About Us | Contact Us | Copyright | Report Inappropriate Material and .50 cal. Immediately following this the 289th moved near Saarbrcken, where it refined its training and acquired combat engineering materials in preparation for joining in Operation Undertone, the Allied invasion of the Saarland set to commence on 15 March. To some of these thousand men, it was going to be the beginning of a new, big adventure. - Present 223rd Engr Bn. GERALD M. REHFELDTPvt. machine gun squads, anti-tank rocket and grenade launchers, and were required to fight as infantry as a secondary mission.[2]. RAYMOND MORRISPfc. Description This tremendous pair of maps chronicles the combat experience of the 208th Engineer Combat Battalion (E.C.B.) RAYMOND J. STOVICHPvt. The travel and encampment dates below reflect the location of the battalion's Headquarters & Supply Company as established in the "Travels of the 289th": Library of Congress Veterans History Project. U.S. Army combat engineers played vital roles in many notable World War II actions. The fine record of the Battalion with the VII Corps has been continued subsequently under the command of another corps during the reduction of the Ruhr Pocket. The history of some of the scenes and buildings pictured on the following pages dates back to the Medieval and even Roman eras while in others you see the settings so familiar as the backdrops for the greatest epic of all times, World War II, in which you, the members of the 1288th, had a hand in the making of history. [4][5], A World War II era combat engineer battalion possessed both combat and combat support capabilities. Publication | Library Call Number: D769.335 286th .M84 2007 Format Book Author/Creator Mueller, Tom (Thomas S.) Published Charles M. Atterbury, Company Commander.Capt. Was first w 185th Engineer Combat Battalion HQS in Yung Don Po Korea from approx Aug 1951 to sometime in 1952. Samuel Brooks. ERVIN A. ZJADEWICZPfc. The 289th's principal combat assignments in the Alsace and Rhineland included serving as infantry to protect an important road junction near Saint-Avold, France, deployment under the command of the French First Army in clearing German troops from the Colmar Pocket during the Nazi Operation Nordwind offensive; ferrying assault troops across the Saar River near Saarbrcken Germany; escorting an ambulance corps across the Rhine at Worms near Mannheim; and ferrying troops and equipment across the Neckar River near Heidelberg. The ship sailed at 0715 hours on January 19, 1944. machine gun squads, anti-tank rocket and grenade launchers, and were required to fight as infantry when needed. He campaigned in Central Europe, the Rhineland and GO 33 WD Redesignation. Thus the following occurred: 1st Bn became the 2826th Bn. There are some collections on the 284th Engineer Combat Battalion housed with the US Army War College in Carlisle, PA, with the US Army Heritage Center. https://digicom.bpl.lib.me.us/ww_reg_his/88. Subscribe to 288th Engineer Combat Battalion Footer menu. Let me add my personal commendation to that of General Colins for the splendid record made by the 298th Engineer Combat Battalion throughout the campaign in Europe. JEROME H. LAUERT/5. [1] After training,[7] the 289th left New York Port of Embarkation[8] for the European Theater of Operations (ETO) on 22 October 1944. The travel and encampment dates below reflect the location of the battalion's Headquarters & Supply Company as established in the "Travels of the 289th": Im a travel junky who loves to gain This was exemplified in the bridging of the Rhine in the remarkable time of 10 hours 17 minutes with a Class 40 bridge, But the toughest of all these river crossings was that over the Roer, where the VII Corps Engineers proved that they could not only build fast but could do so with steadfastness and courage under devastating enemy fire. With engineers building bridges as fast as the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS could blow them, the 12th roared toward the finish in the Seventh Army's race to the Alps to seal off the Brenner Pass to Nazi escape; a prize nabbed at the wire by the rival 103rd Infantry Division on May 4. On March 7, 1945, combat engineers helped get GIs across the Ludendorff bridge at Remagen and quickly erected eight tactical bridges to speed more units across the Rhine. Combat engineers were also trained to fight as infantrymen and often did so in emergency situations on the battlefield. The Western Military District (Russian: ) is a military district of Russia.. Belgium Luxembourg Grandmenil. To some of these thousand men, it was going to be the beginning of a new, big adventure. Young detachments of the Red Army, which entered war for the first time, routed the German invaders at Pskov and Narva on February 23, 1918. Once in the combat zone assignments frequently separated its companies or broke them into smaller outfits, often in support of other units. ADOLPHUS L. CASPERPvt. Men, who when once organized, set about to do every task with which they were confronted to the best of their ability. In late January and early February the 289th was briefly deployed as part of XXI Corps under the command of French General Jean de Lattre de Tassigny's French First Army in its effort to clear attacking German troops from the Colmar Pocket during the Operation Nordwind offensive. According to "Travels of the 289th" the unit passed through, 15 m. slightly NW of Neckarshulm, 20 m. E of, 230 m. NW of Mosbach, via truck transport. It served under XXI Corps of the Seventh. 277th Engineer Combat Battalion, attached to 102nd Infantry Division Dec. 15-28, 1944 278th Engineer Combat Battalion: in Belgium at Hermalle and Vise (north of Lige) until 26 December, then in Belgium at Aubel (north of Verviers) and in Holland at "Lanaye Locks" My one concern is that finding more information about the 286th Engineer Combat Battalion as an individual unit is quite difficult. MISSISSIPPI ARMY NATIONAL GUARD / 288th ENGINEERING COMPANY Part of the 233rd Engineer Battalion, a company sized formation responsible for providing an array of combat support capabilities. 307, U. S. Army, TO : Lt Col. Ray R. Liedike, C.E.Commanding Officer, 298th Engineer Combat Battalion,A.P.O. 17 DEC 1943. To fully understand the hierarchy at any given moment in the Battle, you must not rely on this page alone. JOSEPH GLINSKIPfc. Capt. Similar units. The VII Corps Engineers distinguished themselves from the first moment when they landed with the initial waves on Utah Beach, and with the assistance of naval demolition parties began the removal of the beach obstacles and the preparation of passages through the sea-wall that ran the length of the beach. In the ETO the 289th was attached directly to the XXI Corps of the Seventh Army, U.S. Sixth Army Group. BPL Baltimore, MD. An Engineer Combat Battalion (ECB) was a designation for a battalion-strength combat engineer unit in the U.S. Army, most prevalent during World War II. The history of the 1288th Engineer Combat Battalion has been well recorded on film. Sgt. GEORGE E. OTENBAKER, Sgt. Caveat: This Battle lasted more than a month, with assignments in considerable flux. In a Combat Engineer Battalion, every squad of a line platoon has a two and one half ton truck for personnel and equipment. The 289th then pivoted south through heavily contested Crailsheim in several short encampments over the next three weeks, facing diminishing German resistance in areas then falling well behind rapidly advancing front lines. 288th engineer combat battalion. (5 May 45)HEADQUARTERS VII CORPS, APO 307, U. S. Army, 13 May 1945. FRANK MANSKI JR.Pvt. An Engineer Combat Battalion (ECB) was a designation for a battalion -strength combat engineer unit in the U.S. Army, most prevalent during World War II. The G-3 periodic reports for most of the units, as well as some of the G-2 periodic reports, include map overlays, and many of the reports also include . Perhaps the most spectacular achievement of the Corps Engineers came in their many river crossings, commending with the first such operation in Europe by our forces, the crossing of the Douve near Carentan and Etienville. The Battalion moved to Lebanon in July 1958 as The 247th Engineer Combat Battalion was actively engaged in continuous operation against the enemy from 13 June 1944 to 25 April 1945 in France, Belgium, Holland, and Germany. Dupuy,Trevor N. "Hitler's Last Gamble" Airlife. In February 1945, the 36th Engineer Combat Regiment was reorganized as the 36th Engineer Combat Group. Its principal combat assignments in the Alsace and Rhineland included ferrying assault troops across the Saar River near Saarbrcken; escorting an ambulance corps across the Rhine at Worms near Mannheim; and ferrying troops and equipment across the Neckar River near Heidelberg. Memorial stone dedicated to the 238th 31. Additional vehicles are required for the Supply How could I get a roster for my basic training class from Ft Benning Ga from back in 1999 D258 3rd platoon Maddogs? This task was often accomplished under intense enemy artillery and small arms fire, and with only limited protection from our widely dispersed reconnaissance units. Try contacting the Public Information Officer for Fort Benning. Will Madden 23 Be Cross Platform, 5. Will Hoppe told me some more details about the production of this map, which I will follow up with him. James E. CrottyS/Sgt. Facebook Instagram Instagram TIMON O. MOUSERPvt. EDWARD M. SHOEMAKERT/4. Sgt. Also known as "Combat Engineer Battalions", they were typically divided into four companies: A, B, C, and Headquarters and Service (H&S). It is merely the doings of and the happenings to a Home In mid-January the unit was ordered to serve as infantry defending a key road junction near Saint-Avold connecting the heavily contested French fortress city of Metz, the Alsatian capital of Strasbourg, and the German city of Saarbrcken. The following named officer and enlisted men were members of a beach demolition party which landed on UTAH BEACH at "H" hour on "D" Day: RANK NAME1st. They also fielded defensive .30 cal. THOMAS W. SILVALt. I have a schedule of military reunions Based on a map produced in June 1945 by the father of Arthur 279th Engineer (Combat) Battalion Association. A platoon of the 20th Engineer Combat Battalion, landing in support of the 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry, began blowing a larger gap through the minefield with bangalore torpedoes. History of the 138th Engineer Combat Battalion - added 06-10-14. These included demolition satchel charges, Bangalore torpedoes (explosive-filled pipes to clear barbed-wire obstacles), mine detectors, bridging materials (for foot, pontoon and steel-framed Bailey bridges), and an array of construction equipment, from axes to bulldozers. Captain Whiter The demand for accuracy and speed of performance has been greater than ever before. The battalion was one of the first units to enter Paris. Between August 1944 and March 1945, the 168th 1944 to engage the 236th and another On the attack or on the defense, engineers led the way! The Battalion was assigned to the FIRST UNITED STATES ARMY and attached to the U.S. VII ARMY CORPS. group of men, draftees to be exact, who were dragged or thrown together to be welded into a group of Combat Engineers. ANTHONY T. BERICHT/5. William J. Forsythe1st Lt. Creighton F. Lawson1st Lt. Frederick A. ScottTec. When it starts hit the F11 key on/off for full screen. > ABMC Headquarters 2300 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22201 Phone: 703-584-1501 The 254th Engineer Combat Battalion was one of the engineer units that fought with distinction in the Ardennes. The Sienne, Mayenne, Seine, Aisne, Meuse, Roer and finally the Rhine and the Weser, all had to be bridged, usually under fire, with the restless speed demanded by the pace of modern operations. The 289th Engineer Combat Battalion was constituted at Camp Joseph T. Robinson, Little Rock, Arkansas, in December 1942. SILVER STARS - 7BRONZE STARS - 49PURPLE HEARTS - 162FRENCH CROIX DE GUERRE - 1DISTINGUISHED UNIT BADGES - 13ARROWHEADS FOR ASSAULT LANDINGS - 13, RootsWeb is funded and supported by Join Our Newsletter. %%EOF The 289th Engineer Combat Battalion (United States) was a combat engineer battalion of the United States Army during World War II. It departed Antwerp 14 August 1945,[17] and was abreast of the White Cliffs of Dover in the English Channel when the announcement of the Japanese surrender on VJ Day, 15 August, was broadcast to all aboard. As Field Manual 21-105: Engineer Soldiers Handbook (June 2, 1943) explained to trainees: You are going to make sure that our own troops move ahead against all opposition, and you are going to see to it that enemy obstacles do not interfere with our advance. 238th combat engineer battalion association history A soldier from the 51st Engineer Combat Battalion checks a TNT charge during the Battle of the Bulge. Any information that would help us. Port & harbor maintenance and rehabilitation, including beachheads: Laying roads and unloading/loading supplies, vehicles & personnel from transport and cargo ships, Establishing/maintaining supply and ammunition dumps, Building barracks, depots, and similar structures, Rescue & road patrols, bridge and road reconnaissance, Ferrying troops of the 276th Infantry Battalion of the, Escorting an ambulance corps across a temporary bridge over the Rhine at. 288th engineer combat battalion. 263rd ENGINEER COMBAT BATTALION 299th Engineer Combat Battalion 309th Engineer (Combat) Battalion 320th Engineer Battalion 331st Engineer 335th Engineer Regiment 340th Engineer Regiment 389th Engineers General Service Regiment 393rd Engineer S.S. Regiment 398th Engineer Regiment The 247th Engineer Combat Battalion began work on the bridge at 0700, finding on it a truck that a German shell had hit a few days before. Lloyd F. Donaldson, A.D.E. This was particularly true following the breakthrough at St. After Army retirement, he was Executive Director of the Winston Churchill Memorial & Library at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri (2000-2004) and is adjunct faculty professor of history and political science at Westminster. Principal combat actions involving the 289th Engineers include: The 289th traveled as a unit from the U.S. to Saint-Avold, France. By early May forward elements of the battalion were spread as far afield as Austria and northern Italy. The Battalion arrived at WEYMOUTH, DORSET, ENGLAND on the morning of February 1, 1944, where it entrucked for a short trip to SUTTON POYNTZ and CHALET CAMPS. The 36th continued to work as a three battalion unit throughout the war. As "D-DAY" approached, our training came to an end. 401. st. Glider Infantry Regiment . Theodore F. SnayS/Sgt. It built numerous bridges, removed obstacles and mines, and helped restore mobility to stalled infantry and armor units. Paul McAllister, Company Commander: Sgt. 109th Engineer Combat Battalion: 434th Port Company: 109th Engineer Combat Battalion, 34th Infantry Division: 4355th Quartermaster Bakery Company: 109th Engineer Regiment, 34th Division: 435th Anti-Aircraft Arty (Automatic Weapons) Battalion: 109th Field Artillery Battalion: 435th Engineer Dump Truck Company: 109th Field Artillery Battalion . The exercise was conducted at SLAPTON SANDS, DEVONSHIRE, ENGLAND. Dean G. Ricketson Jr. S-3 SECTIONMajor Bruce E. Pettit1st Lt. Frank J. OggioniM/Sgt. In the ETO the 289th was attached directly to the XXI Corps of the Seventh Army, U.S. Sixth Army Group. failed you alone be the judge. It is one of the unfortunate characteristics of war that whose who labor in unspectacular roles frequently do not receive the proper recognition that they justly deserve. Home | Strasbourg was successfully defended, and XXI Corp restored to the US Seventh Army. Oakland County Mi Deaths, /s/ John C. Macdonald/t/ JOHN C. MACDONALDColonel, Cavalry,Commanding. 2. THOMAS E. WHALEYCpl. Company B continued on assisting rapidly moving armor in the Seventh Army's race to head off German entrenchment in a feared National Redoubt and seal off Alpine passes to Nazi escape. Uncategorized. Its principal combat assignments in the Alsace and Rhineland included ferrying ass On the attack or on the defense, engineers led the way! In the latter stages of the War it campaigned south and southeast through communities straddling the states of Baden-Wrttemberg and Bavaria. An Army veteran, he served as a sergeant with the 288th Engineer Combat Battalion during World War II. Edward W. KudlatyPfc. Clarence E. Bret. 1 talking about this. Few areas of the world have been as hotly contested as the India-Pakistan border. Captain Lorres Thomas Airborne Engineer Battalion . 188th Engineering Combat Battalion. FRANCIS R. FULTONPvt.WAYNE M. CONRADPfc. See complete scans of the booklet here. Squadron: 363rd Field Artillery Battalion: 117th Cavalry Recon. Punctuation, and capitalization follow the original (in many cases the format was not consistant). During the Battle of the Bulge, they not only fought as infantrymen but also, on December 18, 1944, blew up a key Amblve River bridge literally in the face of SS Colonel Jochen Peiper, stopping the German spearhead in its tracks. HistoryNet.com is brought to you by HistoryNet LLC, the worlds largest publisher of history magazines. Five divisions, including two of the big armored divisions, were passed through this narrow gap without a pause in record breaking time, thanks to the superb work of the VII Corps Engineers. Combat engineers played important roles in numerous World War II battles, especially breaching the heavily fortified Siegfried Line protecting the German border and numerous defensive lines established by the Wehrmacht in Italy, including the Gustav Line. On January 18, 1944 the Battalion boarded the USS "EXPLORER" at the BOSTON PORT OF EMBARKATION for an overseas voyage to an unknown destination. ARTHUR M. GLEASONPfc. EMIL FILIPPvt. Email. These units were among the most skilled in the world at endeavors of engineering such as bridge and road construction, and at a moments notice could shift to the role of combat . The 236th was created during World War II, an offspring of the 44th Engineer Combat Regiment at Camp McCoy, Wisconsin. 1943 - 2023. His final active duty assignment was head of the history department at the US Army Command & General Staff College. Perceived crucial by TICOM, the U.S. intelligence and technology gathering organization, its top secret records forced the 289th into the unusual role of military police. On 11 September 1944, while accompanying the 5th Armored Division, the 254th became one of the first American Units to reach German soil. CHARLES J. NELSONPfc. On several occasions in the Siegfried Line and the Hurtgen Forest it was found necessary to employ the Engineers as infantry to hold a sector of the line. 17 DEC 1943. Leo B. WortmanS/Sgt. (Author), Mikel Shilling (Author) 24 ratings Kindle $0.00 Read with Kindle Unlimited to also enjoy access to over 1 million more titles $6.99 to buy Paperback $13.25 5 Used from $5.00 4 New from $13.25 Gurney W. Sikes, S-4 SECTIONCapt. History is a guide to navigation in perilous times. WW2 Army Unit Records Research. WILBUR L. FULLERSgt. HistoryNet.com contains daily features, photo galleries and over 25,000 articles originally published in our nine magazines. 2. operations for the period, combat efficiency, and results of operations. 1st Sergeant: With the cessation of hostilities in Europe, I wish to convey to you and to the officers and men of the VII Corps Engineers my great appreciation for the splendid job done by you and your engineers throughout our European campaigns. In one or more jurisdictions, laws other than copyright are known to impose restrictions on the use of this Item. worldwartwoveterans@gmail.com. Nicholas SeguraTec 5. Post Office Box 7036. Lt. Bernard L. StaffordCpl. > We searched the National Archives Catalog and located the World War II Operations Reports, 1940-1948 in the Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1917-1985 (Record Group 407) that may include records of the 255th Engineer Combat Battalion. View 286 Engineering Combat Battalion in a larger map Based on a map produced in June 1945 by the father of Arthur Alexander of Brooklyn, NY. 50th Engineers fought back immediately and kept fighting while nearby combat units arrived. Both on the attack and on the defense, engineers led the way. The battalion's 30-cal and 50-cal gun crews were deployed to the north to strengthen a badly over-stretched Seventh Army line depleted when elements were detached to fill the vacuum created when General George Patton's Third Army raced north to the Ardennes to relieve the besieged 101st Airborne at Bastogne in the Battle of the Bulge.[b]. m p fort riley kansas 13 bravo 13 coscom 13 subcom.647 maint.co. LIEUTENANT GENERAL J. LAWTON COLLINSCOMMANDING GENERAL, U.S. VII ARMY CORPS2. C. Bn. [14] Perceived crucial by TICOM, the U.S. intelligence and technology gathering organization, its top secret records forced the 289th into the unusual role of military police. VE-Day found the Headquarters & Supply company and remaining components of the 289th in Gppingen near Stuttgart. 250 Photos taken by my father, Harold Fray, and others, during WWII My dad was assigned to company "A". Virtual International Authority File. 4065 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[4049 22]/Info 4048 0 R/Length 87/Prev 311094/Root 4050 0 R/Size 4071/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Wallace, Linnel, Lt. Col., Commanding Officer. 146 PRIOR SERVICE RECRUITER (410) 444-0758 NAVIGATION 4th. 713th Boas are heading home 09.10.2012 | Story by Jessica Jackson 595th Engineer December 17, 1943 was the big day. The Book 4 Replies Compiled by Will HOPPE and Bob McKEAN in Bad Mergentheim, Germany. B Company - 238th Engineer (Combat) Battalion. 284th Engr. itself. On 28 December it departed Southampton[9] for Le Havre, landing 31 December. Mr. Joseph Smith. Lionel J. WillettS/Sgt. George W. Mackeigan, KEY PERSONNELBATTALION HEADQUARTERS AND HEADQUARTERS COMPANY, Battalion Commander..Lt. Col. Ray R. LiedikeBattalion Executive OfficerMajor Earl D. Foster, S-1 SECTION1st Lt. J. K. SitterdingW.O.J.G. WILLIE M. McCURLEYPfc. The range of services provided included but was not limited to: Among those carried out in action by the 289th were the clearing of minefields, removal of demolition charges, and disarming of anti-personnel munitions and booby traps; deployment and operation of assault boats; and the construction of various pontoon bridges, including M1 treadways, and modular steel truss Bailey bridges. THE HISTORY OF THE 298TH ENGINEER COMBAT BATTALION IN EUROPE JUNE 9, 1944 - MAY 8, 1945 Transcribed by Bob Kipke TRANSCRIPTION NOTES: Pages have been transcribed as close as possible to the original with the exception of page numbering/format. The hierarchy given here is at a moment nearly at the end of the Battle. Occupation duty included being rushed to secure the Kaufbeuren Air Base in southern Bavaria when it was revealed as the final location of the Nazi Party's top secret FA signals intelligence and cryptanalytic agency. [1], Best known for pontoon bridge construction and clearing hazards in amphibious landings, their duties also included serving as sappers deploying and deactivating explosive charges and unexploded munitions, mapmaking, camouflage, and a wide variety of construction services supporting frontline troops.
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288th engineer combat battalion