Microsoft Security Essentials AKA MSE for short has quickly become one of the top free antivirus clients in a very short time frame. After all who better then Microsoft to protect their own operating system. MSE came out of Live One Care. A product that was a paid antivirus solution from Microsoft. The product never really took off and with all the bad press about Windows vulnerabilities out there they ended up creating a free AV product that we now know of as MSE.
This product is one of’s favorite free clients. You get real time protection and updates from the Man it’s self. Some don’t like it just because they don’t like Microsoft but I have always been a fan of them. They provide one of the leading products ever that changed the way everyone lives.
There is no paid version currently that you can upgrade to. It’s all free. If you are going to not purchase an antivirus client you should consider using this as your many source of protection. I have personally noticed however that this client seems to be disabled more often by viruses then other clients. Not sure why. It does not provide browser protection like the paid product Spyware Doctor with Antivirus. This is something that the program is currently lacking and should be added on.
With all that said we love this free antivirus client and would recommend it as the main source of protection over most other free clients on the market. Still a paid client is better but M has produced a great product here.
I have Mircosoft Secruity Essentails, and I have virus’s in my computer sop bad and try to clean it off but why didn’t my virus secruity catch it before my computer gotten worst. I took my computer for a tune-up and they said I have few virus’s. Please I have no ,oney and I need these out and my computer keeps freezen and pop – ups and shuting down
If you are infected with a virus I suggest you type in the virus name in the search area and find the virus removal guide related to your threat. That our read through our articles and how to guides to learn generic ways of removing viruses.