Porn Comes up on Internet Search

Every time you use a search engine you are seeing porn under the search bar. In almost all cases this points to you having an add-on or tool bar that is showing the porn. This is not a virus but more of adware.

The nice thing is this is very easy to fix. You can simply re-set your web browser or remove the tool bar or add-on program.

For Internet Explorer:

1. Go Under Tools > Manage Add-ons and go through the Toolbar and Extensions. Remove any unknown or unwanted addons. Then also check the Search Providers and remove any search providers you do not want. FYI: I have seen the Google search provider become highjacked before. Normally I will remove it and then re-add it again right afterwards to ensure it’s clean.

Under the Tools option you can also go to “Internet Options” and then click the Advanced Tab. Then hit the reset button. This will reset IE to default factory settings and remove the tool bar. Great way to go if you can’t seem to get things going.

The above works for Firefox and other browsers as well. Slightly different but basically the same.

Last Step

You need to run a full virus scan to ensure you don’t have any other malware or virus threats on your computer. I like the paid client SpyHunter. You can use the free download and scan to see if you have any virus threats. You would have to purchase the client for it to remove anything. Still it’s the client I own and the one I use. You can also scan using the free version of malwarebytes.

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