Clearly, this has caught the attention of many people and now shes one of the most well-known actresses in commercials. Saw this shit for the first and 100th times today. I dont get de-hy-DRAT-ed! What a sappy ad. "I got my hair on my head"? And what a strange couple. and Woloshin, S., "Medical Marketing in the United States, 1997-2016," JAMA, Jan. 1, 2019, doi: 10.1001/jama.2018.19320, Patel, N.G., et al, "Therapeutic Value of Drugs Frequently Marketed Using Direct-to-Consumer Television Advertising, 2015 to 2021," JAMA Network Open, Jan. 13, 2023, doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.50991. The more I see that commercial, R101, the more I think the actress is not very skilled (overacting) and that it is the husband who supposed to be infirm. worst of the worst there. Fuck you, Dr. Rick. I agree with you, Cosmo, on the 10s and 10s of views line. Who the heck is that singing? The announcer talks about kids struggling to find their career path: "BUT NOT OUR SYDNEY!". I do know the Geico gecko and the LiMu emu, but I have always had Allstate insurance and no cute animal suggests to me why I would ever consider switching. I am baffled and insulted as to why I'm constantly receiving video adds for stank butt deodorant. * Limu can watch, I guess. In 1983, then-FDA commissioner Arthur Hayes asked drug companies if they were planning to push for prescription drug ads directed at patients. Or a putrefied mass thats been laying there for six months until the ungrateful children check up on their inheritance. The Drive Time ads with the annoying guy who keeps shouting about "And your real monthly payment". Furinno Jaya Large Entertainment Center Model 15113, Hello. He also told Bobby Brady it was ok to be a canary. No, FDA does not approve the wording and/or visual presentation of every DTC [direct to consumer] prescription drug advertisement., Please also note that the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the FD&C Act) requires that all prescription drug advertisements contain (among other things) information in brief summary relating to side effects, contraindications, and effectiveness. Usually its your own kids that are supposed to kill your sex life. They dont run too many ads, but theyre all quite ghetto. Please get rid of Jon Mama. R484, I'm in Calif too and these incessant ads have aggravated me to the point that I refuse to vote on either proposition. An ad for some kind of online/home schooling thing. My dad once called to ask me if I wanted that food the Marie Osmond eats because someone had left a case at his door. Press J to jump to the feed. Then the teen girl's sister bursts in with a pair of underwear and tells her sister to put these on instead, because they'll absorb all her blood and she won't need a tampon at all. Whats with that lemons and lemons ad. They are the only companies with the facilities, money, and research brain power that can provide the medicines we all need at some time in our lives. The only way your acquaintances can read our independent voice is to subscribe to our newsletter at this link. [quote]I hate this one since that Johnny Mathis country song annoys me to no end. I suggested you create your own thread so you'd stop bitching on this thread. Submissions should come only from actors, their parent/legal guardian or casting agency. Are they running out of people to go after now? And thats exactly who you see smoking more than anyone. Never in my wildest imagination did I ever expect to see a trans man with the identical features of a Ray Ramono like in the new Audible commercial. R539 Commercials really trigger you, don't they? You're feeding your kid sugar and you think you're a great parent? Somebody falls down, an overweight Asian woman says, "Blink if you're in danger," then continues to blink maniacally. He would swindle people into buying property in a glorified wasteland passing off as a camping ground. It is made with natural ingredients and has low calories. To help FDA track safety issues with medicines, report adverse events involving Xeljanz/Xeljanz XR, Olumiant, Rinvoq, or other medicines to the FDA MedWatch program, using the information in the "Contact Us" box at the bottom of this page. Pharma ads should be banned for the simple reason that we are not qualified to make those decisions ourselves based on showing us happy people. You wont find any priceless golden idols or booby trapshopefullyin Kauai, but that doesnt mean the tropical island didnt fit perfectly as the Amazon jungle and crumbling Aztec temple. I want to strangle the screaming singer. The Boxed Warning is the FDAs way of saying watch out (National Library of Medicine, Sept. 19, 2021): Boxed warnings (formerly known as Black Box Warnings) are the highest safety-related warning that medications can have assigned by the Food and Drug Administration. When FDA first approved Xeljanz (tofacitinib), we required the manufacturer, Pfizer, to conduct a randomized safety clinical trial in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who were taking methotrexate to evaluate the risk of cardiovascular events, malignancy, and infections. UC symptoms like abdominal pain and frequent trips to the bathroom can get in the way of your day-to-day activities, so taking action is needed. Meanwhile they pass, where did the money go for the prop that was almost word for word the exact same prop as so and so? OMG - I didn't know that! He has to start lining the coffers now, R23: divorce and child support can be extremely draining on the purse strings (and balls). I can't stand that ad! Also, does that guy's house have NO mirrors??!! That Camp Lejeune, isnt that what they based the debut of the Jefferson Darcy character on Married with Children and his storyline on? They stand next to a backyard table, looking disappointed that the party seems to be a bummer/very low key. Rinvoq side effects. Such a beautiful spot that I have not heard of or is it fabricated for the commercial?? All the pharm ads all the fricking time. @imnamedmatt. The "vote no" ones far outweigh the "vote yes" ones. It went from 11.9%of total marketing dollars in 1997 to 32% of the total in 2016. (Its on Hulu ALL the time). If only you all had gone to college. [quote]Please help me Jesus The commercial with the hyper suburban frau saying her butt crack smells fresh all day after using this god only knows butt crack freshener. Another for the anti tobacco commercials with the black poet quoting how their main target is the black and the stupid. Metro Imaging. There is nothing in the commercial about actual effectiveness. Jesus Christ, how I LOATHE this commercial! -Any bingo/slots commercial -The Medusa commercial. Once verified, the information you provide will be displayed on our site. There's no info online what gender the person in the Kleenex snot bubble ad happens to be. Why announce your presence in this thread? Wienerschnitzel is still in business? That sweeping shot of the helicopter navigating through the valley before landing next to a breathtaking waterfall introduced audiences of all ages to the wonder that is the Jurassic Park franchise. [R400]: Is that who that is, anyway, she's too busy in that commercial. Stephanie Courtney is the woman in the progressive commercial with Flo. I am going crazy listening to them. You havent seen a commercial for 35 years. I have been sitting here scrolling through DL for the last hour or so. The one with Jimmy Walker yelling at the screenD-Y-N-O-M-I-T-EI swear I just switch channel everytime he comes onand he comes on quite oftenare people who work in those ad agencies retarded and are their clients even more so ? Hey, here's an idea - start your own thread about how much you hate commercials and the people who watch them. ", We were also considering a cat and naming it Linzess, I have an imaginary Tasmanian Devil named Mayhem Trump! Unhinged much? Of course, the box of Kleenex is shown. The drug ads should actually show the TV actors experiencing the side effects of the advertised drug with an annoying soundtrack in the background. Stephanie Courtney has portrayed Flo, and the character has developed a fan base on social networks. First thing I thought of when I saw that was the episode of South Park with Jimmy and all the handicap kids at summer camp where most look like Looney Toons characters with Jimmy attempting to play the ukulele and Nathan getting raped by the shark. Have questions about this ad or our catalog? It's enough to make you wanna swear off television altogether and I can't even remember what the ads are even for? CALL NOOOOOWWW. Not to mention that odious Kevin Hart for Draft Kings.they're more annoying than the "Kars 4Kids" brats!! Not once does the commercial preach about the dangers or drunk driving or drugs or even seatbelt safety, just driving a little over the speed limit. She screams into her mask as the dirty, germs water rains down on her. And R62 was it Rosey who told Bobby Brady it was ok to be a canary? That stupid Cars 4 Kids commercial has been going on the radios for years and it's a HUGE GRIFT. The Camp Lejeune lawsuit ads flooding the airwaves are doing a brave public service and are not in the least bit annoying. . There's no reason for dumb nuts to comment in either case; best to dump him before he endangers her life through his inability to, among other things, self-govern. Hey, these NYC executives who promote these adds with the common guys kill me. I like Dean Winters, especially when he gives that little cackle at the end of the commercial where he distracts that driver and causes him to crash into a garbage truck. Pass me a large bucket. Xeljanz/Xeljanz XR, Olumiant, and Rinvoq are used to treat certain serious, chronic, and progressive inflammatory conditions. Stop wearing thongs and clean yourself, bitch! Jimmy Walker is even uglier than when he was younger. Maybe The Bugaboos? Jesus Christ, those camp Lejeune and Mesothelioma commercials. Commercial threads are "frau threads", what planet are you from? Last time I did that, he walked into the cat carrier around 8 am. Other JAK inhibitors have not been studied in similar large safety clinical trials, so the risk with these medicines has not been evaluated. Than hed see the food advertised and purposely overdose of vitametavegamin just to avoid having to actually eat any of that. Sunday 11:00am - 5:00pm, 1. Thats the first thing that crossed my mind when I found out they were bringing it back. It's as though they are trying to establish a false connection between Medicare and CarShield, whatever and whoever the latter is. Right now it's the one where the guy shows up in a full suit, rents a van, surfs, comes back, and doesn't just hug, but hug-attacks the "cool black guy" who rented it to him. Where else we will you find THE Sidney Poitier, Dan Aykroyd, River Phoenix and David Straitharn alongside Robert Redford and Sir Ben Kingsley. Lol that Nutrisystem commercial with Marie Osmond is like it's 50. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . The Damp Rid things that you hang in your closets are miracle workers. I wouldnt take any of them. And I totally assumed that you made that up but I googled it just in case. Tastemaker . They're extremely icky, with gooey people pawing each other and doing pathetic things like going to terrible craft fairs and humorlessly examining macram-owl hanging planters , sticking their tongues out for selfies (aged 50+), trying on giggly outfits that they look awful in, and other obscenities. Its super easy. These medicines are part of a class called Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors and are used to treat certain serious, chronic, and progressive inflammatory conditions. To define the future, he takes his hands off the steering wheel. I have always loathed this ugly frog looking mf'er and his voice makes me cringe. Our review of the final trial results showed a higher rate of serious heart-related events such as heart attack and stroke, cancer, blood clots, and death in patients treated with both doses of Xeljanz compared to those treated with TNF blockers. Reserve these medicines for patients who have had an inadequate response or intolerance to one or more TNF blockers. All information published on this website is provided in good faith and for general use only. For malignancies excluding NMSC, the estimated hazard ratio and 95% CI associated with the combined Xeljanz regimens relative to TNF blockers were 1.48 (1.04, 2.09). Hawaiian Word For North Star, . Is there anything worse right now that the ubiquitous commercials with the get your docs in a row song for people who are too stupid to know how to make a doctors appointment? The subtext is "all the other cameras are yt ppl shit". The formula that drug companies have come up with to distract people from the part of the commercial that talks about nasty side effects. In a once-daily pill, RINVOQ is intended to treat ulcerative colitis without the use of steroids, and may help patients repair their colon lining, making strenuous activities, and even simply eating certain enjoyable foods, easier again. She draws a mustache on her chin upside down and flies off of a scooter when hitting a pothole or a sidewalk bump. Hello and thank you for registering. ? So Its fly birth control? If you can't find the email you can resend it here. Fat ugly John going through life in different outfits while still fat and ugly. Here is the HUNGRY ROOT commercial so you can get your fix. High childish voices always make me want to drop a 10 ton safe on the little darlings: SPLAT!!!! The trial studied two doses of Xeljanz (5 mg twice daily, which is the approved dosage for RA, and a higher 10 mg twice daily dosage) in comparison to a TNF blocker also used to treat the condition. Im sick of Candace, who works from home. And here I thought they were saying they were not embarrassed to show their psoriasis skin anymore. DTC prescription drug advertising increased from $1.3 billion (79000 ads) to $6 billion (4.6 million ads [including 663000 TV commercials]), with a shift toward advertising high-cost biologics and cancer immunotherapies.. couldn't be any dumber. I hate those True Classic Tees commercials with those dude-bros. FDA is requiring new and updated warnings about an increased risk of major adverse cardiovascular events, malignancy, thrombosis, and mortality with the Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors Xeljanz, Xeljanz XR (tofacitinib), Olumiant (baricitinib), and Rinvoq (upadacitinib). Helena Mattsson, born March 30, 1984 in Stockholm, is a Swedish-American actress living and working in Hollywood . Actress. I'm getting sick of the Capital One commercials with the tall guy, although I still want him inside me quite deeply. Yeah that commercial where a glob of mayo is plopped into a boiling pan of vegetables on the stove is DISGUSTING. The actor playing the father is definitely over reacting to what he sees his small son doing, as if kids don't do such stupid things?! I like watching Decades occasionally, but the repeated Camp Lejeune lawsuit ad is hard to take. [quote]Im only here because this pathetic frau thread keeps getting bumped by MAGAt fraus or log cabinettes (exclamation point). Go bump fuck yourselves (exclamation point/all-caps). R507 those have finally worn out their welcome. The obnoxious old fart with the hillbilly sons was one thing, but they're all crawling out of the woodwork. The one where Jennifer Aniston is shilling some sort of protein drink. The proportion of marketing dollars spent on reaching consumers also increased during the last two decades. As if the Progressive ads with Flo weren't bad enough, now we have one featuring the short girl who was a background character now in front and who has one of THE most irritating vocal fries ever. I have a Roku Smart TV and the streaming channels, like MSNBC Lite aka NBC Now, don't have commercials. Again trying to make it a black and white issue ONLY. R325 Yes, that snot bubble commercial is disgusting. I believe they do many good things for the world. The data showed evidence of a dose-dependent increased risk for MACE, all-cause mortality, and thrombosis at both doses of Xeljanz when compared to treatment with TNF blockers. [/bold] Yeah, you can also give a urine sample over a screen too! The mother / daughter Amazon commercial where you're led to believe they're having the sex talk but it's only mom warning the daughter search Amazon before over-spending. FDA also previously communicated about the safety clinical trial with Xeljanz, Xeljanz XR (tofacitinib) in February 2019 and July 2019. Rinvoq is an inhibitor of the Jak2 protein, which is known to be involved in the progression of the condition. Just own up and leave it alone. Edpuzzle Plus Extension, Like wiping their nose on their T-shirt is so bizarre? for no apparent reason. This is particularly the case in patients who are current or past smokers, those with other cardiovascular risk factors, those who develop a malignancy, and those with a known malignancy other than a successfully treated nonmelanoma skin cancer. Xeljanz is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis, ulcerative colitis, and polyarticular course juvenile idiopathic arthritis. What is RINVOQ?RINVOQ is a prescription medicine used to treat adults with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis when 1 or more medicines called tumor necrosis factor (TNF) blockers have been used, and did not work well or could not be tolerated. It starts off showing these certain drivers all out speeding wreaking havoc and causing chaos and the damage that the caused. The commercial in which some idiot is asked to name his favorite food and he names "buffet". [quote]If the bitch is home all the time why does she need to bother with pee pants? Thanks, see you soon. Boy was he idealistic. The St Bernard definitely has a working-class British accent. Roe vs Wade vs. Zevo? Wasn't "Feeling Good" written by Anthony Newley? A while means for quite a long time. You see a nearly 5 minute St. Jude commercial with weak and tired, bald children with tubes all over them to get at peoples heart strings and guilt them into donating. Im beginning to like those Spectrum commercials with the cabal of spooky characters - the vampire, the mummy, etc. I certainly did not create this thread. No one cares. Ew. ^^^You need to have the motherfucking garden hose turned on you. Allow doctors to decide what is good for their patients.. Who the fuck In programming gave the go to air this grotesque commercial? I'm just gonna guess insurance, which as a rule, all of those ads are dumb. The one where a middle age insurance asshole on the sidewalk causes a black driver, distracted by trying to figure out what the asshole is doing, crashes his car into another vehicle. I realize not all of these are new, but they've all aired during this time period. The kid is cute and the reaction by the adult is totally absurd, kids always do weird shit. I wonder why they only show the male bears having this problem, never the female bears. It's yet another ad for some health insurance company. All the actors shilling for online slots, solitaire and bingo games.Sharon Stone, Jane Seymour, Drew Barrymore warbling "Shout!" Thank you for supporting our work! Regions Bank with the ugly, greasy, red-haired girl who keeps looking at her Regions Bank app to see if she can afford to order terimisu for dessert while having lunch. R138 Thoshe commercialsh are my favoritesh! Some national commercials definitely shoot in other cities. Especially the way she talks to her daughter in that soothing because Ive made my final arrange voice. If a friend or relative ever got that excited about shopping there, I'd have him committed. The woman says her ". i'm starting a new thread for Fall/Winter. Now, after this Lending Tree ad? OTOH, I still enjoy this ad, though I've seen the short version several times. 1-877-KARS FOR KIDS, played on repeat, could get even the most hardened felon or terrorist to break down in tears and beg for mercy! That grumpy Martha/Medicare commercial is the WORST, most annoying piece of shit I have ever seen. Mattsson (left) as "Betty-Sue" in Wild Side Story in Stockholm in 2002. Those taking Xeljanz/Xeljanz XR, Olumiant, or Rinvoq should tell your health care professional if you are a current or past smoker, or have had a heart attack, other heart problems, stroke, or blood clots in the past as these may put you at higher risk for serious problems with the medicines. We can not guarantee its completeness or reliability so please use caution. The ad then cuts to Sarah and Lilly watching the Rinvoq commercial together. You healthcare is between you and your doctors. Next scene, the woman and the man, whose balls shes clearly got in her purse, are now in their incredibly efficient car talking to her Mom who reminds them its Dads birthday coming up. This is a gay website, so own up or shut up. The "hyper suburban frau is the gyno who created this product and, at this point, is likely a multi-millionaire a few times over. Why couldnt they just say the word? This Sauvignon Blanc is a consistently flavorful wine. Any infomercials using hasbeen or B & C list celebrities promoting skin care products and such. Recommendations for health care professionals will include consideration of the benefits and risks for the individual patient prior to initiating or continuing therapy. Just saw this ad on TV. Win $10,000 for losing weight? This ad is awful all around. Take a look at Here is an article we wrote about this: We complained about this practice to the FDAs Office of Prescription Drug Promotion. Jimmie is so ugly to the point of being offensive. (I listen to the news -- 1010 WINS -- in the kitchen). A former rentboy (in London) who said he was looking for love but all he got was abuse. In addition, to ensure the benefits of these three medicines outweigh the risks in patients who receive them, we are limiting all approved uses to certain patients who have not responded or cannot tolerate one or more TNF blockers. The Progressive Dr. Rick and his misfits "going to the movies" spot in cringe-worthy, especially when he tells the woman two seats away not to applaud at the end of the film because "no one who made the movie is here". [quote]Nina was amazing! As lowbrow, lowest common denominator as it gets. Perhaps because theyre all Black, is it better? Testicle-free boyfriend goes to say but isnt that? and gets shut down again. And well I do sell some commercial images via various stock agents and a couple small clients, I went back and forth between deciding whether I should get a permit or not. The whole thing is such a scam. I noticed that too, R154. Any suggestions? The Sad. Tim Allen is the guy who voices the Pure Michigan commercials. R311, between that and WAP, we're clearly circling the drain as a nation. I won't even get into the terrible music choice, with some 'singer' screeching. Additionally, the data showed evidence of a non-dose-dependent increased risk for malignancy excluding NMSC at both doses of Xeljanz when compared to TNF blockers. Dont change the subject. Me too, but Im afraid r223 will kick my ass, so I cant look it up. Yeah, I understand the anti-google sentiment, but the first time I saw the commercial was enough. This 2001 Hollywood blockbuster filmed in Hawaii for just five weeks, and used authentic World War II planes belonging to various air museums alongside real battleships. I hot my hands on my head?" For cancers, a higher rate of lymphomas was observed in patients treated with Xeljanz compared to those treated with TNF blockers. Dropps "drop the bad stuff" laundry commercial with all the deformed and misshapen. As far as we can tell, only two countries in the world permit this kind of direct to consumer drug promotion. Don;t know which Prevagen commercial is the most grating. Yeah, sure. All the "Taltz" ads make my flesh crawl (and that song could render syrup of ipecac obsolete). Trying to avoid Covid? FDA has consistently required that appropriate communication of effectiveness information includes any significant limitations to product use.. Counsel patients about the benefits and risks of these medicines and advise them to seek emergency medical attention if they experience signs and symptoms of a heart attack, stroke, or blood clot. And yet this thread IS about commercials, asshole. Can you believe it? I cannot count how many times that silly ad has been on during today alone. I thought they trashed it pretty quickly after it debuted last year. A new 10,000-a-year drug Rinvoq, pictured, could help some of the 400,000 people in Britain who suffer rheumatoid arthritis. Check out the commercial for yourself at this link. Your God-given right to save money is under attack! ', Stelara TV Spot, 'Unpredictable Symptoms', ENTYVIO TV Spot, 'Is It Time for a Different Perspective? Guess you missed the other part of the voiceovers in these Lume ads? In 2016 there were 663,000 TV commercials for prescription drug ads! Serovital which runs non-stop on Lifetime in the mornings while I'm watching Grey's Anatomy. that fat ethnic tovala bitch who shakes her lard filled bazooms as she creams over the thought of getting fatter with TOVALA !!!! Take your meds, seems like you forgot them.
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where was the rinvoq commercial filmed