In these countries, the orange and white flesh varieties are the most popular. In addition, a review published in the Annals of Neurology in November 2012 concluded that carotenoids may play a role in preventing or delaying Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS). There is the Texan Cordner variety with copper-colored skin and medium orange flesh. For fries, purple potatoes have the advantage. SKIN Purple and fairly smooth. However, white, cream, yellow, and deep purple are also other colors of sweet potatoes. Lutein and zeaxanthin may be helpful in improving pigment density in your macula and neutralizing damaging free radicals. Allgold is a variety of sweet potato that was developed in Oklahoma. They have white skin with deep purple flesh. The identifying feature of the Carolina Ruby is the deep reddish-purple smooth skin that covers bright orange flesh. His years of research and knowledge inspire people to achieve their goals. Connor's reaction was scarcely more helpful than my husband's: "Good!" The conclusion: I had high hopes for the sweet potato pie, but the winner in the root vegetable custard pie head to head competition was clear: pumpkin pie still reigns supreme. They are native to the Americas but grown in many parts of the world. The following table is a side-by-side comparison of the nutrients: Sweet Potato Cooked (100 g) Russet Potato Cooked (100 g) Calories: 90: 95: Protein: 2.01 g: 2.63 g: Carbohydrates: 20.7 g: 21.4 g: Fiber: 3.3 g: 2.3 g: Fat: 0.15 g . We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. Purple sweet potatoes are healthier due to their highest overall level of phenolics, antioxidants and soluble dietary fiber. Potato Nutrition Facts According to the USDA, one medium baked sweet potato with skin contains 103 calories, 2.29 grams of protein, 0.27 grams of fat, 23.6 grams of carbohydrates, 3.8 grams of fiber and 7.39 grams of sugar. They're naturally sweet and nutty with a more robust flavor than traditional sweet potatoes. Cutting up potatoes and sweet potatoes helps preserve their starchiness, while cooking them whole results in more sugariness. TASTE Not very sweet, and pretty dry inside. What are White Sweet Potatoes? All contain antioxidants, but the color of the flesh of a sweet potato determines the source and amount. (1). These tuberous starchy roots belong to the family Convolvulaceae (morning glory) in the order Solanales. How long do purple sweet potatoes last? Thousands of different varieties exist today. Furthermore, sweet potatoes are a natural sweetness. This sweet potato variety gets its name from the ruby-colored skin that develops when cooked. Their Anthocyanins have been found in studies to protect eye cells from damage improving overall eye health 6. Sweet potatoes have 10% of recommended vitamin A, as well as vitamin C, B6, potassium, and manganese." In fact, a medium potato contains twice as much potassium as a medium banana. When looking at either one at the market, always choose large ones which feel firm. All that nutrition with no real toxicity makes these colorful root veggies a delicious addition to any Paleo meal. Purple sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes can be stored together in a cool, dark place at a temperature between55F and 60F. King and Coho salmon vary in size, flavor, and, Read More Coho Salmon vs King: Whats The Difference?Continue, As a Certified Health Coach informing clients about different nuts is part of my job. Poke a few holes into each potato and place them onto the rack. The main reason? If you have any questions about this article dont hesitate to email us. According to some studies, Hernandezs sweet potatoes have more sugar content than Beauregards, Covingtons, and Dianes. In addition, no statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Anthocyanin is a flavonoid naturally found in red, purple and blue fruits and berries. This is why sweet potatoes are known to ward off certain diseases such as colon cancer . Sugar: A 100-gram serving of baked sweet potato contains 6.5 grams of sugar and a 100-gram serving of baked white potato contains 1.4 grams of sugar, making white potato the winner by a small margin. Coat potatoes in ghee, lay flat on a sheet pan. Therefore, you may be changing the recipe slightly to make the dish a bit sweeter. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Beauregards have purplish-red skin and a deep orange interior. So, when looking at all three types of potatoes, gram for gram, white potatoes will cause a sharper spike in blood sugar when eaten. According to scientific studies, vitamin A helps the eyes when it comes to dim light vision and dry eyes5. There are very few foods I cant live without. Redear sunfish and bluegill are different species of fish although they are from the same family. Hannahs are dense, firm, and creamy, and much less prone to becoming waterlogged than orange sweet potatoes. Like carotenes, these cells provide essential functions for good vision and help your eyes absorb light and protect them from damage. On the other hand, purple potatoes are richer in anthocyanins. Heirloom sweet potatoes refer to varieties of root vegetables that are old cultivars or heritage varieties. Which Is Healthier? These orange sweet potatoes have a deliciously sweet taste and a rosy-pink skin. These sweet potatoes don't boast the most complex flavor, but they make up for it with plenty of sweetness. "Both terms are correct though. Vigorous vines, normal leaf, golden orange skin, creamy yellow flesh, above average yield. Sweet potato has 86 kcal per 100g and oatmeal 68 kcal per 100g so it is pretty easy to calculate that the difference is about 26%. The Japanese satsuma-imo is my absolute favorite sweet potato. This variety is also called the soft sweet potato and has reddish-brown skin with bright, orange flesh. Having many similarities between the two, many people wonder about their differences. Due to its dense flesh and low moisture content, it is best to bake these types of purple potatoes at a low temperature and longer than orange or white sweet potatoes. There is also an Oriental/Japanese variety with a dark purple skin and white flesh . However, many may not know there are multiple breeds of salmon with varying flavor and texture characteristics. One of the most interesting varieties of sweet potatoes from Asia is the Murasaki sweet potato from Japan. One popular type of heirloom sweet potato is Envy. This heritage sweet potato variety has light orange skin and flesh of a similar color. An orange variety of sweet potato similar to Puerto Ricans is the Carolina Nugget. Lets Compare, Red Potatoes vs Russet Potatoes: The Differences, Review on nutritional composition of orange-fleshed sweet potato and its role in management of vitamin A deficiency, Mechanisms linking dietary fiber, gut microbiota and colon cancer prevention, How Potassium Can Help Control High Blood Pressure, The Effect of the Sodium to Potassium Ratio on Hypertension Prevalence: A Propensity Score Matching Approach, Research Advances of Purple Sweet Potato Anthocyanins: Extraction, Identification, Stability, Bioactivity, Application, and Biotransformation, Purple Sweet Potatoes from East Java of Indonesia Revealed the Macronutrient, Anthocyanin Compound and Antidepressant Activity Candidate. Sweet potatoes have a nutritional profile that makes them powerful allies in preventing disease and supporting overall health. They are your grocery store potatoes, she says. Keep them in a ventilated container like a potato keeper or burlap bag. Yams are a starchier and drier root vegetable. Although the carbs in sweet potatoes are complex and raises blood sugar more slowly. One of the slight differences between jewels and garnets is that jewel sweet potatoes have copper colored skin, slightly lighter than garnets. Red potato has less Sugar. This has reddish-purple skin and vibrant orange sweet flesh. Sometimes, potatoes are called white potatoes or Irish potatoes to distinguish them from batatas, or sweet potatoes. There are two main types of sweet potatoes, both of which are elongated yellow or orange tubers that taper to a point at each end. Sweet potato is a major staple crop that is grown in many parts of the world, and there are many different sweet potato viruses that can cause disease and reduce crop yields. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. But there are several different types of sweet potatoes grown worldwide. Phytonutrients protect plants from germs, fungi, bugs, and other threats and can also help prevent disease and keep your body working correctly. The Japanese sweet potato has more starch than other varieties. King and Coho salmon are both great for high-quality meals, but its important to understand their differences. Due to its intense purple skin and deep purple flesh, you could be mistaken for thinking that this long plump root is a beet. Also called Murasaki Imo, these purple potatoes from Japan have a long slender oblong shape. All types of sweet potatoes offer nutrient-dense benefits to your health. Yams are an important part of West African food . If you are among the many people who suffer from stress, anxiety or depression, eating sweet potatoes may help, due to their high magnesium content 30.8 grams or 7 percent DV per serving, per the USDA. For these reasons, Garnet is best used for baking recipes, such as sweet potato pie or a casserole. Think of all-purpose potatoes as the ultimate workhorse, they have medium starch and medium moisture content. Japanese sweet potatoes are my favorite, so delicious! But orange sweet potatoes live up to their namethey have a robust, sweet flavor that will probably never mimic the taste of classic French fries. If you see pictures of yams and sweet potatoes together, it may be hard to tell them apart. Compared to yams, sweet potatoes are shorter. Sweet potatoes come in a variety of colors, both inside and out. Sweet potatoes with orange flesh are rich in carotenoids. Other nutrients like the antioxidant anthocyanin and vitamin C possess anti-inflammatory properties protecting against disease and illness. Behind their colorful interior, all sweet potatoes are chock-full of nutrients, but they differ in their antioxidant content, depending on the type. Both contain soluble and insoluble fiber. These varieties have light purple or reddish skins and sweet white flesh. These are often grown in lesser quantities and popular with home gardeners. You might be familiar with one or two, but there are many different varieties of sweet potatoes. Theyre both lower-calorie, low-fat foods that are rich in: Heres a side-by-side nutritional comparison. Elazar Sontag is a writer from Oakland, California, living in Brooklyn. One of the ways that Korean sweet potatoes differ from American varieties is that their flesh is denser and they taste sweeter. As the middle-of-the-road potato, all-purpose potatoes usually suffice as a substitute for any starchy or waxy potato recipe. Also known as the Hawaiian sweet potato or the Uala, this purple tuber has light brown skin and purple flesh. Their skins can be various shades of brown, yellow, orange, red or purple. We prefer Yukon Gold, an all-purpose variety, for mashed potatoes. Unlike most other sweet potatoes, this Japanese variety has drier flesh. These include: All purples can be easily made and still retain their rich purple color even when cooked. A sweet potato is the storage root of Ipomoea batatas. A typical question asked, is soybean oil better than olive oil? That leaves only 3rd party sources for Okinawan and Japanese sweet potatoes. Adirondack Blue Potato Skin Color: Dark purple skin. The more potassium, the more sodium your body will lose. Fiber remains in the digestive tract and provides gut related health benefits. Fat: 0 g. Total carbs: 24 g. Fiber: 4 g. Sugar: 7 g. Protein: 2 g. Sweet potatoes are also high in vitamin A (more than 400% of the daily requirement), vitamin C, B vitamins, potassium and manganese. Better to flavor your tuber with fresh herbs or low-fat yogurt. They have a slight nuttiness, and take well to steaming or roasting in cubes alongside other root vegetables. Keia is the Deputy Editor of Crop Stories, a food magazine telling the stories of farming in the agricultural South. The conclusions suggested that supplementing magnesium in people with physical and mental stress can help relieve restlessness, irritability, depression, lack of concentration or insomnia. SKIN Reddish/Dark Orange. The sweet flavor of this vegetable can complement a variety of . One medium cooked sweet potato with skin has about 105 calories and 4 grams of dietary fiber. Andrews finds the purple variety to have a bit of a nutty taste, so she recommends roasting purple sweet potatoes whole and sprinkling with salt, pepper and turmeric. However, a roughly equivalent amount (100 g) of peeled potato contains approximately 110 calories per serving, or 400 calories total. If you spend any time in Hawaii, you'll find these sweet potatoes incorporated into some of the most delicious potato salads around, dressed generously with my favorite condiment: mayonnaise. There is also a type of sweet potato called Red Garnet which has reddish-purple skin and orange flesh. To call them sloppy would be an understatement. (2). Neither spud is a dud, but one offers just a bit more nutrition. Sweet potatoes have a bronze outer skin with anorange flesh inside. Generally more round (fatter) than the Stokes purple variety, which are more elongated. The big difference between the two is the skin color: Japanese sweet potatoes have a pinkish brown skin and the outer skin of a boniato is light tan. Jewel Sweet Potatoes However, it is not related to the potato plant Solanum tuberosum as their composition of simple sugars and complex starches is pretty different. There are a few varieties of sweet potatoes that are sold as Cordner cultivars. 4. These are the If you have a local farm or roadside stand close by, buy them there. Home Blog Paleo Diet Paleo Diet 101 Types of Sweet Potatoes (With Images) and Why You Should Be Eating Them. Potato, potahto. While most sweet potato varieties are delicious and incredibly versatile, knowing what type you're dealing with can help you choose a cooking method and sweet potato recipe that may be better suited for that spud. Hi y'all!! "Sweet potatoes are also high in manganese, which aids in the formation of connective tissue, bones, blood-clotting factors and sex hormones. Orange But while they contain significantly more vitamin A, regular potatoes contain slightly more vitamin C. This is the only true yam on our list and it has thicker skin than sweet potatoes. FLESH Orange. FLESH Deep orange. However, it still has a sweet nutty taste that is common to all types of sweet potato. Beta Carotene also helps promote vitamin A in the body as well as promotes eye health. Find out how purple yams compared in my article here. Purple ones are denser requiring longer cooking times. Check out this post of 66 Paleo sweet potato recipes here. The O'Henry sweet potato is white on the inside like a regular potato, with thin, pale, reddish or tan skin. Uses: Sweet Potatoes go well with meat, poultry, fish and seafood. When finished, they'll be creamy, smooth, and rich. If you are concerned about maintaining proper vision, it's good to know that a sweet potato contains an abundance of an important nutrient vitamin A known for its role in eye health. Both are considered root vegetables, meaning the part of the plant you eat grows beneath the soil. Sometimes called the Yellow Hannah or Sweet Hannah, this variety of sweet potato has lightly colored tan skin. Slower digesting than oats, therefore providing a longer lasting supply of energy. Purple sweet potatoes have a rich taste, almost wine-like flavor with a creamy texture. Sweet potatoes are a popular vegetable in North America where they are also called yams. Though I think of these as very sweet, their flavor is actually more subdued and subtle than other breeds. They need to be baked for approximately 90 to 120 minutes at 350 degrees. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything. Garnet sweet potatoes aren't necessarily sweet, but they're full of nutrients. When cooked, Hannah sweet potatoes have a light yellow color. Sweet potatoes are a type of root vegetable that look and taste different from regular potatoes. So to get a little more clarity about the differences between some of the most common orange tubers, I checked in with Keia Mastrianni, a North Carolinabased writer and oral historian. Their bright orange color isn't the only reason we've been led to believe that sweet potatoes are healthier than white potatoes.
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