I hope we can do this again soon. We should meet again sometime. I look forward to working closely with you in the future. This conveys that your are thankful to the person. [I hope we can do it again some time {polite}. 10 Ways To Say It Was Nice to Meet You 1. I didnt know how bad it got. Was is one of the simple past forms of be., We can thank someone for speaking with us via phone by using the expression It was a pleasure speaking with you over the phone earlier today/this afternoon/yesterday, Mr./Ms. Sam: Oh! Let me know if youd like to meet up to discuss anything like this again. good or great). You always seem to know how to make business lunches more interesting. Im trying to make a well-informed decision, and youve helped with that. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Just smile and say Nice to meet you too, The pleasure is all mine to show your gratitude. Let me know when you want to meet again, and well see what we can sort out. -Yes, same here! Im glad we could meet shows that you appreciate someone spending the time to talk to you. Where does this (supposedly) Gibson quote come from? It shows that you had a great experience meeting someone and talking to them about things. Informal: It was nice to meet you today. You should use this whether its your first meeting with someone or youve met them a few times before. Its been great to talk to you. I appreciated your time. Even responding to a question as common as Hows your day? can come off as a little discomforting if we dont have enough responses in our word bank. You dont have to use nice, either. I meant with regard to your book search - there are 'too' many variants to get many results with the specificity you searched. You may also like: Nice To Meet You Vs Nice Meeting You? It was an absolute pleasure to meet you too. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Jones: It was nice talking to you. ). Learn more about us here. 30+ Ideas How to Respond to Nice to Meet You? - Beezzly I hope you make some time for me again in the future, as I had a really fun time here. I appreciate you meeting me is a great one to use if you respect the person youre emailing. At school, asked by a teacher to share something with the class, It would be my pleasure to answer the question.. Hey there. It was good to talk to you, as always. Disconnect between goals and daily tasksIs it me, or the industry? We make use of such kind of language to let the other person know that the discussion is over. 14 Other Ways to Say It was a pleasure speaking with you I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation. If you don't reply for the next three hours. Learn more about us here. Sam: Oh! The pleasure's mine. I usually respond to suc Using a pleasure here is great in formal situations. What about these options I wrote off the top of my head? again after a while, Reese. Believe me, I wish to say the same to you! } However, you should only use it informally when youre at least a little bit familiar with the person youre speaking with. So, here is how to respond to a nice to meet you email! Catch-ups are great in formal situations. It was a pleasure. "acceptedAnswer": { If we want to specify the time when we interacted with the person, we can also add adverbs of time like today at the end of our message. Same here. Which is, Another Stack Exchange site that might be better for questions like this one is. (more informal, use with a good or frequent chat buddy only) Friendly: When the situation is even more casual, it also follows that we would want to wrap the conversation out in an informal manner too. Is there anything specific youd like me to run you through before our next meeting? I appreciate your time is another good way to refer to meeting someone in the past. Can you come? A: I still need to do the groceries, so I should get going. It was a pleasure. (Me too = I feel the same way that you do. Read on to learn how you should reply when talking to someone in person, and what phrase to use in response when you are communicating with a new person via email. I would love to meet you again sometime. Take care! In informal contexts, I'd be likely to reply with "Ditto!" Yes, if you know that your interlocutor is ok with that. This establishes you're familiar with the other person's work and skills and fosters having a positive interaction. I should thank you for inviting me instead, Dan. 2. John. Kate worked in "The Fashion Magazine" for four years as a freelance writer and loved to consult and help people with their style. It was a great pleasure meeting you! -Yes, it was nice to talk with you too. Last, apparently 'talk' or 'speak' to someone is British English, and 'talk' and 'speak' with someone is American English (generally speaking). We could do that, for sure. I learned a lot from your experience. John: Have you met Sally Hill? He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Id like to see what we can do with them. Its quite versatile, so it can work well in either context. Its a pleasure meeting you too. This is why we recommend you check out a few ways how to respond to nice to meet you best of all. When we receive an email that says nice to meet you, we most likely dont know exactly what to write back in response. Pleasure He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. How to use Slater Type Orbitals as a basis functions in matrix method correctly? These usage differences go to show that using less formal alternatives to It was a pleasure speaking with you is generally harmless and acceptable. What should I reply to the pleasure is mine ? Thank you very much. So, we have collected ambiguity-free ways of expressing the goodbye message It was a pleasure speaking with you to make conversations less awkward. Id love to hear what. 7. Although this one practically conveys the same meaning as It was great seeing you, It was lovely seeing you definitely conveys a cozier feeling than the former. In fact, this is one of those socially acceptable and appreciated things that we hardly ever notice when it is there. Saying "very much" right after "Nice to meet you, too", Batch split images vertically in half, sequentially numbering the output files. "text": "We can use “It was a pleasure speaking with you” when emailing a person that has recently been introduced to us by another person. Im glad you reached out because it felt like it had been way too long since we last had a conversation. Thats why this answer is especially useful when you are greeting your new colleague! This greeting phrase is a kind of cliche, so some of you might want to make it more varied and consider other, alternative answers instead to not sound like a robot! It was lovely to see you is somewhere between informal and formal English. A catch up is a conversation you can have with someone when youve not had a chance to talk to them for at least a few weeks. Can airtags be tracked from an iMac desktop, with no iPhone? Sometimes, youll sign emails off or start them in this way: I look forward to working with you is a great reply to nice meeting you. It shows that they left a good impression on us and that were more than happy to consider them a work colleague when that time presents itself. It was a pleasure meeting you with "I'm good"? Or, maybe, you feel that answering this way, though still being polite and friendly, sounds and reads a bit old-fashioned because you acknowledge the fact that the meeting is taking place online! So now we are sure that you will not get puzzled when hearing or reading that nice to meet you phrase since you have a lot of optional answers to choose from! Recovering from a blunder I made while emailing a professor, Follow Up: struct sockaddr storage initialization by network format-string. It couldnt have been easy, but I do appreciate your time. To digress a bit to sentence structure, the difference between Speaking with you and Speaking to you is subtle enough to be neglected. Do roots of these polynomials approach the negative of the Euler-Mascheroni constant? pleasure meeting you The other person may generally respond with The honor is mine to show politeness and gratitude to the speaker. By giving a smart reply, we can make a good impression of ourselves. you can also say which means "glad to meet you", and is usually used when the first time you meet someone. 2) I started to pla His surgery was successful. Let me know if theres anything else youd like to discuss before we continue. We don't say wear formal casual clothes or casual formal clothes :), There's another thing in both the OP and the title that made me frown in the first place. Itd be nice to catch up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Youre a great person to learn from. Another simple and direct goodbye expression we can use is I had a great time with you. This one also implies the act of speaking or talking with the other person even if it is not stated. "acceptedAnswer": { To make It was a pleasure speaking with you more casual, we can conveniently replace it with either Nice talking to you or Nice catching up with you.. ", "How are you doing?" I would like to offer you a place at our company if youre willing to take it. Do I need a thermal expansion tank if I already have a pressure tank? This way of responding is best to be used if you are excited about building a new working relationship with a new person, your colleague, at work. Our goal is to create English lessons that are easy to understand for everyone. You may also like: 12 Better Ways To Say Nice To Meet You Online (Zoom Or Email). While similar to being delighted, there are still different ways we can use nice, like so: Again, we can use a more powerful word than nice to reply to nice meeting you. Changing the reply to It was a pleasure meeting you is a great way to show that youre enthusiastic and happy that you met your business partner. They really helped me to figure things out. { 10 Best Ways To Say It Was Nice to Meet You | Business English Thank you, I had a great time learning about the business today. Use it in formal conversation when someone thanks you for doing a favor, and you want to respond in a way that tells them that you were very happy to help and that you enjoyed it. This article will explore some available alternatives. You might think that the reason is in the very person whom we have to respond to since not all the people we meet are nice. (but only if you mean it) Im glad we could have this discussion. This is a great email opener especially when we want to formally introduce ourselves to a business prospect or a possible employer." But what if you got to know the person via email, for example? Thank you. So when people say nice to meet you, how to respond correctly? It is intended to show that whatever you did you were very happy to do so. The pleasure's mine. If it feels a bit too formal, you can always just say "Same here" as Maulik suggested. Can I tell police to wait and call a lawyer when served with a search warrant? Most people would say that I had a great time with you works best after an informal date. Thank you again for your time todayit was truly a pleasure meeting with you! 4. Could you please help me a bit? I would just say "Yeah, you too!". B: Wish we had more time to talk earlier. At the end of this article, I will point out a couple of expressions that are mainly found in email correspondence. Its up to you to determine whether you want to use it formally or informally. Me: It was my pleasure! "text": "It is grammatically correct to say “It was a pleasure speaking with you yesterday” because the time expression “yesterday” precisely coincides with the verb tense in this sentence. See you around! 4 What can I say instead of it was a pleasure? pleasure for you and implies that youre looking forward to doing it again. Again, steering away from the outright replies, you might want to use something like this to set up a second meeting. 27 Ways to Say Nice to Meet You in Speaking & Writing English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. Give me a call whenever you want to do this again. Also is another word we can use to flip the greeting into a reply, should we need to. That way, I can pencil it into my diary. I hope thats the first of many meetings we have together. I think its wise if we set up another meeting with a few other leaders. It was great meeting you also, and I hope there will be plenty more opportunities for us to meet in the future. This is why, in this article we decided to investigate a bit and we tried to collect as many nice to meet you alternatives as possible. Like this, you will show that you do care for them, and besides, everyone loves to be recognized and to be some kind of famous! WebOther ways to say nice to meet you in an email are, It has been a pleasure connecting, I look forward to hearing from you, fondly and blessed to connect.. Im glad that things have been looking up for you. Meeting you was the highlight of my week. However, it is also not necessary that much, in fact. If you want to go all Agatha Christie or Dorothy Sayers on him, you respond, "Likewise, I'm sure." I say simply You too. Or Thanks, you too. Which means (It was nice talking to) you too. With respect to Maulik V's answer above, I'd say that "Same What should I reply to a person telling me? So if this is what you truly feel, go ahead and use this reply! rev2023.3.3.43278. We could specify when the talk or discussion happened by using time expressions like yesterday, last week, this morning, and so on. It was nice talking to you works well here too. Is it possible to rotate a window 90 degrees if it has the same length and width? Ive really missed our formal chats outside of the workplace. There are some better alternatives, though, and this article will explore them. Similar to It was lovely seeing you, I had a lovely time with you also bears a warm and intimate connotation. } What sort of strategies would a medieval military use against a fantasy giant? Yes, it was. I am glad to meet you too. Being polite is a good and socially approved way of showing your respect to other people around you. It was great meeting you. { WebThe word "meet" can mean two different things - to get together with someone you already know, or to see and speak with someone for the first time. If you had an eye-opening conversation with them, its worth using a phrase like this to show them that they are valued. From the data, we can draw a few conclusions: All possible choices (of to talk or talking, and of talk to or talk with) are acceptable (or at least can be said "in use"). To many ways to vary it, more results for "is all", or 'it' instead of pleasure, or simply "all mine" in response. Ill let you know what I decide once Ive had some time to think things through. It was nice meeting you, too. I wish we could prolong the 54 Ways To Say "It Was a Pleasure Working With You" 12 Better Ways To Say Nice To Meet You Online (Zoom Or Email). How to Respond to Nice to Meet You In Email? "@type": "Answer", If the verb is in the present tense, it's not going to be used when the event is almost over or after it is finished. Im having a party at my home on Sunday. Our goal is to create English lessons that are easy to understand for everyone. I hope we can do it again as soon as the new findings come through. You helped teach me a lot about this stuff. -Nice talking to you too. { Meet You -Yes, catch you later! Appreciated shows that you value their time, but you met with them previously rather than trying to set up a meeting at present. you can also say same meaning as above. It was nice to make your acquaintance, and I must say, Im incredibly excited to start working with you next week. When compared to It was a pleasure speaking with you, this expression is inarguably more casual because of the usage of the idiomatic verb phrase to catch up.. establish strong and positive social bonds. Ill be happy to help where I can. Lets meet again. When talking in present tense, to talk to is the favored one. ", -I feel the same. We should hang out again soon. You can also use it as a response when someone introduces themselves to you. 1 How do you respond to it was a pleasure talking with you? I hope well be working closely in the future. It was a pleasure speaking with you is just a slightly more formal version of It was a pleasure talking to you, but both essentially suggest the same meaning. Lovely is a slightly more informal adjective in this case, so it works best when youve already set up a comfortable and familiar relationship with the recipient. It's not nice, it's not appropriate, but in my humble opinion, it is the best. If youve just finished speaking to someone in a formal setting, you might want to say something positive when saying goodbye. (I would probably not actually say this one, but 'me too' seems to be used more and more these days as a generic response, even if the logic doesn't work: A: It was good to see you again. We can use It was a pleasure speaking with you when emailing a person that has recently been introduced to us by another person. I look forward to hearing from you again soon! you TWYL. Its a pleasure to meet you Pleasure to meet you too It was nice meeting you too The pleasure is mine Formal and Informal: Its very nice to meet you Nice to meet you too Lovely to meet you. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. It was a very eye-opening meeting, and I learned a lot from your insight. We can make use of this expression when we talk to someone that we highly respect or admire a lot. Nice to I believe this is the start of a strong working relationship. ", which is an issue raised by an ELL member, syntaxerror, that "It was nice talking to you." What is the answer to it was a pleasure meeting you. (8 Better Alternatives), 12 Better Ways To Say Best Regards (Professional Email), 9 Other Ways to Say Im Good At on a Resume, 10 Polite Ways to Say No Visitors after Surgery, 11 Best Ways to Say Im Here for You to a Loved One, 10 Professional Ways to Say I Am Not Feeling Well. Read more about Martin here. Welcome to Grammarhow!We are on a mission to help you become better at English. Im intrigued to learn more about you. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Thanks so much to you! if some one send to me: it was a real pleasure meeting you, what is the best to reply with? How to create your own style, how to look beautiful, and select trendy colors for your hair - these are just a few of many issues Kate will happily explain in Beezzly Beauty blogs! As a texted response, it would be okay with a friend. Thank you for setting this meeting up. I enjoyed your company too. How do you respond to it was a pleasure talking with you? Please do not hesitate to contact me if theres anything else you need. In this case, it is a noun. }. The phrase is a response to thank you and similar to youre welcome, but with a little more politeness. We can shorten thank you to thanks in informal situations. What if its your new colleague? But it does sound as if you are in a hurry to say good bye. It was a real pleasure talking to you, sir. You might want to set up a second meeting as a reply, and we can do so like this: Martin holds a Masters degree in Finance and International Business. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. You can use speaking and talking synonymously, and this phrase works well when you want to show that youve had an enjoyable time with someone in a formal situation. Watch the video: Only 1 percent of our visitors get these 3 grammar questions right 10 Best Ways to Say You Havent Met Someone, 9 Ways to Say It Was a Pleasure Doing Business with You, 12 Best Replies To Nice Meeting You On Email (Business Context), 9 Better Ways to Say The Pleasure Is All Mine, 9 Other Ways to Say Im Good At on a Resume, 10 Polite Ways to Say No Visitors after Surgery, 11 Best Ways to Say Im Here for You to a Loved One, 10 Professional Ways to Say I Am Not Feeling Well. What is the best time / are the best times for a meeting? Thank you so much! It was a pleasure talking to you. This reply actually works two ways. In this case, check out a few alternatives to nice to meet you reply we have prepared for you below! Watch the video: Only 1 percent of our visitors get these 3 grammar questions right Nice To Meet You Vs Nice Meeting You? I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation is a great choice for formal situations. Are you a native speaker? It was a great pleasure meeting you! It was nice to catch up, Barry. pleasure meeting you Hes a great guy. "@type": "Answer", I know youre very busy, but Im glad we could talk through a few of these things. Let me know if theres anything else you need from me at any point. Highly formalistic in tonality, It was an honor to speak with you is something we would use in special cases. It was nice to meet you yesterday. How Do You Respond to Nice to Meet You? And you too, is the best way to respond to it was a pleasure talking with you. We say thank you because the person speaking to us is being polite and kind. It was nice to hear a different perspective for a change to get an idea about things. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. It is common to respond simply with "Likewise". What Is the Difference Between 'Man' And 'Son of Man' in Num 23:19? I started playing the guitar recently for my pastime. Why is this sentence from The Great Gatsby grammatical? Apart from that, these positive parting messages also serve a deeper social purpose. the other (day/night) "The other day" means "a few days ago". You deserve to be happy with your choices. It is common to respond simply with Likewise, or with It is nice to meet you too. Hey fellow Linguaholics! }, Like It was an honor to speak with you, It was a privilege to meet you also bears a very respectful, cautious tone. A more general and casual alternative than It was a pleasure speaking with you, It was great seeing you works well in close-knit relationships as well. ', Sounds awkward to me - the 'thank you' starts off more formal, but then 'same here' isn't. The first one is extremely informal & actually doesn't make a great deal of sense if you analyse it, but it's a common form. This seems like the tongue-in-cheek dark, twisted brit humour Best reply for is was a pleasure meeting you [closed], We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Concise words for "completed" and "planned" tasks in meeting minutes, How should I reply to "Dude, are you there?". It was lovely to meet you. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. It should be written as such, It is very nice to meet you, or It is a pleasure to meet you, that would be present tense. when I'm about to leave. It was a pleasure meeting you. - Phrasebook - lingoneo Although Speak with and Speak to can be used interchangeably, there is a very slight difference in tone and urgency. There's a whole range of possible answers, ranging from "Thank you" to "The pleasure was mine", with some neutral and perhaps even derogatory replies possible (try to avoid the derogatory ones :) ). I hope all is well with you too, and I look forward to future engagements in the company. It simply means youre welcome. Furthermore, When someone says the pleasure is all mine it is generally said when you are first meeting someone or when you are thanking someone. For example: One person will say It is nice to meet you and the other will reply The pleasure is all mine., From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (its) my pleasurespoken used when someone has thanked you for doing something and you want to say that you were glad to do it pleasureExamples from the Corpus(its) my pleasure Thanks for coming. My pleasure.. Why does Mister Mxyzptlk need to have a weakness in the comics. It helped to ease my mind about the way things are going right now. There are a couple of other things that I would like to go through with you. 3. Was a Pleasure Speaking With You or perhaps "Same here!" But in formal contexts, I might say "The pleasure Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. It only works when meeting someone for the first time, though. I hope we can do this again soon works when you want to talk to someone again. Example: A: It Im glad we could meet. "Although I'm leaving, I wanted to tell you what a pleasure it was being your colleague." Styling contours by colour and by line thickness in QGIS. If its in the beginning of the conversation, you may say, We will surely be in touch. I had a great time learning today. Something like it was a pleasure speaking with you works well. It's a bit formal. pleased to meet you phrase (en.oxforddictionaries.com) Said on being introduced to someone.
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how to respond to it was a pleasure meeting you