Fake Security and Antiviurs Products have been around a very long time. These types of programs go by hundreds of different names and new ones are created every day. Often times experts will refer to this type of virus as Scareware, rouge clients, misleading clients and fake clients. The goal of a fake client product is simple. Scare the user or trick the user into purchasing the fake product. They do this though many different means. Showing fake security warnings, false scans, re-directing the user to the fake products website. Often times when users are infected with such clients they will notice that they can not update or install other security products. As well they might have their browser block many security websites as well. This is an effort to frustrate the user and ultimately con them into purchasing the product.
What to do if you purchase Fake Security and Antiviurs Products?
The first thing to do is call up your card company and place a block on the card. You will also need to tell them about the site and to reverse the card charges. You will want to have a new credit card issued. There is no point in taking any chances.
What to do if you are infected with a fake security client?
You have dozens of options open to you. You can always search our site for your particular fake client and read the manual removal instructions. We also do recommend SpyHunter. This is one of the better known products that can remove all most any fake security client. Another great option for others is to hire a pro to remove the threat. we do strongly suggest anyone with limited computer knowledge to go this route.
How did I get infected with the fake client?
In most cases people get infected through what is known as a drive by download. A user following a link from a search engine like google or a social networking site for instance. Once the user visits the website a code is executed and a program attempts to exploit a hole in your computer to download and install a trojan virus. Once installed this virus will then go out and attempt to download and install several other programs onto your computer. Another popular method is from fake video codecs. A user visits a site and then follows a link to watch a video. The user is then prompted to install a video codec or patch of some kind to watch the video. Once the user installs the codec or fake patch they then become infected.
How to prevent fake clients and other viruses?
The best solution to prevent virus infections is to take a proactive measure. Always have an antivirus and antispyware program installed on your computer. ensure you keep that product up to date. If using a free client you need to ensure that client provides active protection and not passive protection. Those who use free clients need to understand that most free products have ZERO live protection. Also that those products are usually stripped down version of a the full product. We do recommend purchasing a security client. This will ensure support and timely updates for that client. Never install software from a site that you do not trust. This is simple enough.
If you click on a link from a website that is not known or that you may have suspicions about and it auto prompts you to install software do not. Many sites that try to push software on you may not let you hit the back button or even close the web browser. In these situations you should use the alt+F4 key together to close the active window. As well you can end the application by opening up the task manager and under the applications tab you should be able to end the process. to open up the task manager hold down ctrl + alt + del.
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