Win 8 Security System

What is Included in this Win 8 Security System Removal Guide?

1. A Manual Win 8 Security System Removal Guide

2. Other suggested antivirus clients and services

What is Win 8 Security System?

Win 8 Security System is part of the Braviax malware family of viruses. This malware pretends to be a legitimate antivirus program for Windows but is nothing more then a scam meant to trick and scare users into making a purchase.

If you have already purchased this bogus antivirus client you should read our guide that covers how to get your money back. You can find it here. To learn more about how to avoid viruses in the first place read our how to avoid virus infections guide.

How Did I get infected with Win 8 Security System?

The most common way to get infected with this virus is to visit a malicious or hacked website and download then install the virus. In many cases the end user will think they are installing an update or video file. In reality it’s the virus they are installing. Threats like this can auto install when visiting a malicious or hacked website as well if the end user does not have proper security software in place. It’s not uncommon for free antivirus programs to let these kind of viruses in.

What is Win 8 Security System Doing to My Computer Right Now?

This program will basically hold your computer for ransom and not let you open many programs. It will show false scan results and plenty of bogus error messages meant to trick and scare you into making a purchase. At this time the program is not allowing back door access into your computer and it’s not stealing personal information. In reality it’s not really doing much harm at all to your system. Just blocking programs to frustrate the end user.

Here are some example error messages you may be seeing. Keep in mind that all messages given off are not true.

Threat Detected

Security Alert! Your computer was found to be infected with privacy-threatening software. Private data may get stolen and system damage may be severe.

Recover your PC from the infection right now, perform a security scan.

Win 8 Security System


Win 8 Security System

» Download Win 8 Security System Removal Software has created a Win 8 Security System guide to help you remove this virus threat. Here is a serial that seems to be working as well. You can use this serial to register the product and then remove it. Should make things easier

Serial number for registration: Y86REW-8F42D6E3-FD18

If this code is not working for you just follow the manual removal guide below.

Win 8 Security System Manual Removal Procedures

You main goal should be to stop the main file trace for Win 8 Security System. Once this is done you will be able to use your computer again.

The file we need to kill is listed below.

  • [random].sys Your file trace will be named different

The location of this file is : %System%\drivers\[random].sys (This is the file that is hard to remove and find. . You may need to show hidden files and folders on your computer or just manually type in the folder path. This file trace seems to be moving around so you may have to look in other locations as well. Your best bet is to run an antivirus scan while in safe mode with networking. You will be able to download and install Spyware Doctor with Antivirus while in safe mode and run that to locate the virus location. Learn how to boot into safemode here if you do not know how.

To Stop this process you can

A. Boot into safe mode with networking and install Spyware Doctor with Antivirus and run a scan to locate the file trace and then remove it manually or purchase the client and have it remove the virus for you.

B: As this seems to be a rootkit threat you may want to use the TDSS option in the SDA software to scan your computer. You may also want to try this free program first to see if it won’t help you out. This tool is great for these kind of rootkit threats and should help you out.

C:  Log-into another users account and see if you can delete the file.

D:  Start the Task Manager the very second you login and terminate the process that way.

E: Browse to the file location shown above and re-name the file first and then restart your computer. Then browse to that file location again and delete the file.

After you have managed to delete the file you should now run a full virus scan to ensure you are not infected with any other viruses. Download SpyHunter and run a full scan.

If you are unable to stop this program from running or need advanced help we recommend the remote computer repair company called They are real experts at removing malware like this from computers. When it comes to rootkits like this we have found that sometimes it’s just better to let a pro remove the threat for you.

Win 8 Security System Registry Removal Procedures

You do not need to edit the registry for this virus threat. We recommend you use either an antivirus client or a registry cleaner. In most cases nothing really needs to be done here.

Win 8 Security System Directories:

  • %System%\drivers\[random2].sys (This is the file that is hard to remove and find.

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* cannot be held liable for any damages that may occur from using our community virus removal guides. Viruses cause damage and unless you know what you are doing you may loose your data. We strongly suggest you backup your data before you attempt to remove any virus. Each product or service is a trademark of their respective company. We do make a commission off of each product we recommend. This is how is able to keep writing our virus removal guides. All Free based antivirus scanners recommended on this site are limited. This means they may not be fully functional and limited in use. A free trial scan allows you to see if that security client can pick up the virus you are infected with.