But now youre at work, and its still difficult to be productive when the results are looming in the back of your head. . At dayofdifference.org.au you will find all the information about What To Say To Someone Waiting For Medical Results. Tue 28 Feb 2023 19.01 EST. Proverbs 25:25 NIV Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land. Delaney KP, Hanson DL, Masciotra S, Ethridge SF, Wesolowski L, Owen SM. Sending you a note to let you know that I am thinking of you. Abba Father, I ask that you give my doctors good news to relate to me over all the tests. Do things that induce your flow experience. Cut out caffeine as it overstimulates the nervous system and can increase panic, nutritionist Rosie Mansfield says. H | When someone you love falls ill, gets in an accident or receives a scary health diagnosis, its never easy. 64. You know that I have been leaning in on You for full and complete healing of this problem, and I am standing on Your Word in this matter. How do you stay calm when waiting for medical results? But many people begin to check out after the first couple of days or weeks, despite the fact that the person continues to deal with their disease or diagnosis. If any foreign material is discovered in the test results, remove them with your miraculous hands. First, you have the right to see the results of every test you undergo. The longer you have to wait, the more you may have ups and downs, and the more intense your feelings may become. Please heal my bones where I need healing, so I can ease moving henceforth. The Cancer Council (cancervic.org.au) has a checklist of questions to ask when you get results, while NPS MedicineWise (nps.org.au) has a list of tests and medications detailing ingredients, possible side-effects and alternatives. Psalm 56:3 NIV When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. .css-tadcwa:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}Sophia Swinford - @media screen and (max-width: 767px){.css-1xovt06 .date-separator{display:none;}.css-1xovt06 .date-updated{display:block;width:100%;}}published on 07/02/18. You have to read the situation and the person. That could be from an infection, cancer, genetic disorder, or chronic health condition like heart disease or type 2 diabetes. I need both your guidance and strength as I go through the entire procedure. Sometimes, it's appropriate to deliver lab results at a face-to-face appointment. "The doctor may be waiting for test results before being able to treat you." "We need to see people with life-threatening problems before those who do not appear to have such serious problems." "Because this is a teaching hospital, we have our physicians and residents talk with you and examine you which also takes time." If results are normal, they can usually be delivered via a phone call, letter, or secure message. Colossians 3:15 NIV Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body, you were called to peace. what to say to someone waiting for medical results . Holiday or anytime gift ideas for a cancer patient. Here's what they recommend. Searching for information can help you feel more in control while you wait for your results. Family Practice. Nancy Irwin, a therapist and clinical hypnotist, has six suggestions for people who are waiting for test results to come back. I was always doing just fine until someone asked me that question, then Id be holding back tears, she said. Show the doctors what they need to see on my x-ray. For some people, talking with friends, family, a clergy person, and/or a counselor can help in dealing with these feelings while waiting for a diagnosis. Sometimes the uncertainty leaves you seemingly without an anchor. It is always okay to ask your healthcare provider about treatment guidelines or why a test or appointment is being recommended. 2. Ask your healthcare provider about how test results will be delivered. Understand that being there for someone with a serious health issue is a balancing act, Pandapas said. Whoever said there's no way to make time stand still clearly never had to endure the excruciating wait for scan results. So, instead of allowing anxiety to get the best of you, you should channel your energy into praying for good results when you are awaiting a test outcome. Im super excited youre here! Do Realize that all of our planning, cancer or no cancer, is based on the assumption that we're going to be around in the future. Hope you feel all the love surrounding you right now. You held me close throughout the period of waiting for my test results. As I wait for the results, I pray that you be with me throughout these procedures. Prayers for Awaiting Urine Test Results. They're an easy way to view detailed test results as soon as theyre available. This sudden transformation is so difficult to process, on both sides.. Thank you, Loving God, because I know you will spare my family and me the stress of a severe diagnosis. Here are three things you may want to say but should skip: If you want to help but dont know where to start, here are some suggestions on how to support someone with a serious illness. Remember, it's harder for bad news to hit a moving target. I have faith in you!" This is a good message to use when your friend is scared or doubtful. Once you begin that train of thought, it can go on and on. While it's true that emailing you results could violate HIPAA laws, practices can send electronic messages (or post results to a patient portal) if they have a secure means of doing so. Pray for grace to handle the outcome with faith and strength, regardless of what it will be. 'In situations where you have no control over the outcome, the best thing you can do is try to take your mind off it,' says Cohen. 7. Don't ask what you can do to help or say, "Let me know if you need anything." Prayer for a Good Result God my Healer, as I'm awaiting the results of this lab work, I ask in the Name of Jesus that I receive a positive report. May the images that will be revealed provide the doctors the insight they need to treat me effectively to bring about my bodys recovery. The irony is, I just wrote a post on how to help an anxious child at the doctor's office . (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Unlisted Public Company What do you say to someone awaiting cancer results? I ask that you give my doctors what they need to know through my blood sample. I heard you're doing well after surgery. Basically, waiting is not fun. I miss having you around. You can have many wishes for good medical results, but the best option remains to seek Gods help in anxious times through prayers. Isaiah 12:2 NIV Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust and will not be afraid. You can instead say "It is ok to you feel .". Most of all, bless me with good health, in Jesus name. However, sometimes a face-to-face visit is warranted. Anxiety is a normal response to the feeling of being threatened. Copyright Aleteia SAS all rights reserved. Depending on the type of test, it could be a few hours to a few weeks before the results are ready. Healthcare providers order lab tests for four main reasons: The test results may be simple and straightforwardsay, positive or negative. Or you may be tested during or after your appointment and get the results later. It seems even people with the best intentions sometimes say the worst things possible when a friend or family member faces a cancer diagnosis. Chronic conditions that are well managed shouldn't require many appointments, either. If you decide to use the healthcare provider, be sure to review the Terms of Agreement included in any intake documents you sign. Find out more about our policy and your choices, including how to opt-out. Many people in a situation like yours would have that reaction. "'He's the same little boy you've loved . Most of all, I ask that you give me the grace to always maintain a healthy lifestyle and good food diet from now on so that I will always be well nourished. Waiting for the results of a medical test, or for a diagnosis, can be agonizing. This Waiting for Medical Test Results Prayer can help lower your stress level and rely on God as you wait. Ask when results will be ready and call that day or the next. In other words, pitch in by taking an everyday task off their to-do list, like doing the laundry, making sure the bills are paid and mailed off or having dinner ready for the family. I underwent a PET scan last Thursday. Whats The Difference Between Dutch And French Braids? On the other hand, do you have "toxic friends" who you may need to bid goodbye. Therefore, I ask that you calm my nerves and overwhelm me with your peace throughout this standard procedure. It is only natural to worry. Waiting a long time for a diagnosis that has serious implications can lead to feelings of having no control over things or being overwhelmed. I also request that you guide my radiologist to make wise and knowledgeable suggestions to my doctors afterward. 2. And so now I wait for the results. Are you looking for Bible verses for good medical test results? Say Get Well in a way that's personal and sincere. In the end, may I have every reason to glorify your name. Tell your story to us, no matter how big or small. Christina Pandapas, who was diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer at age 46, agreed that simple gestures often go a long way. What do you say to someone waiting for medical results? Sitting in silence may just be what the other person needs. A note to remind you that I love youand I hate that you're sick. Genesis 8:10-12. . I hate it when my favorite people get hurt. She has written several books about patient advocacy and how to best navigate the healthcare system. Find out whether you have risk factors for heart disease. Marley Hall is a writer and fact checker who is certified in clinical and translational research. But I can honestly say I feel God's peace now. May all the glory be ascribed unto your holy name. "Never rush into a relationship. Answer (1 of 6): I had breast cancer 8-years ago and I remember that wait. The shortest waits for specialist consultations are in Quebec (7.2 weeks) while the According to Jocelyn Charles, Chief of Family and Community Medicine at Sunnybrook, a physician who orders a test for blood, ultrasound, X-rays or CT scans is responsible for responding to abnormal results and communicating these results to the patient. what to say to someone waiting for medical results. 1) "The best way to get through that agony is to focus on others," Irwin said. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Great God, please sit with me while I wait for my CT/CAT scan results. Because I have a life to live, and I need to live it in the best way possible. Keep an open mind and remember they're meant to be a partner in your care. Waiting for an appointment, a procedure, or a consultation may give you the feeling of hurry up and wait.. A | So, I can assure you that as you make the above prayers for good medical test results, the Lord will give you nothing but a favorable outcome and peace to wait patiently without any anxiety for a doctors report. Psalm 23:4 NIV Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. . You can find even more stories on our Home page. As well as provide the best care possible where required. I am here for you. Then follow through and really be there. When you are told you cannot get an appointment with a specialist for three months, that the results of a specialized test takes six weeks, or that after seeing four doctors they still dont know whats wrong with you, you may feel very frustrated. Step 1 - Sit in the tension, don't go into desperation. They can do so as long they verify it's you. Were looking to feature moments in which someone interrupted their busy life to lend a hand to someone they didnt know. However, if you are not sure of the diagnosis, some information can be confusing and upsetting. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Stress can lead to comfort eating as adrenaline causes blood sugar surges that make us crave sweetness. Entrust your prayer intentions to our network of monasteries. Loving Father, thank you because I am healthy, wealthy, and blessed. Sending you a warm hug, love, and prayers. . Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If a bill is higher than expected, confirm your insurer has been billed correctly. Mary Kugler, RN, is a pediatric nurse whose specialty is caring for children with long-term or severe medical problems. When You Need an Appointment Healthcare providers order lab tests for four main reasons: To diagnose a condition To see if a treatment is effective To track the progression of a chronic illness To check for a recurrence of a treated condition The test results may be simple and straightforwardsay, positive or negative. , Ask permission. 6. You're not facing cancer alone." "I am praying for you." "Go to MD Anderson. When stress attacks, our brain fires excitatory neurons indicate this anxious emotion. Ask them to name five things they can see, hear, smell or feel. Sometimes it can be satisfying to take charge of a situation, solve a problem, and move forward. Now youre sitting in the waiting room, surrounded by other people who are just as nervous as you are. Have you still no faith?. Waiting for test results can be a nerve-wracking experience. Do healthcare providers call you if test results show bad news? A simple I will keep thinking of you, or I wish you much love and strength or Im sending you a big hug is a perfect way to end your note. You may feel frustrated if there are mix-ups with your insurance or with test results that come back inconclusive. "Worry is trying to predict a future that no one knows. Remember when you went in for a biopsy, CT scan or blood work a few days ago, and your doctor said shed call back with the test results, but she didnt? Dear Lord, thank you also because I will enjoy many more years in good health. We have found when we call patients about lab results, they give us better patient satisfaction scores. 1. What do you say to someone who is nervous about surgery? What do you need right nowand what dont you need? . Meeting in-person to go over results helps you both see what's happening and figure out why. Faithful God, as I receive my test results today, I pray that your peace will dominate my spirit, soul, and body to the glory of your holy name. Please be with him at this crucial time. But waiting for diagnosis delays that process since you don't even know what you can do to solve the problem. I hate it when my favorite people get hurt. In the victorious name of Jesus, I pray, Amen. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. St Leonards NSW True love is bound to reveal itself sooner or later.". My husband was very adept at helping my friends navigate my ego.. Above all, please guide my doctors while they look over my test results and give them the insight they need to interpret them correctly. None of the above scenarios are funny, but sometimes our community finds the humor in it all. Breast cancer survivor Elissa Ashwood coped with her diagnosis by breaking it down into chapters. Compassionate God, I commit myself and the tests my doctor recommended I do to your loving hands. Any sort of health crisis signals a huge change in your life, and its frightening, said Melodie Winawer, a neurologist and neuroscientist at Columbia University. Say something like: Its hard for me to even imagine how youre feeling. And because you did not allow me to spend my money running further medical tests or buying drugs to manage an ailment. Lord I thank you for your strength, your love and your peace, all glory belongs to you, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Focus on positives Thank you, Most Loving God, because you are the one who specializes in turning bad reports into good ones. Get off your butt and put your body in motion. Stress and anxiety may also prevent you from focusing on routine activities such as cooking, studying, and reading. Its okay if youre not sure what to say, but do acknowledge the situation. Synonyms of waiting waiting 1 of 2 noun Definition of waiting as in delay Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance delay hesitation procrastination indecision pause hawing faltering wavering wobbling second thought doubt uncertainty vacillation hesitancy wabbling consideration irresolution hesitance fence-sitting indecisiveness incertitude deliberation Please show the doctors what they need to see and give them the ability to fix my bones in the proper position so that I will be relieved of this pain. If this includes you, then you may enjoy some of the memes about waiting for test results weve gathered below. The word of God in James 5:16 says The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. And make my doctors humble enough to follow through with these suggestions. On the other hand, if the results only require a minute or two of the provider's time, it's fair to ask for the results by phone, mail, or secure message. You may feel impatient with your spouse or friends. In an age of instant everything, cancer patients being told that the data from the cutting edge technology that is creating real-time images of our innards will be available in anything less than a nanosecond defies logic and seems unnecessarily cruel. Also, strengthen me to receive the outcome in good faith, whatever it may be. When first meeting with a new healthcare provider, ask about their test result policies. Offer to chauffeur or even attend appointments. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, Amen. Your email address will not be published. Healthcare providers sometimes ask you to make an appointment to get the results of routine medical tests. Cancer patients simply want to be their old selves, Spiegel says, so they often can fail to make their new needs clear to their loved ones and caregivers, which can lead to frustration and anger. One of the best things you can say is, "Just tell me if you want me to leave or stop askingyou can't offend me!". This is not a time for seated meditation on the nature of your breath. Now you want to go grab a bite to eat, or read a book in the park, but the nervousness of the test results even follows you out in public. Thinking about you today and hoping its a good one for you. American Psychological Association. That might feel like a waste of your time and money. Don't wait. You should pray miracle prayers for healing for a divine intervention concerning whatever the doctors have discovered through your tests. Congratulate yourself for waiting a day, two days, or longer. It appears you entered an invalid email. Often, just being able to hear from someone who has felt the same things is an enormous help, reminding you that you are not alone. Nationwide News Pty Ltd 2023. With uncertainty about your health issues, you are left in limbo, not knowing exactly how you should feel because you don't know what you're facing. Merciful God, I pray that each image will successfully show my insides just as you created them. 2023 MJH Life Sciences and CURE - Oncology & Cancer News for Patients & Caregivers. Mainly so that God will imbue them with the wisdom and grace they need to do the right thing. 2). May the sound waves produce the needed images and make them perfectly clear. Y | We asked the CaringBridge community, many of whom have experienced this exact situation, their thoughts on what to say during these hard times. Often, routine blood or imaging tests are part of preventive care. How do you help someone with medical problems? This article describes the common emotions you might face when waiting for a diagnosis and provides some suggestions for coping with these feelings. It can divinely turn around the outcome of any medical test when waiting for the result. Not everyone is comfortable reaching out when they could use some help, Pandapas said. Mighty God, I ask that you help me as I await my test result. That includes things like cholesterol tests, mammograms, or Pap smears. Through them, may I receive a mind-blowing testimony in Jesus Mighty Name. Heres how it can feel to be at home, waiting for the phone call. Do you have good friends who help you be hopeful that you can spend more time with? We spoke with people on both sides of the diagnosis doctors, psychologists and people who have been through their own health scares for their best advice on how you can help make a difficult time a little easier. Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Exercise to Ease Restlessness in Your Brain. All rights reserved. However, sometimes the angry feelings burst out inappropriately, like on the lab technician whos trying to take your blood sample for a test. Dear Heavenly Father, as I sit waiting for my chest x-ray results here in the hospital, may the findings turn out good, even better than I expected. Or they may be more nuanced or open to interpretation. What do you say when someone is ill? Waiting for the results of a medical test, or for a diagnosis, can be agonizing. Diagnose diseases and conditions such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, anemia (uh-NEE-me-eh), and coronary heart disease. If you're tested during or after your appointment, ask: You can then contact your insurance provider to get a clearer understanding of their policies. Also, try to be comfortable with silence: Don't try to fill blank space with chatter about yourself, she said. Part of HuffPost Wellness. I pray that you help me never to have any reason to undergo anyone again. Instead, a more helpful thing to say would be something like Ill be here for you, no matter what the test results reveal. In many cases, people want to talk about anything but the upcoming test results, so dont be afraid to steer the conversation toward a favorite or lighter topic. Father God, I come before you asking for good results for the urinalysis I had undergone. . With chronic illness, follow-ups are often necessary to monitor the illness or see if a treatment is working. Please, Lord, make my diagnosis a good one. Waiting for medical tests and waiting for medical test results is a very scary process, especially when you are waiting for a diagnosis for a problem or when a check-up or routine screening has uncovered something of concern. During these frozen moments in time, its hard to think about plans for a future that may not be.
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what to say to someone waiting for medical results