Contact Us

You can leave a message on your specific virus threat under the appropriate virus removal guide.. If your looking for support on a specific virus we only answer questions via the board and not through e-mail. This is so everyone can read the solution. Again DO NOT ASK FOR HELP VIA E-MAIL. Post your question in the comments section of the correct virus guide. For all other inquiries we will get back to you as soon as we can. is in NO way affiliated with any of the viruses on this site. The makers of these viruses are out to steal your money and take advantage of you in every way that they can. does not condone their actions and that is why we work so hard to bring you up to date virus removal guides to help you out.

You can e-mail us at

Mailing Address:

292 EVA ST
P.O. Box 1609, SAINT PAUL MN 55107-1605

Virus Removal Guide Request

If you are infected with a virus and there is no guide on the RV website please drop us a line about it.  You need to include the name of the virus so we can do proper research on the threat.  If possible please also include where you got infected so we can download a live sample of the virus. cannot be held liable for any damages that may occur from using our community virus removal guides. Viruses cause damage and unless you know what you are doing you may loose your data. We strongly suggest you backup your data before you attempt to remove any virus. Each product or service is a trademark of their respective company. We do make a commission off of each product we recommend. This is how is able to keep writing our virus removal guides. All Free based antivirus scanners recommended on this site are limited. This means they may not be fully functional and limited in use. A free trial scan allows you to see if that security client can pick up the virus you are infected with.