You rarely see wild elephants traveling and living all by themselves. The wild animals used to perform in circuses have the same needs as they would in the wild. / Exotic Animals in Entertainment: the Pros and Cons Essay Sample. In conclusion, animals used for entertainment whether wild or domesticated are poorly treated, and the practice should be eliminated altogether. Even adults will seldom get as close to wild animals as they do in a big top. To no great surprise, there are a lot of cruel circus companies that are still operational, even though they have been cited plenty of times. The use of animals in captivity should be minimized and done in a way that causes the least harm, and ensure that the animals are able to express their natural behaviours as much as possible. From an animal rights standpoint, humans do not have a right to breed, capture, and confine other animalseven if those species are endangered.Being a member of an . Animal-based circuses portray an inaccurate image of animals live and act. List of the Pros of Keeping Animals in Captivity 1. Important to protect endangered species from extinction. The company responsible for Heather also got in trouble when workers beat a baby elephant named Mickey in front of a live audience. They aretrained with whipswhich teach them to fear the ringmaster and not attack. Only a small fraction of the people who care for these animals use abusive practices. As well as the measures targeting circuses, the new law will raise the maximum penalty for mistreating animals to five years in prison and a fine of 75,000 euros ($85,000), and will tighten . Critics argue that animals in captivity may suffer from stress and confinement and that they may not be able to express their natural behaviors. Fortunately, there are plenty of petitions out there against animal cruelty in the circus. Circuses are just as capable as zoos for caring for animals. Animals in Circuses and Zoos: Chiron's World. Thankfully, on 1st January 2018, the use of wild animals in circuses was banned in Ireland. Laws state that these species cannot be poached from the wild or sold for commercial purposes. She would kill her trainer, seriously injure her groomer, and then bolt from the arena to run through the streets of the city. Global awareness of animal rights and wildlife conservation efforts are changing the sentimental feeling the circus once provoked. Animalsin circuses are also subject to it. Companies get to continue operating despite frequent violations. Generations of people have brought their children to co wild circus animals. Many of them suffer from "zoochosis", a psychological condition characterized by repetitive and obsessive behaviors including vomiting, excessive grooming, coprophagia and self-mutilation. The best way to educate kids on this topic is by explaining the animals natural behavior and then contrasting it with the behavior in the circus. Sometimes enough is enough, and you have to fight back. The co-developer of The Simpsons, Sam Simon, bought zoos and circuses and shut them down. Most importantly, Simon managed to shut down some circus companies and even protested against the Ringling Bros. to take circus elephants off of shows. Horses, elephants, lions, and the like have been integral parts of circus performances and one of the main reason why the circus became so popular. The circus show called "An Evening with Lions and Tigers" uses specially trained animals to perform tricks in front of a live audience. According to facts on the mistreatment of circus animals, specifically tigers, these animals have suffered greatly at the hands of their handlers. Most of them are highly educated people who are specifically trained to provide the best care possible. It is transmitted through the air, placing anyone that comes in direct contact with the ill animal (whether it be another elephant or human) at serious risk. 12. There are several arguments and benefits in favor of animals in captivity, some of which include: There are several arguments against animals (drawbacks) in captivity, some of which include: Pros and Cons of Neutering an Australian Shepherd, Pros and Cons of Rhode Island Red Chickens, Pros and Cons of American Staffordshire Terrier. All animals in a zoo or menagerie are kept in an enclosure, displayed to the public, and . Supporters argue that animals in captivity can be used for education and research and that zoos and aquariums play an important role in conservation by breeding endangered species. So, if a cruelty-free circus shows up in your town, check it out and show your support. The animals that are most susceptible to fatal diseases are, in fact, elephants, which are known to carry bacteria responsible for worldwide epidemics. Britain's last big cat trainer, Thomas Chipperfield posted a video diary on YouTube to demonstrate how this works in practice. "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What happens to animals in circuses? In reality,animal circuses teach our children nothing. Since 2000, there have been over 35 serious cases of elephants escaping circuses and running wild through city streets. However, some circuses wont allow their animals to breed. 4 Red discussing pros and cons of using circus animals. While the intent of what zoos are trying to accomplish is good, there are still some cons to keeping these animals in captivity . By being featured in a circus, an animals plight or endangered position can be discussed and funds raised. The animals involved do not have a choice in their vocation as entertainers, and frequently bear emotional and physical wounds or are killed on the job. In reality, many endure the worst conditions imaginable and receive horrific treatment from the circus to learn elaborate tricks and stunts for shows. Have students list positive and negative aspects of each in a worksheet. Natural animal behaviors are changed. While the rules have changed and large animals are no longer used in circuses, many animals continue to be presented to further the education of circus attendees. Bit ironic, isnt it? Hence, tigers in circuses live in a highly unnatural way. France: General ban on the use of wild animals as of 2028. Unfortunately, the lack of exercise does not only apply to when the circus is on the move but in general. Your kind donation will help end the suffering of Asia's abused animals. Animals in captivity refer to animals that are kept in controlled environments such as zoos, aquariums, circuses, and wildlife parks. Unfortunately, these boxcars usually have no climate control. Required fields are marked *. suffered the disease after getting too close to an ill elephant. Many people believe that, even with the best conditions and intentions of zoos, these establishments cannot provide the perfect environment for every animal. Circus animals bred into captivity increase the species odds of survival. Not only do these powerless animals travel with the circus for extended periods each year, but they also travel long distances in tiny boxcars. ","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"The diet of animals is extremely poor compared to the natural diet in the wild. They tend to use the funds from ticket sales to further preservation of animals in the world. Regardless of how old we are, we never stop learning. After attaining her masters degree in English language and literature, she has decided to join the team of creative writers dedicated to delivering the hottest content on the web. Elephants are made to stand on one leg and spin in circles often while standing on top of small stools. Our investigations in Asia have uncovered moon bears riding motorbikes, macaques riding dogs and orangutans spinning plates. Circus demands for wild animals increase the numbers of animals removed from wild. People paid their hard-earned coins to hawkers who promised a moments entertainment. Then there was Benjamin, a 4-year-old elephant who drowned while attempting to swim in a pond after being tortured with a bullhook. Here are the facts about circuses: This is the million-dollar question. Times have changed. In line with the definition provided by Article 4(1) of the Services Directive, travelling circuses are classified as a service, which the EU legislators have the competence to regulate pursuant to Article 114 of . Tigers are semi-nocturnal creatures, but they are forced to stay awake during the day. Zoos have existed in some form since at least 2500 BCE in Egypt and Mesopotamia, where records indicate giraffes, bears, dolphins, and other animals were kept by aristocrats. Circuses are much older than that, with the Circus Maximum a critical staple of Rome during the Roman Empire. Now, do you remember Disneys animated movie Dumbo? 1. Animals in circuses develop abnormal behaviors. Because animals must become broken before they can perform tricks or stunts for entertainment, the combination of uncomfortable positions, potential abuse, and small cages or enclosures can lead to abnormal behavior patterns. Sadly, the circus animals lost a dear friend and a passionate animal rights advocate. The Knie circus has pitched its tents in Freiburg - and promptly there Zoff: Animal rights activists accuse: lions and elephants do not belong in the ring, they say. Zoos provide opportunities for nice family trips. Well, in circuses, tigers are made to perform during the daytime, and they are forced to stay awake as long as the handler wants them to. The Animal Legal Defense Fund files high profile lawsuits and lobbies and advocates for stronger laws to protect animals used in entertainment. CONS The circus is another arena in which human beings abuse other animals. There are specific guidelines and regulations that must be followed. It is well documented that elephants are forced to perform these actions by being beaten with bullhooks, while young elephants are savagely constrained and beaten in a process known as the crush, which breaks their spirit and forces them to comply. From January 2020 in England, the use of wild animals in circuses is banned under the Wild Animals in Circuses Act 2019. Initially this is done with violence, then with the promise of food. 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. The conflict would interfere with the livelihood of . Additional rare animals which receive protection in U.S. zoos include the Addax, Amur tiger, Borneo elephant, and the Pacific walrus. On the other hand, elephants in the circus or zoo are given straw, branches, and hay. Her full bio and clips can be seen at During an August 1994 performance at the Neal Blaisdell Center in Kakaako, HI, Tyke the elephant had finally had enough. Another case from 2013 revealed that eight workers at the Zoo in Oregon suffered the disease after getting too close to an ill elephant. . Differing viewpoints regarding what constitutes animal abuse compounds this issue. In Vietnam, weve seen species which are protected by national and international lawperforming in circuses. There were 10 additional animals removed from that container, which was noted as being poorly vented, and turned over to the custody of the local zoo. 15. Animals Asia does not support the use of any animals including dogs in circuses due to widespread abusive training techniques and poor living conditions. Wild animals are kept captive for many reasons - find out about the difficulties of keeping wildlife. And children's eyes are brought in other ways sparkle than . Even when the handler walked by her after the incident, she would scream and veer away. Although the UK's Government pledged to ban them in 2012, the individual Conservative MPs still repeatedly block the bills. While in transit, the animals are confined to trailers or trucks, where they may not have access to basic necessities, such as food, water, and veterinary care. It is not unusual for them to become depressed and despondent in a slow, downward spiral that can eventually lead to self-harm behaviors or attacks against humans. The RSPCA helps animals in England and Wales. Unfortunately, this was the case with Cholita, an Andean bear illegally kept at a famous circus in Peru, now thriving in the wild. After the fall of Rome, large centers for mass entertainment fell out of favor. Some circus groups are intent on preserving the specific animal species they present to the public. Banning circus animals because of the case of Anne the elephant would be as ridiculous as banning children's television presenters because of Jimmy Savile. If you see animals who start swaying as they stand, bob their heads frequently, or have incessant pacing, then that is an individual who requires an immediate professional intervention to improve their health. receive poor veterinary care or none at all? Seeing the skill and intelligence of animals at close quarters can only foster admiration and respect for other species. Barnum in 1865. Pros: Trained animal acts are entertaining and can educate people about different species. The wild animals commonly abused in circuses are extremely stressed by circus conditions. Greece: General ban on the use of all animals. For example, you can transport wild animals: for veterinary treatment or for re-homing. People began to fear others would mishandle and would not provide the proper care for the exotic animals in the entertainment industry causing conflict. Animals in zoos are trapped in cages, all day every day. are highly susceptible to tuberculosis due to constant, stressful transportation conditions and poor water quality. Next Pros And Cons Of Animal Cruelty They provide their animals with the best care and veterinary treatment and they make a profit from a career they love. China has banned animal circuses and Bolivia; Question: The Pros and Cons of the Circus Animals Attending a circus event is a rite of passage for many youngsters. The US, France, and the UK are at the top of the list of countries that still use animals in shows. Wild animals. Circuses must report all endangered species deaths to the U.S. Proponents of using animals for entertainment argue that condemning animal related events shows a lack of sensitivity toward cultural traditions. , specifically tigers, these animals have. Visitors are not only entertained, but also educated. However, did you know that they are the perfect example of captivity inbreeding? Circus animals receive food, shelter and veterinary care. Circuses around the world continue to use animals in their shows and very few countries have banned the practice. Unfortunately, this was the case with Cholita, an Andean bear illegally kept at a famous circus in Peru, now thriving in the wild. First, animals in captivity are often deprived of their natural habitat and social structure, which can lead to physical and psychological problems. She was an African bush elephant from Mozambique who performed with Circus International out of Honolulu. I dont even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was great. Today in 4Red we have been learning about animals within the circus. As an example, it is very difficult to recreate the natural environment for elephants. A lot of the time, when a circus animal is let out of the box, they are trained by whipping, hitting, poking, and shocking with electrical prods. The average life. She was on the loose for over 30 minutes while officials tried to calm her down. The oldest still operating zoo in the world, Tiergarten Schnbrunn in Vienna, opened in 1752. It is transmitted through the air, placing anyone that comes in direct contact with the ill animal (whether it be another elephant or human) at serious risk. Poor Conditions. 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. The dull days of farming, working in sweaty factories or other menial jobs could be punctuated with a sense of wonder that the annual circus could bring to a city or sleepy town. Animals in the circus that are most affected by tiny cages are lions, tigers, bears, and elephants. This is because of the constant travelling, the cramped transport, the small temporary housing, forced training and performance. Wild animals in circuses are now banned in England and Wales. When the circus is run ethically and animals can interact in positive ways with humans, then there is an educational benefit to consider. They provide a safe refuge for endangered or injured animals, but these parks can be abusive in their treatment of creatures as well. There are a number of reasons why animal captivity is a problem. 2. The circus business is all about selling as many tickets as possible, cutting corners, and ensuring that the show goes on no matter what. This conclusion brought the organizations closer to that of zoos from a legal perspective, especially when an 18-month study sponsored by the RSPCA found that animals dont suffer stress during healthy training, performance, or transportation. This disadvantage is one of the primary reasons why the largest circus companies stopped using elephants and other animals in their shows ultimately forcing some of them to go out of business. Wild circus animals are usually captive-bred, but this doesn't mean that they're tame. Cons: In some cases, animals are abused or mistreated and travel in cramped and filthy conditions. Pros And Cons Of Zoos . There were two other incidents that involved an elephant named Tyke that were attributed to her in 1993 as well. Global awareness of animal rights and wildlife conservation efforts are changing the sentimental feelings the circus once provoked. There have been seven prosecutions of circus trainers in 130 years; a tiny minority of the trainers who worked blamelessly in that time. Circuses, aquariums, and zoos have . Every aspect of the animal's life, diet and accommodation is governed by strict guidelines. Over prolonged periods this can result in abnormal behaviours and health problems related to anxiety. He would be the first to create a space where all acts, including clowns, could be brought together to perform a show. Laws that protect traveling animals are not enforced enough to make a difference, and are highly ignored. Over prolonged periods this can result in abnormal behaviours and health problems related to anxiety. Animals in the wild are endangered by human predators and shrinking habitats, and live short, dangerous lives.
animals in circuses pros and cons