There is that sense of mutuality not only in feelings but also identity to both that I like, and would want to be explored some more. It was to decide who would be performing surgery on the vice president. Like, in the end, hoon and soo hyun will fall in love with each other and will actually end up together. When Agent Cha asks why she didnt just kill Chang-yis mom, Seung-hee says its because her death wasnt what Prime Minister Jang wanted. She adamantly refuses that shes Jae-Hee but Hoon doesn't accept that, believing that she is Jae-hee. Actually, I just discovered that you can really hate a drama and still continue to watch it because you are quite interested on how all the craziness will end. xfbml : true, // parse social plugins on this page What we get now is that PH is deeply in love with JH, and while that's not enough for me to want to care about their relationship, I'll just have to believe in it because that's what the show is centered about anyway. Empress is a tech enthusiast who loves to read and write. I did not see joy when she was supposedly happy and didnt see her upset when she was supposedly sad. Are they going to kill him off after that or? (and thoughts), Just to correct some errors: (I have posted this on Koala Playground's site): it just breaks my heart and, sorry to all the Soo-hyun/Hoon OTPs out there, but stop trying to make Soo-hyun/Hoon coupling happen, it's not going to happen. let her die together with Agent Cha, thank you! And to that end, Im equally worried that this entire circus of connivance would end up falling flat on its face, that it makes the entire reason for Jae Hee to join the fold of both Koreas villains and their conspiracy just factitious. However, as he later reveals to Chang-yi, hes still not sure about who Seung-hee is. In terms of the two (2) kidneys, I believe they were referring to kidney transplant patient. At this point, I cant help but blame the actress. After that, Ill live as Song Jae-hee. }); Theyre so obvious! The North Korean scenes were nice but by far not enough considering what happened afterwards.". Doctor Stranger S1: E1 Park Cheol Saves the Leader of En.. 2014 HD TagDub. On the other hand, even though I'm not a Kang So Ra fan, I like her character here, and she has great chemistry with Lee Jong Suk. Over 868 TV Time users rated it a 19.6/10 with their favorite characters being Lee Jong-suk as Park Hoon, Kang So-ra as Oh Soo-Hyun and Jin Se-yun as Song Jae-Hee / Han Seung-Hee. When Hoon tries to follow her, Soo-hyun has to physically hold him back. They have chemistry, and in a rom-com format, I might have shipped them together too. Jae Hees confession to Soo Hyun that she will be leaving soon confirmed my suspicion that theres a higher probability that the ending of this series wont veer away from the original ending in the book (Doctor Stranger is based in a best-seller book Northern Doctor). One heartbeat A love that even Fate cannot separate! I hope thats metaphorical, because if he can recognize her by her heartbeat, I might have to laugh out loud. Security is so lax that Agent Cha gets to just stand by in clear view and watch as Seung-hee accompanies Chang-yis suddenly-unconscious mother to the operating room. She legit sat with medical books and tried to understand the problem and all of the theory when any new case came up. Each person has a different heartbeat. A Good Supper (MBC, 2021); Blessing of the Sea (MBC, 2019); Voice 2 (OCN, 2018) cameo; You Are Too Much (MBC, 2017) For JH/PH, we were just told that they're in a relationship and that hoon is madly in love with JH. I didnt like that they made a competition out of important surgeries. "Dr. Stranger" has also attracted attention for the quality of its cast: Lee Jong Suk, Jin Se Yeon, Park Hae Jin, and Kang Sora play the leading roles while guest roles include Cheon Ho Jin . Her task probably to keep Park Hoon check on her watch.Remember when Park Hoon hug her in that hall(? If they were trying to show that PH is madly crazily in love with JH, fine, we get that. ) But, why do I waste so much time watching this if I hate it a lot? I suspect a certain segment of audience would appreciate being told what is going on rather than sit back and enjoy the mystery plot. here, she's playing someone interesting, and I'm looking forward to seeing her (haven't watched yet). That would be the most welcome surprise. Its a good thing when you don't really care that much about the show with all your heart, that it doesn't matter much in which direction it goes, as long as its entertaining ! Three cheers for Hoon being proactive! FB.init({ Can't she be killed already? I think a better ending would be if Park Hoon just didn't get with anyone ya know. Instead, it makes my head spins trying to wring out the suspense in every character (except Hoon, SooHyun and Dr Moon and that's why I enjoy them so much) The writer keeps trying to introduce character with huge mysterious plot line then plays the game that feeds me a tiny bit informati22on once a while. But they were tricked and the father-son duo wasnt allowed to return to South Korea. . Rate. Co-screenwriter Park Jin-woo previously wrote Conspiracy in the Court (2007) and The Kingdom of the Winds (2008). Unless dad told Hoon at some point he was targeted to go NKorea based on Dr Choi's recommendation? Unfortunately, her designated guy pal Jae Joon is still seemingly lacking any worthwhile characterization and his motivations make him a rather odd one out of the love quadrangle. Or does Lee Jong-seok count as excellent taste? It lessens his character, one with unique background and dark history of being a doctor in the NK human lab. After Prime Minister Jang has a good laugh at the presidents penchant for punctuality (this guy needs to get out more), he asks Nightshade about Seung-heehe wants to see her skills firsthand. but to rate it, i would say 7.5, im not that a picky of watching drama unless its really that boring or problematic then thats another topic. what about her scene as Jae hee in Budabet at that bridge where she & park hoon were surrounded by men with guns wanted to kill them ? - Didn't Choi advise Dr Moon (just after the committee had an uproar after finding out Hoon's from N Korea) that Hoon is valuable to the nasty Prime Minister? I didn't read the plot or anything, just dived right into it. Since I did not really notice the songs in this show and dont care to listen to them specifically, I dont have a section for my favourite songs. JaeHee/SeungHee is especially a very difficult role to play - the character is equally complicated and goes through a lot as much as the titular Dr Hoon - definitely not a role suitable for a novice. Of course, Soo-hyun called her over so that he could apologize to her, only now hes too drunk to do much of anything. Well damn, koala just made a clarion call over at koalasplayground (more than once actually) to leave all the worthwhile discussions within the drama recap thread rather than inundating it with actress bashing. They'd even dated [i]gasp[/i] other people. Your email address will not be published. I am glad that I read this because there are two medical dramas that haven't been able to watch and doctors and Dr Stranger are those. All the things around Jae-hee are just impossibility. I read similar opinions in the show's reviews. Agent Cha loads his gun and, unable to control himself, mutters Long live the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea before he shoots Hoon twice. Master's Sun. Please Director-nim scold him Has anyone thought that maybe Jin Se Yeon's problem is burn out(extreme fatigue)? Soohyun is about my favourite character in this series. Many Korean actors/actress do drama while having concerts and/or variety shows at the same time. Doctor Stranger (Korean: ; RR:Dakteo Yibangin) is a 2014 South Korean television series starring Lee Jong-suk, Jin Se-yeon, Park Hae-jin and Kang So-Ra. However, he only gets Hoons attention when he shows him a picture of Jae-hee and that sympathetic Hungarian doctor. For me it has always been more of the "Don't forget you're a doctor" part that I want more of, instead of "I NEED MY ONE TRUE LOVE". *nostalgic to 'Reply 1994' era*. The whole SeungHee/JaeHee reminds me the Chinese movie Black Cat (similar to the well-known French's Nikita or American's Point of No Return) In Black Cat, the female lead was dead then was revived and a chip was inserted in her brain to make her a killer. My possible answers is Kim Tae Seol (Prime Minister Assistant) is the one who saved Jae Hee & Hoon. what's the point of all the sacrifices they've made if PH just ends with another girl. I certainly hope they do not spend the rest of the show just showing LJS trying to find JH. Right now, I don't want PH to end up with Soohyun, but neither do I want him to end up with Jaehee. I don't really mind if Hoon ends up with either or neither. Drunk hoon calls for jae hee because he's a bery love sick boi Home> Doctor Stranger S1: E2 Park Hoon and Jae Hee Part Ways 2014 HD TagDub > Comments . . Most of time the 1st girl doesn't like him back but then gets jealous when he notices the heroine and she turns into a b*tch. If she had amnesia (it has to be right after the bridge, isn't it? Seung-hee better have a great reason, in my eyes she has loads of redemption to do. To build upon to what I said in the previous thread, the problems are twofold: 1) as you pointed out Seung Hee is not an easy character to play (especially as a Protagonist), it's so easy to fall into a mediocre one-dimensional monotony with it, because clearly there are less lines and less freedom for the actor to flesh out this character with, unlike say, Hoon or Soo Hyun, who are very dynamic and demands an array of emotions. Image must be about this episode. I wonder if the PD likes to twist things around justfor the sake of it. Therefore, JSY fails to deliver a complex role that can peak my interest. And in that way she'll get him back to Myungwoo Hospital, because if she goes, he'll want to follow. Soo-hyun is left with a devastated Hoon after Seung-hee leaves, and she gently coaxes him away as she promises to help him arrange another meeting with his maybe-love. As of now Doctor Stranger is pretty much about Hoon's unyielding love for her. I guess we have a few more weeks of flat line deliveries to find this out. Please enter your username or email address. Not even a little bit. And when I said cute, I was referring to the PH/JH scenes. He comes across . (If a romantic moment happens and a second lead isnt there to see it, does it make a sound?) Well, it turns out that when he was a teenager, his father passed away during surgery due to medical malpractice. And, it's really interesting to see pro Sora camp using the interaction excuse. So here it is anyways: I actually find that Hoon being in love with Jae Hee as more potent and teeming of narrative possibilities, that there is more depth into it to be explored other than the superficial 'first love', if the show chooses to do so. BUT, it's very strange how i didn't feel as inclined for the Angel Eyes pairing of first loves as much as Doctor Stranger. 8. And the former Secretary Kim continues to be adorable and funny and thankfully not-evil. Gacha. For a moment even Soo-hyun looks lost, as she remembers the uncanny resemblance between the two but cant find a logical explanation as to what on earth is going on. the very least, Lee Jong Suk and Park Hae-jin were really good in this drama. All to say, at this point I find it hard to ship anyone. We reached episode 7 now, it is about time for the main actress to show some acting. Im sure Hoon would have stayed there for a long time staring or would have tried to save her as well. Though I enjoyed the medical suspense part, the utterly obvious plot holes, illogical character development, and ridiculous storyline are just too much. It'd have been nice if we had more of that, because the memories PH has of JH, from what we see, it's so limited. After Seung-hee officially introduces herself to the rest of the Cardiothoracic Crew, Hoon asks for a minute of her timeonly he calls her formally as Seung-hee now. While a lot of us can spot the obvious stuff, that is something I doubt any of us knew. It is no wonder this is the worst hospital in Korea where people can just kill and steal patients at will, since about half the staff seems to be a NK spy or working with the North. And please stop assuming that all the people who like Soohyun are pro-Sora/anti-JSY. However, just as much as people want to see the 'first love' trope be subverted, I myself want to see the "why can't guys and girls be just friends" and "no romance policy" be upheld more. Shes the only doctor Ive seenstudyinghardin dramas (and shows and movies). While this show isnt as compelling as other shows starring Lee Jong-Suk (that Ive seen), it is still good enough in terms of characters. She should have 3 kidneys if she received a transplant Diseased kidneys are usually left in place, and the new transplant usually stuck in the lower abdomen. One, how did Hoon finally reach South Korea from Budapest? The writers went through the effort of keeping Jin Soo alive for the final showdown with Hoon & Jae Hee only for it to essentially mean nothing. Song Jae-Hee, in the small amount of time we saw her, was shown as a vibrant girl and I liked her instantaneously. Btw although d-day sounds like it has to much going om a lot of med students have praised it for att least the medical part is realistic. This might end up like rooftop prince. Connect with Facebook Moon misunderstood that as Jae-hee/ Seung-hee has one because she donated not received! Oh Soo-Hyun, on the other hand, was a really good lead. Learn how your comment data is processed. This is a place for discussions about your favorite Korean dramas (current and past), the actors and actresses, drama reviews, official soundtracks, news, award shows and more. Honestly every trope has its cliche, I'm in for it as long as the characters make me feel for them. Doctor Stranger EP 2 Eng Sub - The South Korea Embassy in North Korea rejects Hoon and Jae Hee's application for asylum despite the fact that they are being hunted by the North Korean officials. And although Hoon's undying love for Jaehee is killing me, I still want him with Dr. Quack. In the thrilling conclusion to Doctor Stranger Park Hoon and Jae Hee make the . If she's Jae Hee, why would she needs to copy her own gestures? Max size: 2Mo. Do not like her either, not sure why. She was also really entertaining to watch while simultaneously being someone I related to. First 2 episodes basically focuses on the frantic pace of all that has happened. The plot holes were annoying as heck. Thats when Director Choi cuts in to say that it isnt trueJae-hee is alive, and he knows so from a reliable source. Only, when he nods off again, we see that Seung-hee really was sitting there, having been called by Soo-hyun. Agree with HeadsNo2, more moments of them two please. This drama was a mess. Im doing thispoint-wiseso that you know exactly what I liked and how much I liked it. The two characters Jin Se Yeon plays have direct opposite atmospheres about them in the revealed pictures. Navigating through the nefarious plot is like mountain climbing with a 80 lb pack while being attacked by bees. Thanks for the insight madhatter. Let's wait it out until we know JH/Seung hee's motives before we decide. To be fair for JSY and her character(s), Jae Hee is more of a plot device than a fully realized character, and Seung Hee gets held back a lot for the sake of being mysterious. i believe they're in a relationship, i just don't believe in their relationship. It was the same expression throughout her screen time in the show. Has anyone watched Coffee House? Luckily Nightshade knows whats up, and has a plan to take care of business. Naturally Dr Park will insist that the kidneys get scanned too. Have fun, ya lucky Beanies. In South Korea, Park Hoon begins to work as doctor . Park Hae-jin as Han Jae-joon / Lee Sung-hoon Kim Ji-hoon as young Lee Sung-hoon S1, Ep7. A lot of her facial expressions are inscrutable; I don't think it's because of the actress or anything, but she's probably given the same amount of information we are so she's not really able to express a hell of a lot, just in case the writer goes a different way~! I want to watch the tension between PH and JJ, not over Soohyun, but over what being a doctor means to both of them. Since you liked Dr romantic and Dr John have you tried d-day and hospital ship? It is much more interesting. On the 26th, the production team released stills of Jin Se Yeon playing two characters in the upcoming SBS Monday-Tuesday drama Doctor Stranger that will air its first episode on May 5. Its not realistic, especially since it happened ALL THE TIME. js = d.createElement(s); = id; ", that sometimes I cannot help but wonder if they're just saying it because it's in vogue, or they have other deeper motivations above shipping? Rate. S1.E1 Episode #1.1 In a last minute effort to stop a war between North and South Korea, Doctor Park Cheol and his son Park Hoon are sent to the north to perform heart surgery on the North Korean leader. So Doctor Moon tries pulling some strings to get her medical records, but when he finds out just how illegal it is, he backs off. I know that its supposed to show Hoon as the only good doctor who cared about the patients and Jae-Joon as someone willing to do anything to climb ranks and destroy the hospital, but still. window.fbAsyncInit = function() { In. sad to say that "Mok Dan" (cuz I havent bothered to remember her real name) is continuing her streak of characters I hate. Probably the most entertaining one of the bunch airing right now but I can't say I love it. You deserve an extraordinary show to recap after putting up splendidly with all this crazy ones . Here, I am hoping for Soo Hyun & Hoon come true. Agreed. All I can hope for are more moments with Soo-hyun, because shes one princess whos going to need a white knight in her corner, Jae-joons Dungeons and Dragons metaphors be damned. Usually dramas reserve the opposites attract, random fall-over skinship, and the walk-in-to-the-bathroom tropes for the lead couple. Are you a Lee Jong-suk stan too? Still I have a weakness for Hoon & Jae Hee story, I want them to be together so bad after everything they've gone through. This is a very complex character to play and casting JSY in it is not a good choice. But whatever the results may be for Dr. Hoons supernatural heart-reading test, its bound to shake up and surely add more flavor to the already potent romantic concoction. I'd pretty much want him to be left alone, to move on from his first love. i only feel sad for the puppy fiancee. It just seems so over the top and borderline ridiculous at times. i know very few dramas where they move on from first loves (Twelve Men in a Year, I Need a Romance)and they weren't executed in the best way. After being sent to North Korea, Park Hoon and his father were denied access to go back to South Korea. Its clear as blue sky now that Jae Hee has no intention in staying with Hoon after her mission. She said that she will be going back to Japan. Her coldness to Hoon in this episode mirrors her reactions in that flash back scene in episode 5 (Hoon chasing her inside the hospital while she intentionally avoided him). Her facial expressions in that scene showed contempt and disgust towards Park Hoon. Even though hes flooded with memories of Jae-hee, he finally treats Seung-hee like a separate person in order to apologize for his drunkenness the night before.
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is jae hee alive in doctor stranger