System Protection Tools

System Protection Tools is the continuation of several other fake security products. This malware threat has been around for a while now but this time it came under the System Protection Tools name. The purpose of the client is to trick users into thinking this product was made by Microsoft and have the end user make a purchase of the program. This is all a lie. The virus warnings and scans are all false.

1. System Protection Tools Removal Guide

2. Software and Services to help you remove System Protection Tools

3. System Protection Tools Video


 How Did I get infected with System Protection Tools?

System Protection Tools in most cases get's installed on the users computer through the help of the end user. They are often times tricked into installing the program thinking it's something else like a security update of video software. It is possible to have this program auto install as well under the right conditions. In most cases users who have a good antivirus client that is up to date will not be effected. If your antivirus client did not block this threat you should consider switching to another brand.

What is System Protection Tools Doing to My Computer Right Now?

In our testing's we found this threat did no harm to personal files on the computer and it's not passing back information like social profile logins or bank details. This is very good news but you still need to act immediately and have this virus removed.

Follow the free guide first then scan in the end with Spyware Doctor with Antivirus.  You can download it direct from this link: Download Spyware Doctor with Antivirus Here

System Protection Tools


» Download System Protection Tools Removal Software

The below guide and video will help you remove System Protection Tools. If you run into issues and need help feel free to post a comment. We also recommend the guys over at as they are true malware experts and can remote into your computer to save the day. The AV client we recommend out on this site is Spyware Doctor with Antivirus. It works very well to remove virus threats like this. You may need to boot into safe mode with networking to install it.

Automatic System Protection Tools Removal

Online System Protection Tools Removal Service

computer repair

System Protection Tools video

System Protection Tools Manual Removal Procedures

The first step you must take in order to remove System Protection Tools is to stop the following process.

  • SP085_806B.exe (Your file will be named different but should be similar).

To Stop this process you can

A. Browse to the file location shown below and re-name the file first and then restart your computer. Then browse to that file location again and delete the file.

B.  Boot into Safe Mode and delete the file

C:  Log-into another users account and see if you can delete the file.

D:  Start the Task Manager the very second you login and terminate the process that way.

Patch to the Files:

Windows XP:

  • C:>Documents and Settings>all users>Local Settings>Application Data

Windows Vista/7:

  • Path: c:\ProgramData\085083\SP085_806B.exe

The next step in System Protection Tools removal is to delete the following file:

Windows Vista/7:

  • c:\ProgramData\085083 EVERYTHING in this folder then delete the folder

Once you have deleted the above executable, System Protection Tools will no longer be running. At this time you need to run a full virus scan. RUN THE  SCAN!. We recommend wither Spyware Doctor with Antivirus. You need to ensure no other viruses are on your computer.  So many people skip this very simple step.  Take an extra few minutes and ensure you have all the viruses removed.

If you find this threat too hard to remove yourself and need an expert we recommend . They charge far less than others and are great at what they do.

System Protection Tools Registry Removal Procedures

There simply is no need to edit the registry manually. It's risky and just not worth it. we recommend you use antivirus software and run a full virus scan or a registry cleaner.


System Protection Tools has been around a while just under different names. The above process should work well for you. As stated if you need help you should consider purchasing Spyware Doctor with Antivirus or hiring an expert over at

Related Article Keywords: System Protection Tools, Remove System Protection Tools, System Protection Tools Removal, How to Remove System Protection Tools, delete System Protection Tools

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* cannot be held liable for any damages that may occur from using our community virus removal guides. Viruses cause damage and unless you know what you are doing you may loose your data. We strongly suggest you backup your data before you attempt to remove any virus. Each product or service is a trademark of their respective company. We do make a commission off of each product we recommend. This is how is able to keep writing our virus removal guides. All Free based antivirus scanners recommended on this site are limited. This means they may not be fully functional and limited in use. A free trial scan allows you to see if that security client can pick up the virus you are infected with.