Antivirus 8 Virus Removal

Description: Antivirus 8 is a false security client. The only purpose of this program is to trick the user into making a purchase of it. This false security client shows false scan results in an effort to scare the user into making a purchase. It may also block program and legitimate security clients from running. At this time Antivirus 8 removal is not all too hard and from our testing no user data is at risk of being corrupted from this virus.

Antivirus 8

Antivirus 8 Removal

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Delete Antivirus 8

I liked the below message. Sounds scary enough to me.

Antivirus 8

» Download Antivirus 8 Removal Software

If you are infected with Atnivrius 8 we have some good news for you. This guide will work to remove Antivrus 8. Just follow the Antivirus 8 removal video and manual guide to learn how. After you remove it you need to run a full virus scan to ensure you got everything and to make sure you are not infected with anything else.

Antivirus 8 Removal Video

Antivirus 8 Removal Video

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Don’t forget.  If it’s too hard for you to remove yourself or things just aren’t working for you then a cheap route for repair is

Antivirus 8 Manual Removal Procedures

The first step you must take in order to remove Antivirus 8 is to stop the following processes. Watch the video above for guidance.

  • av8.exe

How to stop the above process

Option 1. To Stop this process you can either browse to the file location shown below and re-name the file and then restart your computer. Now browse to that file location again and delete the file.

Option 2. Boot into safe mode and browse to the below folder for you Operating System

The next step in Antivirus 8 removal is to delete the following file:

Windows XP:

  • c:\Program Files\AV8\av8.exe ( Of course you may of re-named the file as instructed above )

Windows Vista/7:

  • c:\Program Files (x86)\AV8\av8.exe ( Of course you may of re-named the file as instructed above )

Once you have deleted the above executable, Antivirus 8 will no longer be running. At this time you need to run a full virus scan. RUN A SCAN. We recommend Spyware Doctor with Antivirus. You need to ensure no other viruses are on your computer.

Antivirus 8 Registry Removal Procedures

Delete the below Keys: We do not recommend manualy deleting these keys. Antivirus software should be used unless you know what you are doing.

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\AV8

You should now run a full security scan to ensure no other threats are installed on your computer. We recommend you download a copy of Spyware Doctor with Antivirus.

Antivirus 8 Directories:


  • c:\Program Files\AV8\

Windows 7 / Windows Vista

  • c:\Program Files (x86)\AV8\

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* cannot be held liable for any damages that may occur from using our community virus removal guides. Viruses cause damage and unless you know what you are doing you may loose your data. We strongly suggest you backup your data before you attempt to remove any virus. Each product or service is a trademark of their respective company. We do make a commission off of each product we recommend. This is how is able to keep writing our virus removal guides. All Free based antivirus scanners recommended on this site are limited. This means they may not be fully functional and limited in use. A free trial scan allows you to see if that security client can pick up the virus you are infected with.