding more than 20% moisture in its wood, it will continue to release that unpleasant smell. We raise pecans, and they burn cleanly and well, as do prunings from our apple trees. At ~$75/ton which is about the same dimension size as a cord of wood, it has about 6-7X the btu value of any cord of wood. In regards to Splitters, I have a homemade hydraulic 28 Ton that had cycle issues. The store bought lump charcoal gets it to usually 500. Im in California, about 3800 ft up the west side of the Sierra Navadas. Fire it upFire it up! The short trunk and gnarled branches of these trees gives an impression of light wood, but don't be deceived. Coals produced by firewood impact how long it will burn before needing more wood added. If it is really dry it gives off some heat, but I usually recommend it as a campfire wood. Contains some non native species that can be found in the West. It gets super hot and leaves a hot bed of coals. It burns as hot as h_ll . Clear the brush around the Russian olive tree and plan an escape route. Thanks to the high BTU that Russian olive firewood produces and its long-lasting heat, Russian olive is an effective choice of wood to use in your fireplace. What Are The Physical Characteristics Of Russian Olive Wood? I heard somewhere that most of the ash comes from the bark. Read to find out. I use Hickory, White or Red Oak,Beech,tulip Poplar,& Sycamore. Apparently Magnolia is very similar to Tulip Poplar. Endgrain: Ring-porous; 5-10 rows of medium to large earlywood pores, exclusively solitary latewood pores grading from medium to small; tyloses sometimes present; medium to wide rays visible without lens, spacing wide; parenchyma generally not visible with hand lens, or diffuse-in-aggregates (barely visible). If you can, sell it and save the $$$ to buy fresh 1 yr old wood later on from someone else. A wood box helps contain it. I can lift a 3 log of aspen into my fire box the same oak log is too heavy. What wood would you say it is similar to on the b.t.u. I will say that it leaves very little coals and very little ash. I like ash because you can cut it and burn it the same day and it splits easily. While this cuts down on sparks, it still doesnt keep smaller ones from escaping thru the gaps in the doors. The few times he has a bonfire he cooks hotdogs and marshmallows over treated oak pallet wood !!! I have no empirical data, but for us they have given decent heat. They died. I dont like the choke cherry and Orgon Ash. The Russian olive tree has deep roots and can resprout from the root crown. Lots of heat and hot coals-kept us from freezing one late night at 6,000 feet in late October, while we were wasting time patroling a wildfire in NE California back in 85. Jan 27, 2013. I live in eastern oregon and my main problem is the identification of trees. How to Grow Rosemary From Cuttings Propagate Rosemary, Mexican Mock Orange: Everything About TheChoisya Ternata, Magnolia Shrub: Everything About The Magnolia Bush, Crape Myrtle Shrub: Everything About The Crape Myrtle Tree, Lilac Shrub: Everything About The Lilac Bush. OLIVE. I forgot to mention that I cut and split a Catalpa. (Im assuming it rates as a soft maple) Luckily, our home is passive solar with super-insulated walls so it will still be worth burning. It thrives with zero care. But you are right about oak making a great bed of coals, and in an outdoor fire the extra ash wont be so much a problem like in a wood stove. So, in the fall of 2017, MSI partnered with the Durango Rotary Club, a local group in constant need of wood for their firewood distribution project, which helps low-income families and seniors. In the wild, Russian olive trees have been known to smell very sweet and strong. 10 24 inche in diam. a few corrections: 1. not quite right, to characterize, as very small tree, as the tree quite regularly grows to 40 and beyond, with trunk diameters up to 4dia.. 2. the wood DOES have a distinctive/nasty odour, in machining (for me? Axe Adviser9169 W State St #254Garden City, ID 83714United States. BillNole. It is still softwood, so does not provide as much heat as oak, maple or black locust. The idea for Russian olive pieces didn't come until late last year. Creosote is a tar-like black substance deposited inside chimneys as the fire burns. Russian olive does produce a lot of heat. One perk of Russian olive: it burns hot. While holiday cards often feature cute, picturesque birch rounds in the hearth, old-time Yule logs in 6th and 7th century Europe were monster tree trunks that were meant to burn all day, and in certain cultures for twelve . I do know the tree I burned had a bad aroma . As a result, a cord of wood may only have 70-90 cubic feet of actual solid wood. My stock is quite soft and light weight. One cord is a stack with dimensions 4'x4'x8 or 128 cubic feet. Very smoky and almost smells acidic when it burns and it doesnt seem to produce much flame or heat. BTU value is about the same for all hard wood when equal weight of dry is burned. I live in Bedford County Va and burn what I have on my property. Many of the local ranchers have pulled the root bases from the banks of irrigation ditches and streams and there is an abundance of dried root balls to chose my wood from! It is much heavier than air dryed spruce and black burned bark has fallen off after time so it is clean to cut & process any one know BTU ofthis fire killed spruce v. air dried spruce ? Persimmon is one of the most dense wood around this area. Maybe a little more BTUs than cottonwood . cajun, Any BTU rating for Russian olive? I enjoyed the story about his neighbor that let his oak fire wood dry for a whole week and it wouldnt burn LOL !!!! As has been said, quite unpleasant. I grew up in central Illinois and we had a lot of hedge rows that were being cut. Even when thoroughly seasoned, it does tend to spit embers sporadically. In response to robert and his comment about live oak being limited to the south easter united states. This shrub's silvery foliage, showy flowers, and colorful berries made it popular in landscaping, though it was also planted extensively for a period of time in natural areas to provide erosion control, wind breaks, and wildlife food. wanted free hard wood firewood near lebanon,pa area Using Russian olive trees as firewood is a good way to consume unwanted trees, with a few caveats. But smoke is very dangerous, known carcinogen. I didnt find any data about almond wood, in your stats, and thought you might like to include it. Like some other fruitwoods, howeverparticularly mulberrythey are difficult to set on fire. Wood is limited to small-scale andhobbyistuses. The wood requires sufficient time to season, and mature logs may be difficult to split. The average efficiency rating is around 19.9 million BTU per cord. Russian olive is good firewood to use when you already have the means to start a fire., Too Much Charcoal Building Up in a Wood Stove, Does Burning Softwood Cause Creosote in a Chimney, Soaking Wood Chips for Smoking and Grilling. Add surfacing: $113.00 . Around here it is about the most common tree taken down by tree services, so lots of firewood guys sell it because they get the wood dropped off in their yards for free. I told him that wood had to dry before burning and he said its been drying all week long , it should be dry by now . By time it is dry, there is nothing left. We like to go ahead and cut the stump in 9 sections. Hickory is still my favorite , but I also have learned to find dead standing mullberry thats near seasoned.

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