For other uses, see Dervenin. This is Azuras Daedric artifact quest and can be accessed right at the beginning of the game. Nelacar - Skyrim Wiki My question is, which choice is better in the long run? How To Complete The Black Star Daedric Quest In Skyrim - TheGamer Answer: Ultimately, the choice depends on your approach to playing Skyrim. Slightly shocked that the Dragonborn came to this knowledge, she directs them to the The Frozen Hearth where an Altmer named Nelacar is encountered. The difference is the Star's use afterwards. so getting back to what the question is and on the in game screen who do you give azura star to aranea or nelacar,cos all i read is a full blown biography on azura. Objective. 1) Equip Soul trap 2) Cast it on a mammoth 3) Kill mammoth within 30 seconds 4) Do so every time you need to refill the star. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. [duplicate]. While the rewards for each are different, both count towards it. Nelacar gives you the Black Star which can contain both white and black souls, whereas Aranea gives you Azura's star that can only contain white souls, but she becomes available as a powerful follower. I'd get 20-30 grand gems in one rotation. So, try not to waste too much time before you go to get it. Once you finish the quest with him, youll get the Broken Star back as The Black Star. The shrine is just South of Winterhold, so you shouldnt have any trouble finding it. I do agree Azura's Star is better story, but the Black Star is just a better item. Skyrim:Nelacar - UESPWiki Id never sleep with anyone besides my good wife, Drifa . You must pass an average-level Speech check to persuade him. There are lots of other available followers. I always side with Azura, even though I don't use followers. Should I give Azura's Star to Martin? This fight is more difficult than any you faced in the Deep. Nelacar: "No, certainly not. After leaving college, he has returned to this out of the way place, the reason being that he still has research to do, and that being close to his former colleagues is convenient. I don't like the idea of helping a man sympathetic to a wizard who would use his own students' lives to try and achieve immortality. Nelacar: "It was a minor miscalculation. Azuras Star is capable of doing the same, except it can Trap any souls BUT Black ones, so if it cant be trapped by the Black Star, Azuras Star can hold it. For the more practical people out there, youll want to bring the star back to Nelacar. As soon as hes dead, youll be pulled out of the star regardless of what state the Dremora are in. But she is a daedra. So, naturally, you believe her. First Option: Bring the Star to Aranea If you choose to bring the Star to Aranea, go back to the Shrine of Azura. The citys steward, Malur Seloth will ask you to steal it for him. After leaving college, he has returned to this out of the way place, the reason being that he still has research to do, and that being close to his former colleagues is convenient. Should I bring Azura's Star to Nelacar or aranea? Should I bring Azura's Star to Nelacar or aranea? that are always Grand. Exactly how good of a follower is Aranea Ienith? The Black Star is Better as Black/Human Souls are More Powerful than Normal White Souls Such as Animals etc.. Bulk update symbol size units from mm to map units in rule-based symbology. Ive put together this Azuras Star guide to help walk you through the quest you need to complete to get the star, and how to use it. The main benefit of a black soul gem is that it can capture grand leveled souls from humanoids, whereas those souls cannot normally be captured. The difference is the Stars use afterwards. The Black Star Skyrim Guide - Scrolls Guided 1 Answer. As Ive just said, that means you lose out on access to Black Souls. So, if you dont mind not being Azuras Champion, then Nelacar is the better option. Its one of the rare unique items that I actually use rather than lock up in my trophy room, and thats really saying something. Is it better to bring the star to aranea or Nelacar? - TimesMojo The mod is now compatible with patch 1.5 which tweaked marriage rules. I have looked up what the advantages of both giving the star to Aranea or Nelacar are, and it seems that Nelacar is the way to go. I like that quest and the battle for the Star is a good one. Given that Azuras Star can only trap White Grand Souls, that means youre limited to creatures like Mammoths for your high-level souls. For the Black Star, a refillable black soul gem, take the star to Nelacar, where he will place the Dragonborn inside the star where Malyn will have to be defeated. The elven mage from Araneas vision is Nelacar who is staying at the The Frozen Hearth in Winterhold. Function. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Should i bring the star to aranea or nelacar? He will ask you to bring him Azura's Star, a powerful soul gem which will not be destroyed upon usage and can be refilled an unlimited . At the end of the dungeon, youll find Malyn Varen looking a bit worse-for-wear. Well, The Black Star is capable of trapping an infinite amount of Black Souls, which are found in Humans, Elves and Orcs, but nowhere else. Once again use the stairs to reach the altar, approach Anarea and hand her oven the broken Star (screen above). Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Inside, youre going to have to fight a bunch of Conjurers and Necromancers. If you bring the star to Azura, she will name you her champion, reward you with Azura's Star, and you will be able to recruit Aranea Ienith as a companion. Dagur: "No, I certainly didn't! Its towards the Northwest part of the lake and is so big you shouldnt be able to miss it. We've done it. With regular Soul Gems, you only get one use before the gem breaks. The mod is now compatible with patch 1.5 which tweaked marriage rules. To get your hands on Azuras Star, youre going to need to complete The Black Star quest. (Are there other type of black souls?). If the Dragonborn brings Azuras Star to Aranea, however, Nelacar stops offering merchant services and instead berates them for serving Azura if spoken to. These sources tend to be plentiful and easier to kill, compared with common grand level white soul sources, such as mammoths. The Black Star - p. 2 TES V: Skyrim Guide - Game Guides Black Souls count as Grand Souls and they are extremely common. Azura's Star Guide - Scrolls Guided Black Star lets you capture Human and Elf souls and can be used more than once. The citys steward, Malur Seloth will ask you to steal it for him. ", "Dagur and I have an understanding. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The quest tied to Azuras Star is called The Black Star. Beyond that, and the stars ability to house White Souls, we know next to nothing about it. Bring the Azura star to Aranea or Nelacar? : r/skyrim - reddit Like regular soul gems, Azura's Star has the ability to trap white souls , or those of creatures. Take it. and our In Winterhold, you have a couple of options. Claim the Broken Star. For other uses, see Azura's Star. At the bright young age of nine years old, Eoin played his first-ever video game. I expect a bit of animosity now and then." Plus, the Deep is home to a ton of Soul Gems. Also, the amount of creatures you can actually get grand souls from are very small - I believe it's giants, mammoths, dragons (maybe? If youre a Daedra Worshipper you could bring it back to Azura to gain her favour, the favour of a Daedric Prince. So, youll have to either persuade him, intimidate him, or bribe him into giving up the information youre after. Regardless of how you deal with Malyn, youll be pulled out of the star once hes defeated. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. ", Nelacar: "I say, you didn't hear any loud noises last night, did you? Who is nelacar in skyrim? Explained by Sharing Culture We went our seperate ways and I've gone with the Black Star ever since. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Report Content | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. Shes pretty competent in combat, so that might be a deal-maker for you. Moreover, the whole quest is mostly . Pissing off Azura seems like a bad idea RP wise. . If your character is a good type, helping Azura would be the better choice because the Star is pure. Aranea will send you off to Winterhold in search of an elven mage capable of working on Azuras Star, which as of right now isnt in any working state. Then, you'll have to find Shagrol's Warhammer from Fallostone Cave. Azura's star: Unlimited refills or unlimited uses on a single fill? To keep his identity cloaked, he is referred to as "an elven mage who studies the stars." Can Azuras Star hold human souls oblivion? Where as Grand soul gems are easier to find but very hard to fill with 'grand souls'. Skyrim: Every Daedric Quest, Ranked From Worst To Best - TheGamer Has two beds on the main level, and another two in the cellar where Eirid and her parents sleep. This nods to his involvement with Malyn Varen's unlawful research into Soul Gems and Azura's Star. NPCs (Altmer, Argonian, Bosmer, Breton, Dunmer, Imperial, Kahjiit, Nord, Orc, Redguard, or Dremora) all have Black Souls. Function. I always go with Azura for the same reasons others have said. Since the difference isn't so big to me (I buy/horde soul gems,) I go with whatever decision suits my RP style. Eventually, the quest will take you to Ilinalta's Deep, a partially-flooded and ruined former Imperial fort. ", "Malyn's enchantments are broken. Azura's Star or The Black Star? If you bring it to Nelacar, you will be able to trap all souls, including black, though Nelacar tells you that it can only trap black souls (see bugs section). Find the elven mage from Aranea's vision. 2) Aela the Huntress. However, the room that the star is located in is blocked off until you progress through The Black Star, making it mandatory to complete if you want Azuras Star. Nonetheless, I don't see any evil in Azura. They are as powerful as Grand Soul Gems, and can also capture lesser souls. The second section, Ilinaltas Deluge, is blocked by a boulder prior to starting The Black Star. Azura's Star was just an extra grand soul gem. Depends on the character. Doing either gives you Azuras Star but Nelacars one is a bit better but it's kind of corrupted. Can's Wayback Machine ignore some query terms? agentspoon 11 years ago #3. This is because of a bug where the game checks Nelacars Speech skill rather than the players. So unless you really want that follower, I'd suggest going for the Black Star. ( A girl said this after she killed a demon and saved MC). Story-wise I mean, but if my knowledge is correct wasn't Azura the only Daedric deity that isn't considered evil? ", "Easy there. Take the star and make your way back outside. Are you making this decision on gameplay or roleplay? Should i bring the star to aranea or nelacar? What is the difference between the black star and Azuras Star? There are two different paths for this quest, and depending on the one you choose, you can get a slightly different reward. 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved He will also point you towards Nelacar. While giving the Star to Nelacar does not provide a companion option, the Black Star has the advantage of a much more abundant source of grand souls, as all black souls are of the grand level. I am starting The Black Star Quest and I see that the reward is a Broken Azura's Star. Azuras Black Star counterpart, on the other hand, is capable of storing Black Souls, making it the superior version of the star. The Frozen Hearth is the inn in Winterhold. Well i guess it depends on your playstyle. Additionally, bringing the Star to Aranea makes her available as a follower. Those could still be useful for recharging items, but why go with the smaller ones when you'll get attacked by sentient humanoids often enough anyway? Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. If you bring it to Nelacar, you will be able to trap all souls, including black, though Nelacar tells you that it can only trap black souls (see bugs section). UESP Forums View topic - Who'd you give Azura's Star to? What gives grand white souls in this game anyway, dragons? Azuras Star is located within the artifact of Azuras Star, and houses Malyn Varens soul. I'm going to pull your soul out of there. Its basically the azura star, but better. Neither of them are necessarily good or bad. It is highly recommended that you do not give this artifact to Martin for the Blood of the Daedra quest. Trivia. Upon Malyn's defeat, Nelacar will pull the Dragonborn out of the star and gift the newly made Black Star as a reward. Although there are 18 Daedric artifacts in the game, four are technically mutually exclusive (The Ring of Hircine/Saviors Hide, and Azuras Star/The Black Star), and one does not count towards the achievement (The Skeleton Key). Can you marry Nelacar in Skyrim? Only black souls would be able to enter it once we finished. He can be found at The Frozen Hearth where he runs a small shop. Best answer If you return to Aranea, you get Azura's Star which is like a permanent grand soul gem and you get Aranea as a follower if you return star to Nelacar, you get the Black Star which can trap black souls I would say, if you are into enchanting then go with Nelacar, otherwise go with Aranea for more info, see here: But, he blames Azura for driving him mad. m Will uninstalling Chrome remove passwords? If a persuasion attempt on him failed during The Black Star, he will make a reference to the book, If the College's main questline is completed before talking to Nelacar, he will refer to the Dragonborn as ". However, bringing it to Nelacar will reward you with The Black Star, a superior version of Azuras Star. If it's about rewards--returning to Aranea will give you an infinitely durable grand soul gem, while giving it to Nelacar will give you an infinitely durable black soul gem. Then, in the enchantment menu, you can use it to either enchant a new piece of gear or refill a currently enchanted weapon. And is this something I'll need to worry about in the future?" Needless to say, this is incredibly powerful. Hell be hesitant to tell you anything about Azuras Star at first. 1 Answer. Take it to Nelecar or whatever his name is. The Shrine of Azura in Skyrim is deep in the mountains south of Winterhold. it The Black Star that can only capture black souls i.e human souls I'm about level 36, yet to complete any major storylines except the Thieves Guild, and have 78,000 gold (and 80 iron daggers to enchant for 900 each, and 50 dwarven bows for about 1500 each). Black Star always. For the Oblivion Walker achievement, it doesnt matter who you bring the star back to. Its one of my favorite Daedric artifacts in all of Skyrim purely because of how useful it is. After finding the Shrine of Azura and speaking with Aranea Ienith, the sole priestess found there, the Dragonborn can either go to the Inn directly and ask Nelacar about his involvement with the artifact, or ask Faralda at the College of Winterhold if she has heard of the "elven mage who studies the stars." Nelacar has severed all ties with the College, but you can placate him with a good Speech check or bribe him. The Black Star of Azura is a powerful Daedric artifact that works just the same as any Black Soul Gem found in Skyrim with one important difference: it stays intact after use. If your a person who enjoys having team mates, then take the azura star. After that, it's really just a matter of personal preference which artifact you're willing to part with. Privacy Policy. Hell be wandering around the Frozen Hearth Inn, inside the town of Winterhold rather than the college. The gold and intimidation options are not affected. Might as well take the one that can capture human souls too after that fight. Ilinaltas Deluge is no different from the Deep. I aso like being able to get human souls and making powerful enchantments or recharging more energy for weps. Possible Duplicate: Great if you have a bow, or weapon with soul trap to keep refilling it. What is the purpose of this D-shaped ring at the base of the tongue on my hiking boots? How do I align things in the following tabular environment? All we really know about it is that its the artifact of the Daedric Prince Azura and that it returns to Azura in Oblivion every few hundred years or so. Where should I take Azura's Star? A limit involving the quotient of two sums, ERROR: CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW WITH DATA cannot be executed from a function, What does this means in this context? EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Limited Or Anthology Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actor In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie. Press J to jump to the feed. If you bring it to Azura, you will be able to use it to trap any sized soul except for black souls (i.e., souls from NPCs). Should I bring the Azura's Star to aranea or Nelacar? I'll be back later. Azura offers to teleport you into the. If you bring it to Nelacar, you will be able to trap all souls, including black, though Nelacar tells you that it can only trap black souls (see bugs section). Its still an incredibly valuable item, though, and one that you should definitely search out during your playthrough. Dagur: "I see. Given that its the location of Azuras Star, this means you cant just head there directly before speaking to Aranea of Nelacar. TimesMojo is a social question-and-answer website where you can get all the answers to your questions.
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should i bring the star to azura or nelacar